In this intriguing 2-hour online seminar, we will delve deep into compelling and new terrain sure to blow your mind open and help you return to the inner knowing that is calling you out.
With her power-house guests, Kendra will guide you in a journey to help you gain clarity so you breakthrough to the next level of your path.
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These women are the REAL DEAL and rare beings who walk a path of impeccability.
Included in this ground-breaking sacred time:
- Why the Feminine is the answer to your yearning for more
- How the RISE of the Feminine will make you a better leader and manifestor
- Insight into our personal journey's (including honest accounts of breakdowns) to unlocking Feminine secrets
- Why things appear to be getting worse on the planet right now (and what you can do about it)
- How to shift the inner barriers that hold you back from the prosperity & success you know you're here for
- How to be part of the revolutionary new consciousness so you create greater meaning, contribution and fulfillment
- Exciting details for the highly acclaimed Wealthy Goddess LIVE event this fall
This is totally unscripted, and the downloads will be profound for those who are open to receive them.
Your Leaders For Your Wealth Power Awakening
Kendra E Thornbury
Kendra is an international highly acclaimed coach, spiritual guide, speaker, facilitator, humanitarian and entrepreneur. She's on the cutting edge of spiritual thought and conscious business practice, blazing a new trail & wealth revolution.

Kendra helps soul-centered women & evolutionary leaders create spiritual and financial
freedom so that they have a greater impact & make more money....all while being true to who they are.
She is passionate about making it easy for those called to serve the awakening on the planet to effectively help more people while doubling, tripling or quadrupling their income so currency in the new paradigm is infused with the heart and care of leaders and change agents who look after our greater good.
With a Masters Degree in Leadership in Humans Systems, she's fascinated by what it takes to live an extraordinary, authentic and prosperous life. She has served as a board member for the Women's Business Exchange, Woman's Way Red Lodge and has been President for the Washington Chapter of the International Coaching Federation.
More importantly, the "life university" has taught her deep lessons of courage, surrender and integrity... from dark nights of the soul to a diagnosis of Epilepsy to mentoring in the women's mysteries. A personal growth junkie, Kendra's latest adventures in challenging the status quo include packing her belongings in storage and traveling for 4 years (and still counting). Her travels include many power-spots such as Bali, Belize, Guatemala, Peru, Kauai and Sedona.
Connor Sauer
Living as Elder, Mother and Grandmother, Connor brings unique skills and perspectives as a pioneering Consciousness Guide and Way-Shower-Navigator. She is fearless, articulate, adventuresome, and most of all- AWAKE and AWARE, with discernment and discretion.

She has experienced more than many women ever dream of, and is just now beginning to share her life's experiences with others. For decades she has been content to guide select women in growing spiritually, but is now being called upon to open up for a higher cause.
The depth of her adventures are grounded in almost 5 decades of close contact with teachers few have touched. She has trained with Indigenous and East Indian Elders and worked with Mentors from different world wisdom traditions and modern Mystical practices.
Known for her keen ability to help you see the truth of who you are, her impeccability, exceptional cutting edge wisdom and riveting presence, her Way-Showing consulting business, Core Alchemy, helps women ready to deepen into their uniqueness of nourishing a world-feeding inner life. She takes women into cutting edge terrain such as the art of deep listening, receptive devotion, relatedness, Stillness without inaction, nourishment without domination, pacing that allows creative, juicy and rooted spirit to emerge... all essential to feminine embodiment.
Julia Mikk
Julia Mikk is an internationally renowned healer, teacher and spiritual guide. She is the founder of Breath of Love movement with certified Breath of Love Practitioners in many countries.

Julia's experiences instantly change people's lives. Her clients come from all over the world to experience the shamanic Breath of Love process, receive a deep emotional and physical healing, and embody courage to live their soul purpose.
Julia brought Breath of Love to life thanks to many powerful awakenings she had with her spiritual teachers. Yet, many of the greatest lessons and awakenings came thanks to her own personal journey which wasn't always easy. She got a chance to move through the times of deep depression, dark nights of the soul, anorexia and bulimia - that's where she learned more than ever before about the power of self-love, oneness, and the true meaning of healing.
Now, Julia masterfully weaves her realizations of non-duality, breathwork, shamanic studies, and psychotherapy into her Breath of Love sessions. Side by side with her spirit guides, angels and ascended masters she helps people experience a powerful liberation from past karmic knots, and clear out the old patterns that are manifesting as lack, worry, fear or health issues. “It is about coming back home to who we really are, and being able to experience deep love and ease in every moment” she says.
Copyright © 2016 Kendra E Thornbury. All Rights Reserved.