The Soul Rich Woman's Path to Prosperity
with Kendra E Thornbury
How To Manifest Your Dream Freedom-Lifestyle Business With Grace & Ease.
"Whether you're brand new to manifesting or a seasoned pro, investing in your self secures your freedom and business future for years to come. I'm ready to show you how, step-by-step, with my highly acclaimed, exciting & exclusive coaching program that gives you the foundation to create the results you desire."
Dear Conscious Woman Entrepreneur & Spiritual Seeker:
Right now, your happier, more abundant, more rich, and less stressed self is much closer than you think. So close in fact, you can "HEAR" it. And once you listen, you're able to give so much more to the world.
From that point forward, you'll finally be free.
Your mind can be free of worries. Your finances can be free of stress. Your spirit can freely express its contributions. Your business can freely be the "conduit" you want it to be. And your soul can feel the natural peace it originated with.
What may surprise you, though, is discovering where this life-changing freedom will come from.
Let me explain.
So many women tell me how much they fear money.
When I ask them what they are scared of... I get common responses like:
And, it gets worse. Guilt, shame, scarcity, debt. Deep down, we've got some core issues, ladies.
What I've discovered was SHOCKINGLY SIMPLE. It was contrary to everything I had been taught. When I consistently applied what I uncovered (and want to show you), my income increased and my business steadily grew.
Since 2010, my business has doubled & tripled. More than once. I'm serving more & more people making multiple 6 figures. Most importantly, I'm living the life that I want to live. I'm not telling you this to show off (although we women do need to celebrate ourselves more often), but to underscore that this stuff works.
Here's some insight into one of the secrets....
We desire more richness in our lives. But our culture is more than a little confused about money – obsessed and repressed, idolizing and condemning.
Not only that, as women we are conditioned early on to discard the most potent and "magical" aspect of our Goddess selves... our femininity.
As a result of the mixed messages and the separation from our feminine essence, our natural ability to manifest and share abundance and prosperity is often oppressed, inhibited, distorted, or even terrifying.
Do you follow me so far? (I know you do; you were attracted to this for a reason.)
Ok, so despite what you've been told and what you may believe, there IS a different way.
When you learn to be at one with money (which I can show you how to do), you will be free.
But first, you need to understand that money is really not about money!
It's true.
Money is really about energy, source, spirit, power.
See, I think all this money scarcity stuff is a spiritual crisis. To heal and expand your relationship with money, to truly welcome the abundance that IS your birthright, you need to tend to it as a spiritual crisis. Believe me, that is GOOD NEWS!
You can feel it, the world’s consciousness has accelerated its pace. Things are falling apart... and a new paradigm is emerging.
We're changing courses, and you can leverage this crisis, this opportunity, to the fullest if you are willing to ride the wave.
If you are ready, you can seriously take your business to the next level. If you ignore these critical collective changes, you will lose serious ground (and continue to strain and suffer unnecessarily)
Let's face it.
It's time for a new model, a new way. And now it that time.
This is why I have created a 7 week coaching intensive.
Now, I have to warn you:
This is only for women who are ready to play big. I take a no excuse approach, and I'm ready to help you blast through your fears & really expand into your prosperity and wealth consciousness.
Not only that, I will show you how to do it in a way that honors your soul. Isn't that the best?
This Coaching Program is uniquely designed so you can:
For years, I've helped spiritually-oriented, conscious women quickly transform their fears and doubts, align with the "magic" of who they really are, tap into the Universal & natural laws and learn how to generate the life and prosperity of their dreams.
