Everywhere I turn I see transition.
Moves, relationships changing form, home renovations, systems falling away…
It’s true for me.
A couple huge aspects of my life have been rocked.
These are things I’ve known to be part of who I am, my daily ritual and identity. They’ve fallen apart.
I’m really at peace with it. Yeah, I feel challenged. Yeah, I grieve.
But at the core of me, I trust.
Here’s the deal…
I think that “falling apart” gets a bad rap and is totally misunderstood. Because if this, it creates unnecessary stress, pain and suffering.
We’ve been taught that “keeping it together” = strength.
Blah, blah, blah. It so doesn’t work that way.
Since I’m here to make your life a little (or, heck, why not A LOT) easier, I’m gonna shed some light on falling apart so that you greet the changes in your life with a new found sense of confidence and clarity that gives rise to the greater purpose in it all. Sound good?
On a completely different note, The New Wealthy Woman Entrepreneur Telesummit was PHENOMENAL! If you want to reinvent your money & wealth in a way that is grounded in spirit and soul… you must check it out. But hurry, cuz the replays are only available through July 13 (unless you sign up for the coaching program).
- Does it feel like things are falling apart?
- Does the amount of change in your business & life overwhelm you?
- Have your finances taken an unexpected turn?
- Does it feel like you’re just keeping up because things are moving so quickly?
Welcome to the accelerated times!
I guarantee the rapid changes upon us are going to call you out in ways you have yet to discover.
One thing I know for sure is that your capacity to be with change is key to your peace and freedom. i.e…..
If you can ride the stream of change, you are at peace.
If you resist change, you suffer.
Because change IS. And, you can’t argue with what is. Well, you can, but again… you suffer.
“That nothing is static or fixed, that all is fleeting and impermanent, is the first mark of existence. It is the ordinary state of affairs. Everything is in process. Everything-every tree, every blade of grass, all the animals, insects, human beings, buildings, the animate and the inanimate-is always changing, moment to moment.”~Pema Chodron
It can be a lot easier to feel your wealth when things are going along in a comfortable and smooth manner.
But when it gets hard? When things fall apart? Do you forget your wealth?
Here are 3 tips to help you stay grounded in your wealth in “good” times & “bad” (rather than get swept up in the drama of it all):
In an effort to stay safe, preserve security and survive, humans have come up with this limiting habit… judgment.
Change threatens the ego. It finds ways to make it wrong. When things are falling apart, you come up with quick (and usually unconscious), conclusions to help make sense of it. Unfortunately, this means missing the message or new life it has for you.
Rather than make it scary, bad, wrong, something to be fixed, a reason to run or numb out…. just notice it.
This is why I wrote “good” and “bad” times in quotations. Even the idea that something is good or bad is a judgment. The conclusion that falling apart is negative limits what’s available to you because when you think something is negative, you reject it.
I say….Be with it. Allow it. Get curious about it.
Don’t be so squeamish about being in the unknown, getting messy and feeling your feelings.
Let yourself experience what is there without placing meaning on top of it, and see what unfolds.
“Most of us do not take these situations as teachings. We automatically hate them. We run like crazy. We use all kinds of ways to escape — all addictions stem from this moment when we meet our edge and we just can’t stand it. We feel we have to soften it, pad it with something.”~Pema Chodron
Yep. You heard me right. RELAX.
Now, you may already be making a list in your head about all the reasons you can’t relax. All the more reason you make it a priority!
Once you refrain from judging what’s happening, relax into it. Soften and allow yourself to open to what greater purpose it has for you.
Life knows how to live.
Falling apart is part of a cycle. A cycle that always leads to new life. Yeah, it might be super-uber uncomfortable, but as soon as you connect in with the knowing that it’s serving a purpose, you are assured of its role in the larger scheme of things.
“When things are shaky and nothing is working, we might realize that we are on the verge of something.”~Pema Chodron
Regardless of what’s happening around you, you always have a choice about how to be with it.
Life is not what happens to you, it’s what you do with what happens to you.
“Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us.”~Stephen R. Covey
Let me remind you. True wealth is:
- An expression of your authentic truth
- Connection with the unseen
- A feeling that stems from within
- A natural experience tied to your purpose
- Who you are
NONE of this needs to be threatened when things are falling apart.