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The stress-free solution to MORE abundance and money!

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The Checklist Giveaway runs from Friday, July 15th to Sunday, July 31st
All Checklist Giveaway contributors are independent business owners and are operating in conjunction, but separately from the ‘Checklist Giveaway’ promotion.
In this simple handout, you get:
- Insight into one of the scientifically proven keys to success
- What it takes to stop efforting, pushing and struggling your way to results -- and instead tap the flow of prosperity with ease
- A checklist of the top mistaken money beliefs (so you can more clearly let go of your blocks)
- New affirming money beliefs that will empower you to live in harmony and abundance with money (you can print this out to help create your new money habits)
Here's to freedom on your terms and true wealth!
With all that I am,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA
Kendra helps her clients create spiritual and financial freedom so that they have a greater impact & make more money....all while being true to who they are!
Kendra E Thornbury, MA
Copyright © 2016 Kendra E Thornbury. All Rights Reserved.