Kendra E Thornbury

Your Edge, Risking It + Pics from VIP Adventure!

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Aloha! wg kauai retreat toasting beach dinnerk ocean blessing

I’m basking in the final days of my 3 week adventure in glorious Kauai.

The Wealthy Goddess Mastery Retreat was a huge success. Women received “over and above” what they expected.

My VIP days were all the rave, with breakthroughs galore.

And I’ve taken personal time to receive the beauty and spirit this island has to offer.

The joy, abundance and fulfillment you see here in my being and within my clients is possible for you, too.

To achieve it, you MUST do this thing…. read on to discover what it is.

HINT: The greater risk in life is to NOT risk. Oh…and, you’ll get to enjoy fun pics that took me and a client to our EDGE!

“’Come to the edge.’ ‘We can’t. We’re afraid.’ ‘Come to the edge.’ ‘We can’t. We will fall!’ ‘Come to the edge.’ And they came. And he pushed them. And they flew. ~Guillaume Apollinaire

There’s just no way you can move into the next glorious version of your purpose and prosperity without taking risks and going to “the edge”.

When it comes to being fully alive and operating at our highest potential, seeking out the experiences that expand you is a must.

Otherwise you become stuck in the same ole’, same ole’. Your habits, patterns, thinking and choices become a ritual of familiarity.

Mixing it up with new experiences, new perspectives and new ways of being keeps you fresh and clear to receive new life and new abundance.

It ensures that you are growing into the consciousness necessary and equal to the manifestations you desire to call in.

It’s been reported in interviews with people who are 40 + that as they look back in life, they wish they’d have taken more risks and settled less.

  • Are you settling?
  • Are you playing it safe?
  • Are you going along with the status quo?
  • Are you spending more time preserving your safety and soothing your fears than you are seeking out the aliveness your soul desires?

Here’s the deal.

When you pursue the YES of your spirit, when you put yourself out there in some meaningful way, you are VERY likely to experience some version of fear (if not terror).

The KEY is to not stop because of this. No way!

You need to understand that that “OH SHIT” factor is actually an indication you are doing something right.

Point in case.

My fabulous client Megan Walrod.

m and k

I just had a VIP Personal Retreat with her in Kauai.

Prior to her day with me, she sent me a brave request to experience her edge.

(I personalize my clients’ VIP days to ensure the best.)

Her message included this:

“I want to experience a physical adventure that takes me beyond my comfort zone. I want to have an experience of me that surprises me and shows me what else is possible. I want to have one of those HOLY SHIT experiences that wakes me up to greater power.”

So what did we do? ZIP LINING!


It was a thrill for both of us. Not only did it take her to new places, it challenged me as well. See, I have a “thing” about heights and it felt vulnerable to traverse my edges with a client present. 651979.jpg

Through out the day, we wove in intentionality, creating an experience that not only helped her play in the edgy spaces necessary to grow… but drew in specific understandings of how what was unfolding directly will help her business and financial success.

To me Megan is a shining example of how to actively seek out the edges and take risks in service to being full-on-purpose and abundantly alive!


One of the intriguing aspects of this whole thing is that innately, there is part of you that is risk averse. A part of you fears the vulnerability of putting yourself on the line. In fact, advances in brain imaging technology can now verify that we human beings are wired to be risk averse.

The status quo, while not the most satisfying or fulfilling route, becomes the default in service to safety.

But…. do you REALLY want to lead a life that’s about self-preservation?

I think in these times, as we evolve from survival consciousness to what I call THRIVAL consciousness, part of what we need is to recognize is that old defense mechanisms are no longer necessary. We can get beyond the survival mentality, take down the guards and welcome the joy and abundance that is our true nature.

So, my challenge to you = Go to your edge and risk!

Here are some tips to help you:

1) Identify what you are scared of and objectively evaluate (not emotionally) if they are really true. What are you afraid of? Rejection? Failure? Ridicule? Losing security?

2) Recognize that most likely, you are exaggerating the consequences of taking a risk. You are projecting your fears and expecting a catastrophe that is highly unlikely to happen.

3) Seriously evaluate the consequences of NOT going to your edge and taking the risk. Like really, honestly. Be real with yourself, are you willing to live with those?

