5 Proven Steps To Accelerate Your Manifesting!

Posted by | December 13, 2013 | Uncategorized | No Comments

What can I say?

I love manifesting.

So much so that I’ve devoted a large portion of my life to the study of it.

2013 was an extraordinary year of manifestations.2013-06-21 02.03.35

Here I am in Kauai ====>

A stellar manifestation, indeed!

It is my great joy to reveal what I’ve discovered over the years with you.

As you near the new year and sense all the potential just bursting to come through, I ENCOURAGE you to be bold and audacious in your asking.

I’ve written an article so you accelerate your manifesting and get more of what you want faster.



(1) Set the Consciousness Tone

As within, so without.

Everything you experience is a result of your consciousness, your mindset.

To accelerate your manifesting, deliberately choose where you come from when you set your intentions and goals.

Ultimately, what you want is a feeling that comes with an experience, right?

For instance, you want more money because you want security and freedom.

You don’t want the THING, you want the feeling that (you think) it will bring you.

With that in mind, you have to understand that it’s your consciousness that puts the experience into motion, not the circumstance.

So, when you attempt to make more money because you feel anxious about not having it, even if you make more, you still will not get the feeling you wanted from it. Because the FEELING, the seed of consciousness you planted, is what is produced.

Instead, set a powerful intention such as:

“I will make more money out of the joy of my purpose because I am aware of the opportunities I create for myself and others.”

… now THAT is an entirely different consciousness that will create an entirely different quality of experience!

(2) Declare Your Vision

I ask women what their vision is.

If you could have it any way you want it… your juiciest, most alive version of business and money…what would it be?

MOST women dominate their answer with telling me about “how it has been”, what they are frustrated about and how they are stuck!

Just today, I said to a woman, “I didn’t ask you about what’s been going on or your frustrations. I asked you about your vision! Go again, and I don’t want to hear ANYTHING about your struggles.”

Unfortunately, this is a result of our conditioning. You have forgotten how to dream.

Give yourself permission! What do you want? What do you REALLY want?

Be bold. Be audacious.

Get clear.

Then declare it.

Wishing and wanting just keep you in a state of wishing and wanting.

You’ve got to decide. Full on.

“Cherish your vision and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.” ~Napoleon Hill

(3) Deal with Fear & Doubt

Sheesh! You are still letting your fears stop you?

Here is a 3 step process that works to turn that around fast:

1) Recognize your fear and doubts – You actually want to become familiar with them so you are immediately aware when they arise. Versus… being in denial about them and trying to push them away, which is a sure-fire way to create shadows that creep in and run your life in unconscious ways.

2) Clear them – Pack your tool bag with goodies to help clear the emotional and energetic charge. Some of my favorites= Sage, EFT, Breathwork, Sweatlodge

3) Replace them – Your subconscious does not know the difference between dream and reality. You tell it there’s something to be scared of, it will believe you. You tell it life is grand and joyous, it will believe you. You have the power to replace your fears. Just create thoughts that are the opposite of your fears. For instance, if you are afraid there isn’t enough money and you are all torn up inside with stress about it. Start saying,

“There is plenty for me, my family and everyone on the planet. I am always provided for. Everything I desire is made easily and abundantly available to me.”

(4) Act As If

When you decide and commit 100% to what you want, act in accordance with that reality.

For instance, when I wanted to go to Kauai to play, make videos and host VIP clients this summer, I started acting like I was going.

I bought a book about Kauai.
I researched places to stay.
I gazed at beautiful pictures of the beach.
I started telling people I was going.

This was ALL before the resources and logistics were in place.

Task= Identify what actions you would take if you knew you were going to manifest what you want. And then do them! Now, not later.

(This is a serious game changer. You will soon discover that there are A LOT more ways you can be manifesting more quickly by acting as if.)

(5) BEcoming

Ultimately, manifesting comes from who you BE, not what you DO.

While I HIGHLY encourage and hold my clients accountable to consistent action, they don’t mean much if they are not grounded in vibration of being that lines you up with what you desire.

You can take all kinds of action, but if you are out of alignment, it will just be “busy-work”.

It’s one of the reasons you may still be struggling to get what you want. You’re discouraged because you think you are doing “all the right things”.

It is much more efficient and effective to BE a vibrational match to your manifestations and take action from there.

You want to speed up your manifestations? Trust me, BE more. And only take action when you are clear and have set the consciousness tone.

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