Make More Money and
Help More People in 2015!
Get the inside scoop from a multi-6-figure-down-to-earth-business-diva ready to give you instant access to the nuts & bolts that will make it happen.
I'm Kendra E Thornbury.
LISTEN UP... I have an easy way for you to reach your business goals in 2015.
But before I get there, I want to tell you something personal.
Not long ago I was struggling.
After a series of challenges that kicked my spiritual butt about 7 years ago, I struck out on my own as a visionary idealist, not knowing anything about building a business.
I was scared to put myself out there.
I didn't know how to market.
My skin crawled at the thought of sales.
Money was a source of constant stress for me.
But like you, I had a burning desire to live my souls purpose and I was NOT about to sacrifice my dreams!
So I persisted.
In what has felt like a blink of an eye, I've transformed from the mediocrity, scarcity and struggle to the new world of prosperity, ease and joy.
The results have been astounding. A dream come true.
I've built a thriving multi 6-figure business where I get to do what I love serving women (like you!) and make good money doing it.
I have multiple streams of income,
I have the resources to travel
and spend time with family,
and…. my soul is rejoicing because
I'm being true to myself and making a difference.
It's everything I want.
This is what I want for you. YOUR version of your dream come true.
If you’re here, your dream includes making a difference. AND... making a lot more money doing it.
You know that 2015 is your breakout year.
You want access to timely, cutting edge, valuable information that will catapult your business results.
You want to get results faster, and this means knowing exactly what to put your attention on so that you don't waste time sifting through all the programs out there.
Not only that, you are ready to implement and you just want the basics broken down for you so can get on with your purpose and make a greater impact.
I'm ready to give you access to the juicy insider goodness that, until now, has ONLY been available to my coaching clients.
Here's what I've got for you:
Cutting edge, proven strategies that create
6-figures and more at a really accessible price.
Through my own sweat and tears, I've invested thousands of hours and over $150,000 to gain access to this information. This is what I've personally used to transform from struggling to pay bills to 6 figures.
It's the same information that my Wealthy Goddess Coaching Program clients receive, but I'm about to give it to you at a much lower investment.
A glimpse of what you’re going to get:
Here's what I've decided to do...
My Wealthy Goddess Coaching Program runs between $6,000 and $17,000.
![]() "I first joined the Wealthy Goddess Platinum coaching program after witnessing Kendra work miracles during the three day retreat. I knew that my next step was to say yes to signing up to have Kendra as my mentor. But truthfully, it was a lot of money to pay each month! In our ‘enrolling conversation' Kendra found some of my mindset blocks and gave me a strategy for how to bring in the clients to pay for coaching with her. Here's the crazy part….with just one email, I brought in $23,000 of business from the idea and encouragement that Kendra gave me. Three days after I said yes to working with Kendra, I got the biggest speaking ‘gig' of my career. It seemed that the Universe knew that I was now REALLY SERIOUS about playing a bigger game and so was responding to my taking action. That was just the beginning. Kendra supported me through more launches, more marketing strategies, and all the strategic and tactical pieces necessary to run a six figure business (without struggling in the ways I used to). But the best part in my opinion is who I have become while working with this amazingly powerful woman. I have shifted my business from one that is making good money…but running me, to one that is designed to allow me to have the lifestyle freedom and time to enjoy the things I value. I have tapped more deeply into the powerful woman and healer that I am, and the work I have done with clients has ramped up as well. As Kendra has worked with me to more fully own my value I, in turn, can take a bigger stand for my clients and I see their results improving too. The first time around to sign up for the program was a challenge to say yes to because of the money. I had never paid a coach that much. I'm signing up for another six months and this time around it's a no-brainer! I'd pay whatever Kendra charges because the value I have received has been business and life altering and I'm forever grateful." Therese Skelly |
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In my program, clients get over 17 Biz and Money Acceleration Seminars. They also receive group coaching, 1:1 coaching and live retreats in places like Sedona and Kauai.
But some of you don't want all that. You just want the right information.
So, here you go!
I'm giving you access to 12 months of the Biz and Money Acceleration Seminars for a low monthly investment!
Cool, huh?
Here's what you get:
Audio Recordings of Seminars
Seminar recordings are provided to you so you can download to your favorite listening device, tune in at your convenience and add to your success library to enjoy for years to come.
Beautiful PDF's with Key Highlights & Exercises
Insight without action is just mental masturbation! That’s why with each seminar
you receive a handout and an assignment. Guaranteed growth and results when
you implement!
Monthly Accountability Reports
Staying accountable to yourself is KEY to your success. That’s why each month, you’ll complete an Accountability Report.