4) Get out of denial about the costs of not taking risks. Honestly identify, what are the costs of NOT risking? How is playing it safe effecting your health, your relationships, your finances? Over time, how will that impact your quality of life?

5) Expand your capacity to be uncomfortable. Growth can be terrifying, the unknown can illicit insecurity and breakthroughs can be messy. Strengthen your ability to BE in these uncertain and messy places. They are normal and necessary.

6) Embrace the greater truth that the Universe never gives you more than you can handle and that you are actually a powerful being always equipped to navigate the terrain of expansion.

7) Get the right support. Having a mentor, coach and/or circle of trusted advisers is instrumental to feeling held through the process.

8) Build and sustain your sense of security from something bigger than circumstances. When you have the strength, courage and faith that arises from connecting with Source/Spirit, you are less likely to be thrown off your center and more able to feel the “Divine at your back”.

9) Adopt a spirit of adventure and curiosity.

10) Throw caution to the wind, lighten up and take the leap!

Megan taking a leap at a waterfall during our day. 2014-06-18 15.56.21-2.jpg 2014-06-18 15.56.22.jpg 2014-06-18 15.56.26.jpg

And here’s my leap!

2014-06-18 15.58.15.jpg

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~Anaïs Nin

ALOHA + Pics from Kauai!

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Kauai is gracing me & my clients with such bounty.

I want to share the joy with you.

Here are the Wealthy Goddess Mastery women enjoying a special invocation on the beach…

wg kauai beach line

2 years ago, this place and retreat was a vision dancing in my mind.

A calling of my soul.


I’m LIVING it!

wg retreat k snorkel

Manifesting really is easy, and I will keep reminding you of this truth.

When you:

  • Are clear about what you want
  • Raise your standards to have more
  • Decide, declare and commit
  • Become a vibrational match to what you desire by way of who you BE

The Universe delivers!

(Here we are at a cacao ceremony. YUM! Gotta let in the good.)


Oh, and here’s a bonus tip

Tie your prosperity to a greater purpose.

Don’t just make it about you.

When you embody the spirit of service, truly
desiring to help others, you can’t help but receive more.

vip day lisa

Here’s a fun pic with one of my fabulous VIP clients, Lisa, after
an EPIC day of photo shooting all over the North Shore of the
island with my good friend & stellar photographer Lindsay A Miller.

Well, I’m off to enjoy the magic of the island some more.

For now, as they say in these parts, MAHALO!

(Mahalo=thanks, gratitude, praise, regards)

7 Reasons *Feeling Good* Is Where It’s At

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Aloha!2014-06-07 16.21.23

I share a brief yet abundant greeting with you as I prepare to welcome women from my coaching program for their Mastery retreat.

As you can see, I’m deep in my immersion with the Kauai magic.

Bliss, baby!

Speaking of bliss, I thought I’d share some of my early business discoveries on the power of feeling good.

I used to think it was normal and just “a part of life” to feel bad. NOPE!

It’s natural to feel good.

Join me.

“It’s a new dawn. It’s a new day. It’s a new life.
For me…. and I’m feeling good!”
~Michael Buble

(1) Vibrational Alignment

Everything is vibration. To create a reality that is
congruent with your vision, your passion, your values,
your desires… you must put attention toward ensuring
that your “vibes” are attracting what you want.

Feeling is the vibrational territory that most people
ignore, yet is an essential aspect of alignment.

Feeling good will help you be a vibrational match
to what you desire.

(2) All Else Flows From How You Feel

People get it backwards. They go for the “thing”
– i.e. the relationship, the money, the home,
the hot body.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not judging those things. They
are fine physical representations of what is possible in life.

However, what you really want is the feeling, the essence,
that that “thing” has for you! THAT is where it’s at. And
that is why so many people are on the endless hamster wheel
seeking something that is never attainable.

Seeking fulfillment in circumstances, you fall short.

Get in touch with the feeling, the essence, and focus on that.
The “things” will come naturally.

What you want will flow once you feel what you want to feel.
(which usually is some form of feeling good, right?!)

