Many years ago I had a revelation. 
I got that if I couldn’t be me, I was imprisoned.
Lack. Scarcity. Money issues. These were symptoms of not fully being me.
That was so liberating to understand!
Before that, I believed something was wrong with me.
I thought the painful struggles in my life and finances were a result of who I was (or wasn’t).
But it’s not true.
I discovered from very early on we received messages that who we are is not good enough. That we need to fit a neat little package that is acceptable to the norm so that people like us. And to be liked is to be accepted. And to be accepted in the tribe is to survive.
As I released my conditioning and asserted my truth in every area of my life, abundance and prosperity became my way.
I uncovered the key to true wealth!
It’s being true to who you are.
Here’s what I believe:
- We are born in Divine perfection and wholeness.
- Society convinces us we are not perfect and whole while conditioning us to not be true to ourselves.
- Being separated from our true selves, we become misaligned, which leads to frustrating symptoms such as depression, stress, overwhelm, lack, dis-ease, and chronic dissatisfaction.
- Healing and spiritual growth is about remembering who we really are.
So what does this have to do with wealth?
If you are not being true to yourself, you are denying life.
You are denying the very life force that created you.
You are denying the life force that you are designed to express.
As a result, you are denying your wealth.
How can you feel wealth when you are disconnected from life force?
Remember, wealth is NOT a thing. It’s NOT a place. It’s NOT an amount of money. It’s an inner experience.
This inner wealth experience is created when you are connected to and expressing the life force as you are designed to.
And as you do, you tap into the unique gifts, skills, and medicine that you are here to contribute.
When you are tapped in, you are able to give AND receive from who you are. This is where your “sweet spot” resides. An infinite, unending supply.
Herein lies the freedom that you hunger for. The assurance that all is well. That you will be provided for. That you are secure. That your needs will be met.
All this comes from simply being true to you.
“When I’m trusting and being myself as fully as possible, everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously.”
~Shakti Gawain
HOW do you design business, money and life being true to you? What does it mean to be true to yourself?
For me, it means:
To listen to, trust in and act on my inner knowing and guidance. To freely and unapologetically live from my authentic expression and to show up as I am.
What about you? Take a few moments and capture your definition.
After that, choose–right now–to build your business, money and life based in who you are. It’s the only way to create true wealth, i.e. freedom on your terms.
Then, implement 10 Ways To Tap Your True Wealth:
- Get to know yourself. In order to be true to you, you need to know you.
- Consistently evaluate what is you and what is not. Become super aware of what you *think* is you based on who others’ have told you to be.
- Release what is not you. Values, behaviors, choices that do not represent what is real inside you… release them all.
- Raise your standards. Do not put up with situations and people that deplete you. No tolerations!
- Spend time every day–even 5 minutes–being quiet with yourself so you learn to listen to your inner feelings and guidance.
- Give yourself permission to make feeling good your dominant experience. (When you feel good, it’s an indication you are being true to you.)
- Get familiar with the giddy, exciting, stirring and sometimes scary YES inside you that informs you how to choose and live.
- Release your attachment to being liked.
- Accept who you are. All of you. (Yes, even the shadowy parts that you want to hide.)
- Choose trust. Trust you will succeed –financially and otherwise– when you are true to you. As you believe, so it will be.
“Be what nature intended you for, and you will succeed.”