This monthly report will help keep you on track, moving you towards your goals and putting focus on breaking through any challenges you may be coming up against.
Access to Membership Site
All the content you get is conveniently housed over on our
Membership Site, a password protected space that will allow
you to easily stay organized and motivated to continue
utilizing the information. Easy breezy!
BONUS Seminars with My Hand-Picked Successful Business Guest Experts:
BONUS 1~ Emotional Intelligence with Susan Liddy
(How does it help or hinder your money success?)
BONUS 2~ Claim Your Queendom! with King Rono
(How To Own Your Goddess Power For Greater Confidence in Marketing & Money)
BONUS 3~ Heart-Centered Booking with Jessica Salzman
(Get Clear & Confident With Money Literacy 101)
Whether you are starting your business, ready to blast through the 6 figure mark or already make 6 figures, there's something here for you.
The material includes cutting edge techniques that - when applied - I GUARANTEE you will see a jump in your income.
(Just ONE of the strategies tripled my income!)
Imagine taking out the guess work and receiving guidance on the essentials that will take your business to the next level.
I look forward to serving you!
With all that I am,
Kendra E Thornbury, MA
When I enroll in this special offer, I will receive:
*In making this investment in my business and financial freedom, I commit to creating results. I understand payments will be processed every 30 days. I understand there are no refunds.
Now, you may be saying to yourself,
"Kendra, this sounds REALLY great. I am excited
grow my business and income. There are
so many
programs to choose from. Tell me
more about
what's in these seminars."
Let me reveal more for you...
Here are real examples of the content you receive in 8 of the seminars.
I TOLD you it was cool, right?!
The seminars are power-packed and the material is proven. Part of success is simply using strategies that work!
Click the payment button NOW and let's get started!
When I enroll in this special offer, I will receive:
*In making this investment in my business and financial freedom, I commit to creating results. I understand payments will be processed every 30 days. I understand there are no refunds.
"I celebrated a $10K/month within 3 months"
There are so many reasons why I chose to work with Kendra. Yet the 2 most important gifts she brings to the table are these: She blends compassionate sensitivity with a kick-ass attitude. She calls me out, gently and fiercely. This is a powerful and effective combo for me. She supports me in stretching beyond my comfort zone in sustainable and consistent ways. Kendra also weaves together the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in her coaching style. Her authentic embodiment of both inspires and guides me. In the past, I pushed too much in growing my business and burned out. This time, I'm growing my business in a more balanced way. And the results are phenomenal. In learning how to surrender and receive, I celebrated a $10K/month within 3 months of going out on my own to grow my business again. That same month I fell in love and my man whisked me away for a week in Hawaii! (A surprising and exciting benefit of all the receiving I was practicing!) I'm experiencing powerful transformations in my business and my life through working with Kendra. And I'm excited to continue working with her in the year ahead." Megan Walrod |
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"The biggest difference for me has been the mindset shift I have been able to make which I have found to be the foundation to a truly successful 6 figure business! Kendra is masterful at seeing what is holding me back and highlighting my strengths so that I can be the coach and leader I am meant to be. With the guidance of Kendra, I have consistently attracted new clients into my business. I also started my first online homestudy course called "Sweet Success: 4 Week Sugar Boot Camp", attracting women from all over the world! I have taken on new challenges that I never thought I would be ready for but thanks to Kendra's guidance and support, I have exceeded my professional goals quicker than I had planned for!" Elisa Haggarty |
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"Within a matter of less than 2 months, I had a significant new income stream"
Who else knows so much about marketing and business, while being rooted in an authentic, empowered, spiritual self? After coaching with her, I became clear on how to package a whole new area of my expertise and designed a new program. Not only that, her advice helped me market it - client attraction was easy! Within a matter of less than 2 months, I had a significant new income stream. Thank you to Kendra for the inspiration, tools, direction, and creativity that allowed me to be authentically successful doing what I LOVE!" Christine StevensAuthor |
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"$84,000 From One Course Launch, Built Dream Team, Sharing My Purpose Fully!"