(3) Manifesting Magnetism

If you want to take your manifesting abilities to the next level,
you must get that feeling is your magnet. As a conscious creator
(rather than default reactor), you understand that what you pay
attention to grows. If you are feeling down, low, depleted, like
something is missing and so forth… you are just going to
continue to get more of the same.

You need to choose how you want to feel. You don’t think
you can do that? Are you one of those that think that you can’t
“control” your feelings? I challenge you on that one.

Feeling good is your manifesting magnet. And you can choose it.

(4) It’s “Recession Proof”

Once you get that circumstance does not define you, and
that the physical forms are demonstrations of energy… you
will feel assured and relax. You can consider a greater
wisdom in change, chaos, and transition, and lean into shift
as a natural course of expression that you eventually know
is PART of your abundance in life.

When you feel good, nothing outside of you can affect you.

You tap into the truth of plenitude, and allow new forms
to reveal new streams of prosperity.

(5) It’s Good for You

I’ve studied the art & science of gratitude, a characteristic
of feeling good, for years. One of the most fascinating and
promising aspects of gratitude is how it affects your health.

There are actually scientific studies showing how it boosts
your immune system, increases energy & vitality, and helps
with all around health.

And, since what you pay attention to grows… feeling good
builds you up for feeling more good. Gratitude creates more gratitude.
Joy breeds joy.

No doubt about it, feeling good is good for you!

(6) The World Needs a “Vibe Lift”

The way we’ve been conducting this global life business
just hasn’t been working. Things are falling apart because
a new paradigm is emerging. Life knows how to live, and
will ensure that the course carries on so that thriving
is the mainstay. Life depleting ways just aren’t sustainable.

So, on my mission to help “change the world”, I have concluded
that the best way to serve is to feel good & be fully alive!

AND, as you know, such vibes ripple out. The world needs us to
feel good! It’s contagious, and people can’t help but restore
and raise to new heights in the midst of higher vibrations.

For me, feeling good has been a part of taking my stand for
flourishing together on this planet.

Help the world with its vibe lift by choosing to feel good!

(7) It Feels Good to Feel Good

Oh yeah! It’s true. Being in the flow of life, living the
inspired creation that is, allowing the core joy and freedom
to express…ah, goodness.

I concluded some years ago that I would accept nothing less than
feeling good. Suffering is not necessary. Sure, there’s “contrast”
that is part of the human journey that helps us grow, yet the
pain & suffering is optional. Feeling bad and drama are so overrated.
Feeling bad is a false sense of power stemming from a victim consciousness
that no longer serves.

It’s simple; it feels good to feel good!

NO Complaining Zone

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It’s still my birthday month!

The good times continue with a visit from my dad an2014-05-16 17.14.22d his wife.

It’s been a meaningful time for me. Here I am with my dad outside a restaurant on the water. We took a ferry from Seattle and stopped here for some seafood.

PLUS… my new website was revealed last week. Pop on over for a peek if you haven’t yet.

Isn’t it beautiful?

We’re still putting some finishes touches to it. And, I have a new enewsletter design coming.

Now that we’ve crossed the mid-way mark of the merry month of May, my energy is increasing toward Kauai.

I will be there in less than 3 weeks! I really can’t believe it. (And I can’t believe that I have one spot open for a VIP day during Summer Solstice!)

My life is a dream come true.

If you want the same for you — a lifestyle you love, freedom of choice, a rewarding purpose— I want you to read my EDGY new article below.


What I’m about to say will ruffle some feathers.

Hey, I might even lose potential clients over it.

I really don’t like complainers!

Yeah, the peace-loving part of me loves all people
in their evolving journey “as they are“.

But, there’s another part of me that has NO interest, NO patience and truly, NO respect, for complainers. no-complaints

It’s RARE that I attract them. I’ve been at this work for over 20 years. I’ve cleaned up a lot of my personal
crap. I’m aware of how I attract & manifest reality.

And, I have practical business methods in place to screen people.

I only work with people who are serious about creating results.

But… once and a while one gets through.

Someone who thinks she’s justified in her complaint.

Again, I’m going to ruffle some feathers here because… I DON’T believe the customer is always right.

In fact, I think that position perpetuates some
situations that I want to have nothing do to with.

Point in case. Complainers.

It’s one thing to assert your wants.
It’s another to have an attitude of entitlement.