The good news is, it often only takes subtle changes and minutes a day to see these results AND an increase in income. Here are some recent celebrations from women I've worked with:
![]() "I first joined the Wealthy Goddess Platinum coaching program after witnessing Kendra work miracles during the three day retreat. I knew that my next step was to say yes to signing up to have Kendra as my mentor. But truthfully, it was a lot of money to pay each month! In our ‘enrolling conversation' Kendra found some of my mindset blocks and gave me a strategy for how to bring in the clients to pay for coaching with her. Here's the crazy part….with just one email, I brought in $23,000 of business from the idea and encouragement that Kendra gave me. Three days after I said yes to working with Kendra, I got the biggest speaking ‘gig' of my career. It seemed that the Universe knew that I was now REALLY SERIOUS about playing a bigger game and so was responding to my taking action. That was just the beginning. Kendra supported me through more launches, more marketing strategies, and all the strategic and tactical pieces necessary to run a six figure business (without struggling in the ways I used to). But the best part in my opinion is who I have become while working with this amazingly powerful woman. I have shifted my business from one that is making good money…but running me, to one that is designed to allow me to have the lifestyle freedom and time to enjoy the things I value. I have tapped more deeply into the powerful woman and healer that I am, and the work I have done with clients has ramped up as well. As Kendra has worked with me to more fully own my value I, in turn, can take a bigger stand for my clients and I see their results improving too. The first time around to sign up for the program was a challenge to say yes to because of the money. I had never paid a coach that much. I'm signing up for another six months and this time around it's a no-brainer! I'd pay whatever Kendra charges because the value I have received has been business and life altering and I'm forever grateful." Therese Skelly |
“I’ve worked with Kendra in her Feeling Good Immersion and Profitable Purpose programs and for the last 6 months have been one of her private VIP coaching clients. Through our partnership and as a result of Kendra’s exquisite expertise in providing energetic support and practical strategies, I’ve created phenomenal results. My business is thriving with multiple 6 figures, I’ve built my dream team, I’ve successful launched 3 programs, the first time bringing in $17,000 and the 2nd over $54,000 and the 3rd $84,000. I have overcome deep seated fears of feeling like I am doing something wrong when I share my gifts and am completely out of the woo woo closet, proudly sharing my purpose and authentically shining my light brightly. I am positioned as a more visible and powerful leader in my industry and now ideal clients and opportunities come to me easily and abundantly. I am having the impact I am here to have and have superstar clients that I love to work with from all over the world. My Egypt tours and programs sell out and have waiting lists. My business income has tripled since this time last year, and I’m on track for generating my ideal money goals. I’m more at peace than I’ve ever been living my freedom based lifestyle (just spent a month in France!), and am living in the stream of well being. I am in alignment with my profound gifts and talents and am sharing my purpose fully.” Danielle Rama Hoffman |
Imagine the relief of having an abundance and knowing prosperity...
So you don't have to wake up thinking, "How am I going to make enough money?" or "How am I going to pretend to be someone I'm not so I can keep up this money-making facade?"
Instead, you can actually think about how grateful you are for the true prosperity in your life.
If you're like most conscious women who want to make a difference, the top 3 problems holding you back likely are:
I know these the top 3 problems because I used to have each of these top 3 problems big time! Transcending these 3 problems has been key to my recent success.
Dream with me... can you imagine being given everything you need to immediately begin making your dreams a reality?
I want to show you how. Specifically, I want to show you how you need to BE in order to let the flow come to you.
Eckhart Tolle says that once the inside is "right", the outside falls into place.
And it's true. For you to tap the unlimited wealth in you, you need to go within.
You need to awaken to the Divine in you, unleash your Goddess self, and embrace the truth that your essence is your answer.
In this ground-breaking coaching program I will show you how you can actually align yourself in the most fundamental ways. From there you can:
1) Napoleon Hill says that the primary reason for failure is that people do not develop new plans to replace those plans that didn't work.
Most people make only slight changes in their lives with every new year. Then they wonder why their salary is only slightly different, their weight is only slightly different, and their fun, friendships, and fulfillment are only slightly different. The small percentage who make significant, noticeable changes each year DO see a dramatic change in their salary, health, and happiness.
CONCLUSION: If you want different results, you need to do things differently! You need new thinking, new approaches, new action.
2) Scientific evidence shows that normal goal achievement ranges from 30 to 50% and yet, with a coach, that achievement range increases to a staggering 95% of intended goals accomplished.
Wow. So ask yourself, what would my life be like if I actually achieved 95% of the goals I set for myself?
CONCLUSION: The investment in a coach helps you achieve your goals.
3) People who succeed are committed to their growth. Brian Tracy says that continuous learning is the key to all success in life.
Listen, when you try to prevent growth from occurring, you block the manifesting process.
Most of you are doing this (and you don't even know it) because you have been taught to fear change. On a deep level, you believe it is a threat to your survival.
CONCLUSION: If you want to succeed, you've got to grow.
If you're like most people, you probably don't (fully) believe that it's possible to create what you most desire, let alone thrive and feel alive all the time. You don't believe that being feminine is an asset, or that it can help you make more money. You don't believe that your soul has a "place" in the money-making equation.
That's because it's counter to what you've been taught.
I'm ready to teach you something new. Better yet, I'm ready to help you integrate something new (that's where the high-powered coaching comes in) so that it becomes a part of your everyday knowing and action.
Under the right conditions & with right guidance, you can ...
ALIGN so you set yourself up for success and find yourself knowing it is "normal" to achieve, attract, and create the money & prosperity you want.