My business is thriving with multiple 6 figures, I've built my dream team, I've successful launched 3 programs, the first time bringing in $17,000 and the 2nd over $54,000 and the 3rd $84,000. I have overcome deep seated fears of feeling like I am doing something wrong when I share my gifts and am completely out of the woo woo closet, proudly sharing my purpose and authentically shining my light brightly. I am positioned as a more visible and powerful leader in my industry and now ideal clients and opportunities come to me easily and abundantly. I am having the impact I am here to have and have superstar clients that I love to work with from all over the world. My Egypt tours and programs sell out and have waiting lists. My business income has tripled since this time last year, and I'm on track for generating my ideal money goals. I'm more at peace than I've ever been living my freedom based lifestyle (just spent a month in France!), and am living in the stream of well being. I am in alignment with my profound gifts and talents and am sharing my purpose fully." Danielle Rama Hoffman
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"Purpose & Business Has Taken Off. Two 5 Figure Launches"
With her support, my purpose business has taken off to new heights with media appearances and two 5 figure launches. Kendra is a healer's healer, and a teacher's teacher: passionate, insightful and spiritually intelligent. She has a revolutionary approach to wealth that has changed the lives of many women entrepreneurs, including my own."
Robyn McKay, PhD |
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"My Business Went Over The 6-Figure Mark"
But this is about my entrepreneurial journey and my work with Kendra in her Wealthy Goddess program. When I came aware of Kendra, I knew I had to take a bigger risk and invest in myself in a much deeper way. Private coaching with this woman who was doing it differently was my breakthrough to the next level of success. This is what I knew I needed to get unstuck and to work at the level that I desired in order to be able to be the transformational coach I knew I was. So let me say that Kendra was the ‘quiet storm’ in my upleveling and stepping into who I came here to be. She challenged me to go deeper in a way that was absolutely necessary for my transformation and to understanding wealth consciousness ... and receiving it to live an awake, fulfilled and on purpose life. Because I refused to give up when nothing seems to be working and yet it was working behind the scene with unseen forces bringing it all to me. My only job was to finally go for it and ask for it… which I did and in under 4 weeks I received $85k and my business went over the $6-figure mark. To say if working with Kendra was the best decisions I have ever made is a … YES YES! I now work with women from all over the world and it is simply because of the woman I have become. I will be forever grateful for what Kendra has modeled for me in what is truly possible!" Dorris Burch
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"Income Grew 7 Times In 30 Days!"
I knew without a doubt that from there I needed to coach with Kendra. Within the first 30 days of our time together, I attracted my first high end client, growing my income 7 times what it was. And it was easy! I can't say enough about how grateful I am. In 20 years of psychotherapy I did not have the breakthroughs as I have with Kendra. In just 4 coaching sessions, I've cracked things open. Rooted in the Divine Feminine, she listens in such a clear way, asking insightful questions that have had a profound effect on my life She's catalyzed my actions and results. This is the best money I've ever spent." Pepper Wolfe |
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"3 Perfect Clients In 30 days & Completely Sold Out Event In Hours!"
And then Kendra entered my life and kicked my mindset into the right gear. I've had plenty of coaches and taken all of the courses but Kendra just does things differently, really helping me understand the spiritual and feminine side of my business with a no-excuses attitude. Within the first 30 days of working with her, I had attracted 3 perfect clients with ease and grace and completely sold out of an upcoming event within hours (without ever officially launching it!). Putting my hiking shoes back into the closet... Gratitude overflowing Kendra!" Stacy Nelson
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"I Brought In $2,000 In Just Four Hours"
Since working with Kendra, I have embraced the feminine goddess in me. I now stand tall in ALL that I am and have learned to love to speak my truths. I understand there is a whole Universe on my side that wants to help me and this has allowed me to shed those beliefs and clients that no longer serve me. I am truly on my path to serving in a matter which is congruent within me and which brings me an immense amount of joy each and every day. In one day I launched a course where I brought in $2000 in just four hours. In my traditional practice it would take me several months to make that same money with so few clients. She has helped me break the paradigm where I am not worthy and truly helped me know and share my value with the world." Kevra Cherne
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"Doubled My Income Doing What I Love"
After working with her for six months, I've developed clarity and focus, have attracted the perfect clients to work with, and have doubled my income doing what I love. She has done her own work - in mind, body, and spirit - and it shows in the quality of her programs. I love working with her because her enthusiasm is contagious, she joyfully and bravely walks the successes and the messes with me, and she is true and authentic to the core." Christina McDowell
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"I Made More $ in 4 Months than the Past 2 Years!"
Absolutely! Making this commitment to myself made me put my physical energy (money and body) and ethereal energy (thoughts, emotions and spirit) into action every single day! Kendra's compassionate, yet no nonsense support coupled with her incredible intuition inspired me to finally take a course of action that reaped the financial rewards I was looking for while still maintaining my values and integrity!" Leslie Ringer
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When I enroll in this special offer, I will receive:
*In making this investment in my business and financial freedom, I commit to creating results. I understand payments will be processed every 30 days. I understand there are no refunds.