ANGER: An Untapped Source for Aliveness

Posted by | July 30, 2009 | Uncategorized | 2 Comments

WHAT?! Anger an untapped source for aliveness?woman-standing-in-power1

You betcha!


Everything is energy.

This includes emotion.

Emotion is meant to be energy in motion.

Anger is a kind of energy. When you harness it, it fuels your aliveness. When you oppress it, you pinch off what it has for you.

Let me explain one thing about my approach. I don’t believe in “positive” and “negative”. People talk about emotions being one or the other.

I think what is, is.  WE create the meaning anything has for us. Circumstances, events, thoughts, emotions…they happen. YOU get to choose what to do with it.  Your choice can mean the difference between being stressed and run down or enlivened and expanded.

So, instead of anger being negative, which is the common conclusion, consider that is it just another life energy that can serve you.

How can this be?

Isn’t anger destructive and hurtful?

And if you are a Law of Attraction student, might you be thinking that by paying attention to anger, you are activating and energizing more of it?  If what you pay attention to grows (and it does!), why would you want to let yourself be angry? Well, remember…. it’s also true that ==>

What you resist, persists.

Energy in and of itself is not destructive or hurtful. It’s what you do with it. You can actually be constructive with anger. You can actually feel powerful surges of energy when you consciously breathe through anger. You can actually stay connected to another person as you remain clear and connected while you own your anger.

Here’s another possibility…

Anger informs you of what is important to you. Think about it, if something is happening, such as violence, and you get really pissed off, isn’t that feedback about what you value?

Anger can reveal what matters to you.

Here are some benefits and suggestions for consciously* being with your anger.


  1. Release.When you obstruct energy, you obstruct life. Anger is a “fiery” transformative energy. It can help you release so you stay clear.
  2. Realization. When you tap the essential life force of anger, you liberate its gift and realize/feel a new form of expression.
  3. Aliveness. You can’t help but feel alive when you let the flow flow.
  4. Attraction. You Law of Attraction buffs will love knowing that releasing the energy of anger will keep you in the natural high vibrations that ensure you attract what you most desire. By honoring the anger, you are not activating or creating more; you are letting it move through you, and as such, staying in clear vibrations.


  1. Increase your capacity for feeling how you feel. Be with it. There is nowhere to go. Nothing to do. Nothing to fix. Just hold yourself in compassion.
  2. Breathe, breathe, breathe. Let your breath move the energy.
  3. Dance your anger. Crank on the music. Get wild. Shake your arms. Move it through the motion of your body.
  4. Hit or scream into a pillow (this feels great). Make sure you have plenty of room and the space is held in a sacred manner.
  5. Always intend your anger to move into the next state of expression that will be for your highest and best.

Listen, anger is a part of our humanity. Instead of pretending it’s not there, being the “good girl”, being overly paranoid about putting out “negative” vibes… let’s get real.

Utilize the energy it has for you as a life-giving, life-affirming source that can and will enhance your ever-expanding journey of aliveness.

*The key here is consciousness. This means to be aware, awake and at choice with it. It means presencing intention and being responsible with how it’s expressed…i.e. don’t take it out on others.


  • EXCELLENT article. My sentiments exactly. In my office I keep two large floor pillows and encourage clients to release the anger they have held captive in their bodies for years into those pillows. Under the anger is either hurt and sadness, which can then be released, or a space for peace and understanding. Either way, it’s all good.

    Thank you, Kendra.

    Lynda Malerstein
    Feel the Freedom of Letting Go!

  • […] there is another way. Anger can be a source of your aliveness (see ANGER: An Untapped Source of Aliveness) and part of your spiritual […]

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