the Feminine Mysteries, sacred blood, wealth & manifesting… AND… my mentor is coming to WGL! (this is a big deal…)

Posted by | October 18, 2017 | Uncategorized | No Comments

“Nothing comes into manifestation without the Feminine!” ~ Connor Sauer

OK Ladies. Divas. Priestesses.

Mothers. Queens. Sisters.

Holy transmitters of awesomeness.

Vessels of prosperity.

Carriers of Feminine truths.

It’s time to put a STOP to the crazy quest for more more more by being less less less of who you really are!!!!

I mean, hello??

The new paradigm of WEALTH + money-love is just staring you in the face, asking you to take a good look at the value and worth you already ARE so that you LET yourself be funded and provided for in your purpose.


Enough of the twisted antics that you’ve been taught to use in order to get ahead.

Playing nice.

I know. I’ve been there.

I became who I thought society wanted me to be in order to succeed.

Bit by bit I lost myself in a cloud of disassociated and disembodied separation.

I hid who I was to get ahead.


I felt the stir of what I now know to be the Feminine Returning.

I knew there had to be a way to lead my life and manifest what I desired without contorting myself.

I CRAVED authenticity.

I wanted to make money. A lot of it. But I didn’t want to do it at the expense of my health or my values.

Oh, and FREEDOM. Give me freedom, baby. Nothing less will do for my soul.

And then. The Universe answered my call.

In a series of magical unfoldings, I was invited into a women’s community.

It was here that I slowly let down the armor I had built around my Feminine spirit.

It was here that I met Connor Sauer.

Enough about me. More on Connor soon.

Let’s talk about YOU for a minute.

You are ready to step it up.
You are ready to make a lot more money.
You are ready to help more people.

And you are willing to do what it takes.

Let me get clear.

Because “what it takes” in my book is not
what we grew up with as girls.

What it took thencompromising your body.
What it took thenmaking choices that violated your sexuality.
What it took thendismissing your inner knowing.
What it took thenbecoming overly masculine.

So, sister. Let me be crystal clear.

When I say “do what it takes” I am NOT advocating you continue to BETRAY yourself in order to succeed.

GOT IT????!!!

This is important.

Because women come to me ALL THE TIME who have achieved a certain level of success but they crammed themselves into a box that they are now clamoring to get out of.

Ding ding ding!

This is where the FEMININE wants to serve you.

Connor was my mentor in the Feminine Mysteries (and so much more).

She taught me about cycles. And my “moon”. It was in her leadership that I discovered the notion that my BLOOD WAS SACRED.

She taught me there is a wisdom in my body. That there is a deeper walk of being that I could enter into through listening to myself.

She taught me that creation is to be honored, and through that act of honoring, more would be revealed.

She taught me to be “empty of myself”. To purify and release.

She taught me that I had medicine. And a Divine Design.

Women, I can’t tell you how excited and humbled I am to be in a place — 23 years after my first initiation into the Feminine Mysteries– where I’ve stepped into a collaboration with Connor.

She’s an elder, a pioneer, a mystic, a grandmother.

She is a messenger for these times.

And she is coming to Wealthy Goddess LIVE!

If you feel the call to join us, now is the time to take action.

Both she and I are at an all-time high place of discernment in who we work with.

We are NOT interested in mentoring women who are going to “dabble” or who get easily distracted by the next bright shiny object.

We ARE interested in mentoring women who want to discover a new walk with leadership, wealth and business that is a deep practice of devotion and service.

As she quotes above, nothing comes into manifestation without the Feminine.

What I see for you, soulful woman, is a pathway opening.

It’s a pathway where creation comes to being through you and as you.

It’s easeful. It’s honest. It’s true.

And it’s a model of being that will allow for and attract to you the greatest desires of your soul.


We are returning to our Divine Design.

With all that I am,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA

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