Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have.”~Doris Mortman
What do you want?
Where do you think you will get it?
Enough questions, eh? Oh, that was another one. HA!
So, here’s the deal. Most people are seeking for what they want in life in the wrong places. First, STOP seeking. You will be perpetually seeking if you that is what you are doing. Seeking is about seeking. So, instead-commit, declare and intend.
Second, you’ve got to get that what you want doesn’t come from “there”. It doesn’t come from a relationship, from an amount of money, from retirement. It doesn’t come from reaching a place. It doesn’t come from acquiring more stuff.
It doesn’t come from outside yourself.
If you believe it does, even to a degree, you will always be in a process of “getting to” what you want. You will be striving to get to a place that is actually an illusion. It doesn’t exist. And because it doesn’t exist, you will never get there. And because you will never get there, you will always feel like you are missing something.
——->>>TIP for manifesting
Look to the essence of what you want.
When you think about what you want in life i.e. a home, a relationship, money-consider what about that experience you are attracted to.
Outside of the practical needs such as having a shelter to live in, identify the essence, or quality, that you think that thing you want will bring you.
THAT is what you want. You want a sanctuary where you feel safe and can be your self… you don’t just want a house. You want to feel peace and content with who you are…you don’t just want a vacation. And so on.
When you realize this, you can leverage the power of your mind and emotion to create the vibrations that reflect that essence, that quality. You focus on that, maintaining the vibration, BECOMING it, and eventually, you will naturally attract the experience that reinforces it again and again.
You getting this stuff?
Use your power.
I like the image of leveraging the power of your mind and emotion. Getting emotional about something really does multiply the effect of creating something from your thoughts.
My mentor says, if missing a target doesn’t make your eyes wet then you were never really committed to it.
Bless you, Kendra.
thanks, paul. yes, the emotions are key. most of the time people are being run by emotions, rather than letting them run through them as a stream to feeling aligned & alive. bountiful blessings! 🙂