It’s one thing to speak up so that you influence your desired reality.
It’s another to be reactive and blame others for your results.

I got a message from a complainer yesterday.

It blew me away. Clearly, she hasn’t been in my field
long and really taken in the essence of what it
means to live as a deliberate creator and to embody
wealth consciousness.

Now, here’s the deal.

I don’t want to make her bad or wrong.

I’m using this scenario to underscore the
issue of complaining and how it erodes
a lot of people’s progress and success.

It can be really pronounced, or even really subtle.

(Come on, admit it, you may have complained in the last
day or two).

One of the major problems with complaining is that
it gives you a false sense of power derived from feeling
victimized and then complaining about it.

The paradox is, you are giving away your power because
you insist that it’s about someone or something else.

Rather than examining a few key areas that could turn
your situation around, you keep deflecting responsibility
and prolonging the very stress or suffering you are complaining

Here’s what to do instead. Ask a series of potent questions:

1) How might I be contributing to the situation I am in? What
choices, habits, and patterns brought me to this very moment?

2) How is this situation familiar to me? Is the frustration
I feel from it a theme in other areas or different times in my life?

3) How is this situation a mirror for me? What is it reflecting
back to me, that if I chose to see clearly, could help further
my growth?

4) What is my responsibility in this situation? Who have I been
or who am I being that has led me to the results I’m getting?

5) Am I willing to admit the ways I’m getting in my own way
and start being accountable to the results I want?

6) Am I ready to let go of victim consciousness, feeling done
to, feeling wronged, feeling let down and get on with being
the powerful creator I am?

7) What would an attitude of gratitude do to shift this situation?

The truth is, complaining has no place in a successful person’s life.

If you want more purpose, more prosperity, more peace and more freedom,
I urge you go on a complaining cleanse starting immediately. And ending never.

*NEW VIDEO* Increase Prosperity & Wealth Starting Now!

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What New Wealth Is & Is NOT (PIX from San Francisco Included)

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Greetings Powerful YOU!

I’m in San Francisco at a Conscious Business Network Retreat. IMG_0321

Being on the cutting edge of personal growth work is exhilarating… and scary… and it’s my life’s work.

I’m on my way to the Fisherman’s Wharf for a final celebration dinner.

But first, I just wanted to touch in with you and say OOOHWEEE!

There are BIG things emerging.

It’s an honor to be part of the leadership in this industry and I feel compelled to help shape business in a way we are proud of.

I mean, I get to play with heart-centered visionaries. We put our FULL being into our missions, and I can’t tell you how many times I teared up with emotion as I felt moved by the greater purpose we are here for.

We are talking about and more importantly —WALKING the talk— regarding issues of IMG_1267importance to our role in global change.

Here I am with incredibility talented 6 & 7 figure biz women. Mascara smudged eyes, demonstrating a good cry after a powerful “Spiritual Scavenger Hunt”.

It’s a warm home coming as the Divine Feminine leads the way in the new business paradigm.

(Emotions are welcome!)

Some of the questions we are living into:

  • What is the higher purpose of the personal growth industry?
  • How will we use our influence for the greater good?
  • How do we channel our collective force to create a new relationship with money?
  • Who do we need to BE in service to a bigger vision?

In service to YOU transforming into your highest purpose and prospering while doing so, I’ve included insight into the New Wealth Consciousness below, what it is and what it is NOT.


You are rich. Now.

You may reject this truth because you’re struggling to get by,
you don’t have as much money as you want, you feel like you
never have enough.

Or perhaps you do have a lot of money, but you don’t feel rich.


You reject money because you are a visionary, a leader of the future
and you are tired of the stress, strife and war it’s caused. The collective’s
obsession with the acquisition of things, consumerism and the shiny object
syndrome have turned you off from the money game all together.

You will not compromise your soul for money, so you stay clear of it in
order to preserve your true self.

But you know what?

NEW WEALTH is the game changer.woman blowing gold

New Wealth is the next paradigm that means more of what really matters, including abundance and prosperity for all.

