What if money were not an issue?
**READ THIS ALL THE WAY TO THE END to receive proven strategies so that money is never an issue for you again.**
The other day I sent a bold message to NOT make your decision about Wealthy Goddess LIVE (or ANYTHING that you desire) based on money.
Did I get some push-back!
I received numerous emails with comments/questions like:
- How can you say not to make my decision based in money when I need money to make it happen?
- Can I come to your event for free and then pay you after I make the money?
- If you stand behind what you teach, why not let me in and I pay you after?
- Well, then, maybe you should teach/offer something one can do to get enough money to pay for the live event and to pay to get there.
- As much as I don’t want to base my decision on money, I’m afraid that’s an impossible proposition: I have no money.
Let’s peel back the layers even more.
What I’m about to say is ESSENTIAL to your financial liberation.I want you to read it twice. (At least.)
—> Money does not determine what is possible, YOU DO!

When you look to money to give you answers about what you can and cannot do, you give your power away.
Now, I’m not ignorant.
I understand that money is required to make a lot of things happen. And you may look into your account and say, “I can’t do that. I don’t have the money.”
Stop it!
First…GET that by you looking to an external source (i.e. an account), you are going to stay trapped in the limits of your budget. Because when you look
to something outside of you to determine what you can do, you’ve made the mistake of forgetting that YOU are the creator.
Then…embrace that because what you believe, you create, YOU are perpetuating the reality you see!
You say, “I don’t have the money.” And the Universe and your subconscious say, “OK, she doesn’t have money.”
And then, the reality keeps revealing to you that that is the case. NOT because the money isn’t available to you, but because you TOLD money it’s not available.
So back to my non-ignorance regarding “what you see”.
The part of you that says, “Kendra, but I don’t have the money!”
I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to want to invest in my business and do things on my terms and “not have the money.”
One thing I stopped doing?
I stopped saying, “I don’t have the money.”
Here’s what to do instead:

1) Decide money will not be an issue for you ever again.
No money drama. No worry about paying bills. No decisions made through the lens of scarcity.
2) Declare “I want that!”
Seems pretty simple, but too many of you still miss this. You dismiss the having of something you desire because you think money is telling you there isn’t enough of it (which it’s not; that’s just you mis-understanding the nature of manifesting), and you don’t even give yourself permission to have it.
I WANT THAT! Own it.
3) Commit to having it.
When you commit, unseen forces come into play.
Having made the decision FIRST, you put into motion manifesting laws. You let the Universe go to work for you, as you put your trust into the seen and UNSEEN realms that are part of making it happen.
Manifesting doesn’t work if you don’t commit first.
4) Get real and friendly with numbers.
Break down the numbers of the “thing” you want.
How much is it? $500, $1,000, $5,000?
Really feel into the reality of the numbers. Get FRIENDLY with them. That is, take an attitude of discovery, curiosity and have fun with them. (Rather than contract and get all stressed out about them.)
Look at the numbers and recognize that they are just a representation of energy. Don’t let them intimidate you.
5) Innovate and write down ways the money could manifest.
I remember talking with a coach a couple years ago and she had a package I wanted to invest in. I was tempted to refer to the “fact” that I didn’t have the money in my account.
It was a turning point in my business. Because instead of repeating the story, I said….
“I want this. I know I have the power to create what I want.
I’m going to do what it takes. I’m going to unleash the
powers of manifesting. I’m going to discover avenues of money
I am not aware of now. I’m going to manifest it!”
I got off that call and made a list of ways that I could manifest the money. Some of them were wild and silly. Some of them were magical. Some of them were practical.
Just doing this exercise will get your money-manifesting-mojo in motion!
(By the way, I created a new product and manifested $4,000 in 2 weeks, which was a big leap for me at the time.)
6) Become the consciousness.
As within, so without.
You want to come to Wealthy Goddess LIVE?
You want the dream lifestyle your spirit longs for?
You want to make more money while spreading the light?
You want to manifest $5K in 30 days?
WHATEVER the “it” is that you want to manifest, your consciousness must be in alignment with it.
Think thoughts that are consistent with that reality.
Feel it.
Give thanks for it.
7) Take inspired action.
What actions will you take to make what you want happen?
Identify them. And DO them.
Even if you don’t “feel like it”.
Even if you don’t know all the steps.
With an enthusiastic, on-purpose spirit ready to receive the next expansive and abundant experience available to you…
… you take inspired action.
I’ve given you solid, proven strategies that manifest money.
Now, use them and get your booty to Wealthy Goddess LIVE!
ps. Don’t let money be an issue ever again!
Again…. Here’s how:
1) Decide money will not be an issue for you ever again.
2) Declare “I want that!”
3) Commit to having it.
4) Get real and friendly with numbers.
5) Innovate and write down ways the money could manifest.
6) Become the consciousness.
7) Take inspired action.
“I want this. I know I have the power to create what I want.
I’m going to do what it takes. I’m going to unleash the
powers of manifesting. I’m going to discover avenues of money
I am not aware of now. I’m going to manifest it!”
(Psssst…. I’m going to reveal A LOT more money-manifesting secrets at Wealthy Goddess LIVE!)