I’m in California doing business & playing. Play, business…. it’s a
ll the same to me!
I’m so grateful that my life is a seamless expression of my purpose & joy.
I love this picture with my designer extraordinaire, Ashley. She’s one of the reasons my biz has become so much more visible.
I spoke on a panel this past weekend at a friends event on Quantum Leaps… boy, have I had a few!
I still am in awe of the transformation I’ve experienced. From struggling to pay bills to abundance & easy flow. I’ve even had 5 figure WEEKS recently! That’s more than I made my first 2 years of business.
Again, I highlight these milestones because I truly know what is possible and what it takes.
YOU can do it, too.
I’m determined to help each and every one of you have YOUR quantum leaps.
Here is a great article on how to activate one of your SUPER Powers that will help make it so.
“I activate my Super Powers & create prosperity now!”
Do you know you have super powers?
YES, you do!
Your super powers create prosperity & manifest your true desires.
One of them is ATTENTION.
When you use your attention on purpose, YOU influence, shape and craft your reality to your utmost juiciest wanting.
To do this you need to first embrace a Universal law.
Universal law= what you pay attention to grows.
A primary way you use your attention is by thought.
You think about lack, you get lack.
You think about abundance, you get abundance.
You notice what’s missing, you get evidence of what’s missing.
You observe prosperity, you receive more prosperity.
Is it really that simple?
Now, I know that it takes focus to master this super power. Your mind has been so programmed toward the “default” of lack & scarcity consciousness that it takes diligence to invoke & maintain your super power.
KEY to creating mastery of your super power (attention) is:
1) Getting that your subconscious is really the driver of your reality
2) Repetition
Let’s break this down.
1) Your subconscious is the primary influencer of reality.
That’s one of the reasons why you can feel so frustrated… because you are “willing” your way, doing everything “right”, and yet not getting the results you want.
What’s going on?
There’s subconscious activity going on that is counter to your conscious desire.
For example, you want $5,000 a month in new clients, you do “all the right things”, but it’s not happening.
Why? Because you have some subconscious belief(s) that is working counter to your intention. Maybe you believe deep down you don’t deserve it? Or, that people will judge you when you have more money? Or, that you will be more visible with more money (and that scares the shit out of you)?
What’s the solution?
Use your will, or your conscious mind, to deliberately insert into your subconscious what you want to experience.
NOTE!! The subconscious does not know the difference between “dream” and “reality”. It just goes with what you tell it.
It takes the information you give it, and translates it into what you know as real.
A super star way to ignite this super power is affirmations.
Deliberately tell your subconscious what is real!
And then… let it do the work FOR YOU.
2) Repetition will create your new reality.
For a while, when you affirm things like,
“I am rich. I am abundant. Money flows to me with ease. My desires are manifest.”
It may not feel authentic because you don’t fully believe it. Or, you’re still dependent on external reality to affirm that you are rich, so you don’t feel it.
But the only way to notice the shift in your being, and then in your reality, is through repetition.
Seriously, when I couldn’t pay bills and was short on money for groceries one month, I was appalled. Not just because I was embarrassed about living this reality, but because I really thought I was doing all the right things.
But then I took my SUPER Power & affirmations to the next level. Repetition of the reality I wanted through deliberate thought became a new way of life. And, the abundance & money followed.
This SUPER Power is available to you right now. The power of attention.
Now, go.
Super Power activate!