What New Wealth IS:

  • Having more of what you truly desire
  • Attracting money through how you be
  • Creating a positive and life-affirming impact on the world through your wealth
  • Income growth driven by values and authentic soul service
  • Manifesting with ease
  • Living your fortune

What New Wealth IS NOT:

  • Getting what you want at the expense of others
  • Giving up who you are in order to be “secure” in money
  • Perpetually trying to get somewhere that always eludes you
  • Stress, strain and struggle to “keep up” for the power and prestige
  • Achievement through working hard
  • Always seeking your fortune

Why New Wealth Consciousness?

1. There is a NEW paradigm emerging, and you are an important part of it.
2. WEALTH is your true nature, an expression of your freedom.
3. You are the creator of your life, and it all begins in CONSCIOUSNESS.

SUPERCHARGE Your Affirmations (For Results with Ease)

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kendra-palm-springsGreetings FABULOUS One!

I had a splendid vacation in Palm Springs this past week.

Yes, it’s true. I am a tree hugger. I am especially enamored by palm trees.

Other than loving on trees, I’ve been actively planning for Kauai (one VIP day left!), working behind the scene’s on a BRAND NEW website, and serving my incredible clients.

Truly, I live a life I love.

Let me know how I can support you in creating a life YOU love.


“The infinite intelligence that gave me this desire leads, guides, and reveals to me the perfect plan for the unfolding of my desire. I know the deeper wisdom of my subconscious is now responding, and what I feel and claim within is expressed in the without.”

~Dr. Joseph Murphy

I’m all about working smarter, not harder.

That means…

*Better results faster

*Manifesting with grace

*Less effort and more space

*An ongoing stream of good fortune without even feeling like you had to try for it

*A playful anticipation & grateful awe for continuous magical unfolding

The cool thing is that it’s really NOT that hard!

In fact, what is hard is going against the stream and attempting to create results while exerting more and more energy.

There are a couple essential ingredients that lay the foundation to extraordinary success with greater EASE.

#1- Take responsibility for your reality & results.

#2- What you repeat you become.

#3- The deliberate use of your subconscious. (Using will alone= effort.)

An essential tool to incorporate these into action is affirmations.

Check this out…

80-95% of your results come from your subconscious.

Kendra arms open yellow red field

This is one of the reasons I use affirmations and guided meditation/visualization in my life and with my clients… to create sustainable breakthroughs and habit formation.

Affirmations involve all 3 ingredients above. They require you to take responsibility by being a conscious creator. They work through repetition. They harness the power of your subconscious.

To affirm is to declare IT IS SO.

Even if you “don’t think it’s so” in physical reality, it DOES exist in the unseen.

Even if you feel like you are “faking it” or it seems unbelievable, the reality you desire is closer than you know. And affirmations bring them into your awareness.

A key here is to understand that your subconscious does not know the difference between “dream” and “reality”.

Using affirmations is a sure-fire way to get your subconscious to believe what is in harmony with what you desire.

Your repetition of this ritual eventually brings what you desire to manifest.

Now, let’s talk about how to SUPERCHARGE your affirmations.

Since everything is energy, and the Universe responds to your energy, adding zest and zeal to your affirmations is essential.

Bring your FULL energy to them. Don’t just go through the motions. Own them. Believe them. Feel them. Tingle with them. Let them run through your entire being.

COMMAND what you want into being with clarity, boldness, trust and conviction.

“I use my power to create the reality I want!”

***10 Tips To SUPERCHARGE Your Affirmations***

1) Put passion & enthusiasm into them. It’s all about energy.
2) Declare them outloud.
3) Say them repeatedly. At least 3 times a day.
4) Post note cards with your affirmations around your house, in your purse or wallet and/or in your car.
5) Record your affirmations & listen to them while you work, drive, exercise, or fall asleep.
6) Put your affirmations on your computer screen saver.
7) Sing them.
8) Tone as you say them.
9) Walk & say them (criss-cross motion activates both sides of the brain).
10) Dance & say them. Feel them in your movement.

2013-06-19 12.53.03

This Law Increases Money Flow! (Wealth-Building MUST. Highly Recommend)

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unstoppable-gala-2HAPPY SPRING!

Out with the old and in with the new.

That’s a promise of Spring.

New abundance. New freedom. New clients. New creativity. New money.

