Life knows how to live.
How simple is that?
But somewhere along the path, we humans have made things so complicated. We’ve established ways of being that are out of sync with the natural rhythms of life, therefor, we have removed ourselves from the life SOURCE that is our innate and essential nature.
This entry is short and sweet. It’s my first appeal to you to remember that you are here for a purpose, and that is to be alive. Plain and simple.
You have this life source that is you, that expresses through you, yet you may not feel it because you have been “trained” to be seperate from it. Your life may not reflect it, because you were taught to pursue activities and relationships that did not honor your true self.
BUT there’s GOOD NEWS!
It is always possible, in any moment, to re-connect, re-new, and re-establish the ways that put you back in sync with who you are.
Here’s the deal.
You cannot be fully alive without tapping this life source. Call it Spirit, Soul, Universe, God, Goddess, Source, energy… whatever you relate to. There is no “way”. There is only the way to live that puts you in touch with your aliveness. And only you know what that means for you.
Listen, I gotta be candid with you. I reached a point in my life some years back where I absolutely could not, and would not, settle for anything less that feeling fully alive. I resolved to live a life that reflected this realization, and I’m proud and grateful to be where I am today. Joy, peace, contentment, freedom…all a part of my daily reality.
And they can be for you, too.
Stick around!
I am on a mission to inspire and guide you to be fully alive. Let’s make it so.
I have much to share with you. This is your time.
Let’s do this. Let’s be this. Let’s partner in the most important achievement of your life….the success that really is the only success:
Remember, life knows how to live. You are that life. You are designed to be alive.
Wonderful! And your site looks great. BRAVO!
Thank you, Halcyon! Keep being alive. 🙂
We are so in sync. Thank You.
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it’s not often tp read that posts, thank you
let’s begin to read betwen the words..