Who Are Tired of Working Hard For Little Return And Having A Sneaking Suspicion You Are Over-Complicating This Abundance Game, And Ready To Let It Be Simple To Build Your Goddess Empire So You Do What You Love While Helping To Wake Up The Planet!

I like to get real and don't want to waste your time or mine.

Bottom line?

I want to help you make more money.

Because YOU making money means:

  • You've cracked the code on manifesting and don't depend on anyone outside you to feel secure
  • You're enjoying options -- setting your own schedule, spending time with family, nurturing your Goddess soul and womanly temple with self-care, and taking time off when you FEEL like it
  • You're another visionary woman who KNOWS her value, is giving your gifts and is having a greater influence without feeling hindered by "money problems"

YOU making more money means more freedom.

And I am devoted and ALL IN for women's freedom.

Cuz women's freedom is good for EVERYONE.

Not only is it good for you... your soul, your body, your mind, your purpose, your sex life and your bank account... 

It's good for your kids, your relationships and the planet.

What I know to be true IN MY BONES is that women entrepreneurs and evolutionary leaders LIKE YOU are ushering in the new paradigm... 


And you need to be resourced, right?

You've got a mission to light up the world with and can't be preoccupied with money.

So, let me say it again.

I want to help you make more money.

Let's start with $10,000!

How about $10,000 in one month.

Have you made $10,000 in one month?

Or, maybe it will be your next $10,000 month.

It's a game changer.

I remember when I made my first $10k month.

It felt like an initiation. Something literally shifted inside me.

A cosmic shift.

My perception of myself and what was possible leapt into a new realm of consciousness.

Part of what was so mind-blowing about it?

My first year of business I didn't even make $10,000. THE WHOLE YEAR.

(I used to be super embarrassed about that.)

So, yeah. It was BIGGGGGG!

I changed the trajectory of my business AND did a happy dance that I made as much money in a month as I had once in a year.

Since then I've gone on to make many $10,000 months.

I went to make $10,000 weeks... And $10,000 hours.

What's more fulfilling to me is that I've helped women create their first... or next... $10K months, weeks and hours.

So why not YOU?!

No, I actually don't want to hear your reasons why not!

I want to hear your reasons WHY.

And there are plenty of them!

You are:

  • Creative
  • Worthy
  • Bad ass
  • Talented
  • Awesome at what you do
  • Innovative
  • Deserving
  • Making a difference


That's just the beginning of what we BOTH know to be a very very very long list of reasons why you can and should be creating $10k months (at least). 

I want you to be happy, fulfilled, secure and free.

I'm on a mission to undo the Feminine oppression and make sure we have NO MORE UNDER EARNING change agents who are suffocating in limiting money beliefs and not getting their medicine out to the world. 

You know what I mean?!

This money revolution is ON!


I want to make this easy for you.

Who am I? I am Kendra E Thornbury. A spiritual entrepreneur, humanitarian and wealth consciousness coach. I help fabulous women change agents, healers and leaders - like you - double and triple your income so you have the influence you are here to make.

After building my business to multiple-6 figures and living the freedom lifestyle while traveling the world for 5+ years, I have put my roots down in the beautiful hills of Boise, Idaho.

Having pledged to create a career of purpose WHILE living on my terms, I know what it takes to start from ZERO business know-how to massive success--all while being true to who I am.

I am known for my soulful depth,
enlivening the Feminine and no BS approach.


Last month I created a simple guide for the women in my Wealthy Goddess Coaching Program.

When I got it from my designer, I was all like, "Hot damn!"

I distilled the work down to 5 steps. I took the mystery out of it. And my designer made it pretty.

I think you'd love to access this guide.

What I know about soul-rich women (who don't like to be put in a box) is that one of your downfalls is that you OVER COMPLICATE things.

Oh, and you think there's some "key" out there that others know about that you don't.

First, it's easier than you make it.

Second, there's no fucking key out there!

With that...

IF you are ready to make your first $10,000 month, week or hour I highly recommend you make this investment.

There is MONEY to be made and you're going to make it.

So Let's Talk Details! Here's What You Get!

"Your First Or Next $10,000 Month, Week or Hour! A Simple Success Guide For Wealthy Goddesses"


  • 5 Seminars & Handouts I refer to in the guide that my Wealthy Goddess women get access to as part of their Coaching Program. I'll GIVE YOU THOSE.
    HINT: Topics include marketing and sales.
  • LIVE Money Mindset Seminar. The Steps and content you'll get is great, but I guarantee you if you are carrying around garbage thinking and wallowing in limited thinking, it's not going to work. So I'm going to help you align with a mindset that matches the kind of $10K results you want.
  • BONUS Videos with tips to help you stay on track.

Your $10K Investment

$197 or 2 PAYMENTS OF $99

FULL PAY: $197

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(2 easy payments of $99.
Payments will be processed in 30 day intervals.)

Rest easy – your order will be processed on secure servers.



Listen up you glorious change agent.

You can resist or hide... but your purpose is going to get louder and louder.

The struggle is going to get more real if you keep denying the riches that come with being aligned.


You can drop the drama, rise up and sort out your money freedom once and for all.

I want to help you make money so you:

  • Enjoy a fancy pants lifestyle
  • Nourish your being in all ways
  • Provide for your family with ease
  • Contribute to causes and help co-create a new economy

Let's DO this!

I am thrilled to serve you.

Will all that I am,



Kendra E Thornbury, MA














P.S. It's so time to get your money making ON.


Tand Pryor

THREE 10K Clients In Less Than 30 Days

"I have been following what Kendra said and implemented as directed.

I am happy to say I now have THREE 10K clients.

I am so grateful to be a part of Kendra's world!"

Tand Pryor,
Megan Walrod

I Celebrated A $10K Month

"Before working with Kendra, I was working as a lead coach and trainer for a 7 million dollar company in the market industry.

I had coached hundreds of clients on the path to 6-figures and beyond; I knew what it took to be successful.

So when it came time to step out on my own again, I knew I needed support. And Kendra was the coach for me.

There are so many reasons why I chose to work with Kendra.

Yet the 2 most important gifts she brings to the table are these: She blends compassionate sensitivity with a kick-ass attitude.

She calls me out, gently and fiercely. She supports me in stretching beyond my comfort zone in sustainable and consistent ways.

Kendra also weaves together the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in her coaching style. Her authentic embodiment of both inspires and guides me. In the past, I pushed too much in growing my business and burned out. This time, I'm growing my business in a more balanced way.

And the results are phenomenal.

In learning how to surrender and receive, I celebrated my first $10K/month.

I'm experiencing powerful transformations in my business and my life through working with Kendra."

Megan Walrod,

$197 or 2 PAYMENTS OF $99

FULL PAY: $197

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(2 easy payments of $99.
Payments will be processed in 30 day intervals.)

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