Whatever the stir of newness desiring to emerge through you, one thing is certain:

That’s why the tradition of Spring cleaning. Right?

We need a regular sweeping out, a de-cluttering.

This is actually one of the reasons so many of you still struggle to manifest as quickly and easily as is possible.

You are attempting to create a new experience — let’s say with money — on top of an old consciousness. It just doesn’t work.

Einstein said you can’t solve a problem at the same level of consciousness that created it. It’s the same with manifesting.

In service to you getting unstuck and into FLOW, I want to talk with you about one of the biggest secrets to my success…. The Law Of Circulation.

Read below for more on that abundance generating secret.

Before I get there, I want to brag about a couple things that have happened as of late:

1) Went on a road trip with my mom from Tucson to Boise.


2) From there I flew to LA to one of my favorite events of the year, the Unstoppable Gala.

(see pic above and below)

3) Stayed an extra day in LA for an exclusive mastermind led by the one and only Bob Proctor. (legend in the personal growth industry, featured in the movie “The Secret”)


4) Now I’m in Boise (again) for a special trip for my niece’s 7th birthday. (Here we are working side-by-side on projects…. with my mom’s sweet dog.)


5) And… today marks the beginning of my highly acclaimed course, the Medicine of Money.


Okay, let’s get to the Law that increases money and wealth flow

Of all the game-changing “success secrets” I’ve used through the years,MoneyFaucet
one that rises to the top is the Law of Circulation.

The Law of Circulation states that all things in the Universe are always flowing in circulation at an ever expanding rate.

When it comes to experiencing an abundant flow of money and wealth, the problem for most is stagnation.

There IS no circulation.

And therein lies a huge challenge.

In the stuck, stagnant, seemingly non-existent flow, the tendency is to engage in habits of thinking and being that KEEP one out of circulation.

I mean, on some level, it would make sense to hold back, “tighten the purse strings” and to hang on to what you’ve got.



In doing so, you actually do the opposite of what you

You cause greater stagnation.

You stop participating in the co-creative process
and by doing so, circulation of resources and money

Then you hang on tighter, become more
stingy, repeat the story of how you don’t have

…and the cycle continues.

Let’s break this down more specifically.

3 ways YOU are restricting the circulation of abundance & money:


The energy of “getting” is primarily ego-based. Behind the drive to get
is a need to fill something.

For instance, if you want to get more money, most likely the motive is to fill the
sense of insecurity that you have regarding the cycles of “not enough”. As I say,
money is not the solution. Ever.

In the early stages of building my business, I was always thinking about getting
clients. I didn’t like how it felt. There was a desperation underneath my striving
to get, which kept me focused on “not enough”. Not only that, it led me astray from my main focus — to help and to serve.

When I got real and realized there was an emotional need I
was attempting to get from GETTING… i.e. Filling a desire to feel secure …
everything changed.

I shifted from GETTING to SERVING.

By doing so, clients and money started coming to me.

“The attitude of getting is the law of life in a congested state or a repressed action. As long as getting dominates our mind, that mind is in a paralyzed condition being limited in its action in accordance with the fundamental law of creation.”

~ Bob Proctor


A couple years ago, I was working with a client regarding one of
the principles of business success I teach: Giving to receive.

While she had experienced an increase in her clients and income, she
told me she wanted to wait until she reached a certain amount of
money before she started gifting.

I told her that totally defeated the purpose and magic of this practice.

You don’t make a certain amount of money and then start giving.

You give starting where you are.

Most people believe that they have to get before they
can give.

So they wait.

And wait.

Listen, the Universe responds to YOUR prompting and initiative.
YOU are the creator. So, stop waiting for the signs or the “right time” or
a boost in your income.

“You must understand that wealth is an ongoing journey of growth
and circulation and if that circulation is stopped, then the flow of money
will cease.”

~ Bob Proctor


Giving is a practice in the Law of Circulation that has been INTEGRAL
to acheiving the kind of success I used to only dream of.

It’s stretched me in ways I hadn’t expected!

Sometimes it was just SO hard to let go and trust that as I gave,
I would still be provided for.

(Here I am at the Unstoppable Gala with Cynthia Kersey, handing over money gifts from our table.)photo-22

If you want to expand your abundance, gain meaningful satisfaction and experience the phenomena of the Law of Circulation, I encourage
you to give.