“Kendra has been instrumental in the upleveling of my as integral part of my success team. As my trusted and cherished advisor, she is an integral part of my success team. With her support, my purpose business has taken off to new heights with media appearances and two 5 figure launches. Kendra is a healer’s healer, and a teacher’s teacher: passionate, insightful and spiritually intelligent. She has a revolutionary approach to wealth that has changed the lives of many women entrepreneurs, including my own.” Robyn McKay, PhD |
I am THRILLED to share this ground breaking coaching program with you, and I'd love for you to experience it for yourself so that you can finally allow yourself to know the aliveness that you long for.
What makes this program unique is the amount of content you receive AND 1:1 time with me. I am less available for coaching these days, and I designed this in response to the requests for more intensive, deep and results-producing time with me personally. Not only that, you will receive access to cutting-edge life-changing content.
Ultimately, you will feel the satisfaction of knowing that investments like this pay off for years to come because what you learn is yours forever.
Some of you know, I put ALL of myself into my work. I guarantee you will get the presence & support that will be above what you expect. In order to hold space for the extraordinary work we are about to do, I will only be accepting 10 women for the coaching portion of the program.
Once you make your decision & payment, you will notice changes happen immediately.
Here's a glimpse into some of the content:
Complete Audio & Mp3 Recordings of the Course
Want to hear a call or meditation again to pick up even more information?
Call recordings and daily messages are conveniently delivered to your inbox.
Peace & Prosperity Guided Meditations
Research has proven the power of the subconscious. Kendra is gifted at guiding you through processes so that your subconscious can start doing the work for you.
Here's a recap of what you receive:
3 LIVE Seminars & Excercises with Kendra | ![]() |
Weekly Email Check in for Accountability & Celebration | ![]() |
Frequent Email For Inspiration & Focus | ![]() |
Complete Audio & Mp3 Recordings of the Course | ![]() |
Peace & Prosperity Guided Meditations | ![]() |
Two 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Kendra | ![]() |
1 Money Clearing Session with Kendra | ![]() |
Investments like this pay off for years to come because what you learn is yours forever. Additionally, and really hear this...
You raise the bar in your life and in business when you commit to work like this. You say YES to another level of vibration, because you know you are worthy of it, and new riches reveal themselves.
I'm eager to serve you.
With all that I am,
Kendra E Thornbury, MA
P.S. There is nothing as satisfying as allowing prosperity to be your way of life! Now is your time.
“My Business Went Over The 6-Figure Mark”
But this is about my entrepreneurial journey and my work with Kendra in her Wealthy Goddess program. When I came aware of Kendra, I knew I had to take a bigger risk and invest in myself in a much deeper way. Private coaching with this woman who was doing it differently was my breakthrough to the next level of success. This is what I knew I needed to get unstuck and to work at the level that I desired in order to be able to be the transformational coach I knew I was. So let me say that Kendra was the ‘quiet storm’ in my upleveling and stepping into who I came here to be. She challenged me to go deeper in a way that was absolutely necessary for my transformation and to understanding wealth consciousness … and receiving it to live an awake, fulfilled and on purpose life. Because I refused to give up when nothing seems to be working and yet it was working behind the scene with unseen forces bringing it all to me. My only job was to finally go for it and ask for it… which I did and in under 4 weeks I received $85k and my business went over the $6-figure mark. To say if working with Kendra was the best decisions I have ever made is a … YES YES! I now work with women from all over the world and it is simply because of the woman I have become. I will be forever grateful for what Kendra has modeled for me in what is truly possible!” Dorris Burch |
“I celebrated a $10K/month within 3 months”
There are so many reasons why I chose to work with Kendra. Yet the 2 most important gifts she brings to the table are these: She blends compassionate sensitivity with a kick-ass attitude. She calls me out, gently and fiercely. This is a powerful and effective combo for me. She supports me in stretching beyond my comfort zone in sustainable and consistent ways. Kendra also weaves together the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in her coaching style. Her authentic embodiment of both inspires and guides me. In the past, I pushed too much in growing my business and burned out. This time, I’m growing my business in a more balanced way. And the results are phenomenal. In learning how to surrender and receive, I celebrated a $10K/month within 3 months of going out on my own to grow my business again. That same month I fell in love and my man whisked me away for a week in Hawaii! (A surprising and exciting benefit of all the receiving I was practicing!) I’m experiencing powerful transformations in my business and my life through working with Kendra. And I’m excited to continue working with her in the year ahead.” Megan Walrod |