3 Big Mistakes That Actually REPEL Money & Wealth

Posted by | December 7, 2015 | Uncategorized | No Comments

I’m coming out of my ‘hermit cave’ to connect with you in these last precious days of 2015.

What many people are surprised to learn about me is that I’m highly introverted.

Because my purpose commands me to teach and be with groups, I’m extra conscious of ensuring that I have PLENTY of alone and quiet time.

Having just led the EPIC Wealthy Goddess LIVE event, I’m especially needing time for integration and renewal!


As the wheel starts turning to the Winter, this inward tug is even more pronounced.

Being dedicated to creating prosperity from life-affirming principles, I harmonize my being with the seasons.

I mean, really. Nature shows us how to be in rhythm in life. Why over-complicate it?!

I like simple. Easy. Going WITH the stream.

This brings me to share my latest article with you. Born of the desire to see you prosper and receive more abundance, it provides insight into how you are actually REPELLING money and wealth.

I know it may be hard to believe that you would have any part in actually repelling the things you want…

money repelling

…but the truth is. You have everything to do with the reality you are experiencing.

To own this is one of the most liberating acts you will ever do.

The good news is that with a few tweaks in consciousness and habits, you really CAN manifest all you desire!

What I want to highlight right now are 3 BIG mistakes I see women making all the time that are actually repelling money and wealth.

The first step here is just to be compassionately honest with yourself.

Don’t use your mistakes as another reason to beat yourself up!

money red hart

Please. We were all fed a load of crap when it came to understanding the role we can take in consciously creating the reality we want.

Your struggle to manifest is just a product of a society that misled you about your power.

So, see it for what it is. Shake yourself off. And get on with it!

* BIG MISTAKE #1- Repeating the Story *

If you don’t want your future to have the same outcome
you are living, then stop repeating the story you are telling!

This is one I get push back on all the time.

“But Kendra, this is what’s really going on for me.”

I ask what your vision is, how much money you want to make, what wealth will look like in your life…

… and you tell me your financial problems and go into a historical account of what landed you where you are.

At the risk of sounding insensitive. I don’t care!

And neither should you.

Sure, honor the context and wisdom that has led you to become who you are today.

But that’s not what most of you are doing.

You are mis-using the power of your attention.

Get this. By repeating the story, you are repeating the vibration of the reality — which just tells your subconscious and the Universe your instructions for what to keep creating.

So… *Truth time*… You are using your “story” in an attempt to get empathy and to justify why you are in the place you are in.

Stop telling the story of “how it is”.

Use your imagination more wisely, declare how you want it to be and LIVE INTO IT!

* BIG MISTAKE #2- Focusing On Lack *

This is a serious mistake stemming from a misunderstanding
of one of the fundamental laws of the Universe. Which is…

…What you pay attention to grows.

Constantly pointing out what is lacking and missing just reinforces that reality.

It’s really that simple.

For instance, don’t look at your bank account and decide you can’t have that vacation. YOU decide, “I want a vacation.” And then you create the resources to make it happen.

Choose to see evidence everywhere and every day that backs up your vision.

One specific way to do this is to observe and give thanks all the time for what IS there.

I am constantly appreciating the abundance… from the money that flows in from doing work I love, to the song bird tweeting on my evening walk, to the tasty flavors in my food, to the mysterious ways the Universe shows me beauty.

Think about it. If you want more, you don’t get it by dismissing and discounting what is.

You don’t manifest more by pointing out the lack!

So get ON with the activity of counting your abundant blessings. And see how more will be revealed!

* BIG MISTAKE #3- Neediness *

Listen up, ladies.

You gotta get real about your neediness.

It’s okay to have needs. Don’t get me wrong.

The problem is that a lot of you are:

a) Still unconscious about what your REAL needs are.
b) Looking in all the wrong places to get your needs met.

For instance, to succeed in business we want to attract clients and money. It’s just a basic part of the formula.

Without clients and income, it’s just an expensive hobby. Right?

The trouble is that most people have underlying unconscious emotional needs they want money to fulfill for them.

So, in your marketing and sales, you are actually repelling clients! Your neediness — even if very subtle — keeps money away.

It’s not money’s job to fill your emotional needs.

As long as you go about manifesting money hoping and longing for it to make you feel a certain way, you will continue to prevent more coming to you.

Instead, get clear about what your emotional needs are and do what it takes to create that feeling for yourself.

(HINT: For me it was security. This is true for most people.)

From the secure place within, you will become an attractive force for money.

With all that I am,


Kendra E Thornbury, MA

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