Even when you feel you can’t.

ESPECIALLY when you think you can’t.

Giving to causes that are in line with my mission has completely changed my money and prosperity!

I started small. Even with that, my whole experience of manifesting
changed. My income grew exponentially.

And it opened me to a deeper understanding of currency and
exchange of life.

(Currency comes from the word curraunt, which means “in circulation”.)

It put me in a Divine flow connected to a greater trust and faith
that provides the core security and freedom I always longed for.

If you want to set this practice into motion right now, here’s
a way. In partnership with the Unstoppable Foundation, we’re
raising $25,000 to sponsor a village.

In closing…

As you move forward in your quest for greater abundance & wealth…

What will you do to let the Law of Circulation work for you?


Money Is NOT Wealth

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29You feeling the early stages of new life emerging as Spring nears?

What a GREAT time to start fresh.

Let’s begin with a whole new relationship with money.

Imagine feeling plenty. Secure. Abundant.

It’s totally possible!

It comes with a paradigm shift I want to remind you of (read article below).

First, I want to be clear.

While many of you look at my current success and desire your version of the freedom I have, there are TWO things I want you to get clear.

# 1 – I know first hand what it’s like to strain and stress about money. I’ve been up all night worrying about how to pay rent. So DON’T look at my 6-figure earning company and think that I don’t know “what it’s like for you”. And don’t use the gap between where you are and where I am as an excuse to believe that I am beyond where you could ever be!

I am a REFLECTION of the transformation that is possible.

This leads me to….

# 2 – The powers that I’ve used to create my success are available to you, too. The mindset, Universal law, creative intelligence… ALL accessible to you.

Now, let’s close that gap, use your power and GET ON with the prosperity you are here for!


Let’s continue to talk about one of most heated,
all-consuming and sought after subjects
of our time…


Better yet, let’s talk about a paradigm shift that
will help you actually make more of it with grace
and ease.

Money…I used to fear it, complain about it,
dread it, avoid it.

Now? I love it!

Why the complete turnaround? Well, first I was
DONE with the drama and pain I let it cause me.

Finished. Never again. (Sometimes things just
have to get so bad that you finally put your
foot down, you know?)

Then, I decided and determined what I wanted
money to mean for me and my “why” for it
(there’s a big tip for you to implement right there).

Rather than living in a reactive mode with it,
I chose what would happen with money from then on.

From victim to creator. (Come on, admit you feel
like a victim around money sometimes.)

Besides, if you know anything about the Universe,
you understand the power of attention and intention.

When I “got” that by projecting fear and
resistance onto money, I was just getting
more of the same, I chose to take charge.

So the first thing you need to do is reinvent
your relationship with money. You need to wake
up to what it really is for, the purpose of it
and how it can actually be an ally in your life,
your business and your purpose.

In doing so, you will realize that money is FOR
you and is a PART of wealth, but not the
definition of wealth.

You will understand that it has a vital role
in your freedom, but it is not the cause or
reason for your freedom. Let’s say that one more
time (and really let it sink in).

Money is not the cause or reason for your freedom.

This is where the paradigm shift comes about.

See, freedom is what most people are really after (not money).

People think… money=>wealth=>freedom.

They seek money because they seek freedom.

In truth, both freedom and wealth are an inward experience.

“The goal should not be to make money or acquire things,
but to achieve the consciousness through which the substance
will flow forth when and as you need it.”

~Eric Butterworth

Prosperity Affirmations That Work

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DECLARE & FEEL THE TRUTH:falling-money

I am connected to the unlimited source of prosperity.

Prosperity flows through me right now.

Prosperity is my birthright.

I deserve all good in my life and that includes prosperity.

I trust the infinite flow from which everything is created.

I receive this truth in my experience with money.

I am a money magnet.

My income is constantly increasing.

I know that life is abundant and I accept abundance in my life now.

I consistently and easily manifest the money I desire to live my dreams.

Money flows to me from expected and unexpected sources.

New opportunities to increase my income open up for me now.
I am rich.



ps. Want more?!

THIS is the kind of consciousness that gets you want you want.