A Gift In Service To Your
Most Rich, Alive, Prosperous
Year Ever

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You CAN have what you most desire
and you DO have the power to create it.
All you need is to plug into what matters to you most, make a decision to LIVE it, and apply proven strategies to make it manifest.
In this gift, you receive:
- My “2016 TOP 16 Success Formula”
- A 2016 “End of Year Inventory”
- What you need to do ensure greater prosperity in 2017
- 3 essentials to get clear on to rock out the new year

Kendra E Thornbury, MA
Kendra helps soul-centered women & evolutionary leaders create spiritual and financial freedom so that you have a greater impact & make more money... all while being true to who you are!
She makes it easy for those called to serve the awakening on the planet to effectively help more people while doubling, tripling or quadrupling your income.
Copyright © 2016 Kendra E Thornbury. All Rights Reserved.