WAHOOOO! My third video message in service to your most alive year yet.
Create results in 2010! Be Alive is still open for enrollments through January 29.
WAHOOOO! My third video message in service to your most alive year yet.
Create results in 2010! Be Alive is still open for enrollments through January 29.
NOTE: These predictions are very real. And they are my wake up call to all of you to take your aliveness seriously, especially for those of you attracted to my Be Alive path.
Here are my predictions for you in 2010.
Increased health & happiness
There is a condition (and I’m not much into conditions, but
truly these predictions are contingent on something).
The “twist” on this condition is that it is not coming from
me. It’s within you. The power is all in you.
What is it?
You have to choose to let these predictions come true in your life.
See, these predictions are TOTALLY true!
They live.
They exist.
I can see your future.
It’s much more alive than you’re imagining.
And it’s not as far away as
you may think.
It’s there for you, you just need to choose it.
And for whatever “reason” your clever doubting voice
came up with, ask yourself these questions:
==>Why not me?
==>Why not now?
Listen, I want to support you in having 2010 be a year to remember & celebrate…
…as pivotal…
…as transformational…
…and truly alive.
I’ve set the stage for you. The support, the structure,
the tools–It’s all there! I’m 100% committed & confident;
I’ve proven my system.
And so, I’m inviting you to step into what you know you really want.
No more pretending. No more playing it safe.
No more “should’s”. No more “one day”.
I’m inviting to you step up to the visions that live within you.
I’m inviting you to allow the aliveness that IS you to actually express in your life!
Oh, I do have another prediction.
This one might be harder to hear.
I predict you are:
This prediction will ONLY come true if you don’t choose, don’t
set yourself up for success with the right supports, and don’t take action.
Clearly, you know which predictions I want for you.
How about you?
LISTEN FOR FREE===> “Be Alive Success Formula: How To Make 2010 THE Breakthrough Year To Live On Purpose & In Prosperity”
• What Your Purpose REALLY Is In 2010
• How To Create Simple, Yet Profound & Lasting Breakthroughs
• The Be Alive Easier Path To Success
• THE Ingredient That Will Ensure Your Prosperity in 2010
Be Alive applications are due by January 29.
Welcome to a new year, a new decade, a new era!
2010 vibrates with potential, awaiting your yes so it
can reveal all it has in store for you. It is beyond what you
have known, yet totally available as you allow.
What will you welcome?
Anything and everything is possible.
*I see you fulfilled every day in the ways that are
essential and meaningful to you. You are healthy,
happy and alive.*
The choice is always yours.
Use the energies of new beginnings, harness the powerful
sense of what could be, create on the fresh, clean slate waiting
for your design!
How will you create in 2010?
Will this be the year you create from your authentic self?
Or will you remain convinced by the old fear consciousness, and
abide by ego wants?
This is what is before you (and all) in 2010!
A choice.
A choice to live as the deliberate, conscious creator you are &
yield powerful results beyond your wildest dreams thus far.
Now, more than ever, you are being given the exact conditions to
support you in living the way you truly desire.
Here’s the deal….
When you plan and live through ego, there is always an
undercurrent of scarcity, survival and fear. The results:
When you plan and live through soul, the Universe, nature, and your
higher self align with you to support your fulfillment. The results:
Life is changing as we know it.
A new era is dawning.
For many of us, this emergence provides understanding and meaning
to the calling that we have felt deep within.
Will you listen?
It’s been said that an aspect of success is to move at the speed
of your inspiration and spirit. An acceleration is taking place in
2010, and the more you allow yourself to move with it, the more
you will know your joy and ease.
The more you put it off or resist it, the more struggle and strain
will be your reality.
Listen, I know your true nature.
I know what you are really here for.
I encourage you to let yourself say YES!
So, let me ask that original question again.
How will YOU create in 2010?
If you are serious about creating, living & prospering from your soul, Be Alive will support your success. Applications are due January 29.
WAHOOOO! Message #2 in my series to support you in your most alive year ever.
Join me in a powerful path that is guaranteed to get you results in 2010.
Be Alive 2010 applications are due by January 29.
1) Pause.
2) Breathe.
3) Align.
4) Vision.
5) Receive.
6) Allow.
7) Give thanks.
Begin now & let this wave of new life, new inspiration, new light, new possibility come into you.
I’m offering a F-R-E-E video series for you to be most alive in 2010.
Check out Message #1 now.
Here is the 1st video in my series to support you in living your MOST alive year yet.
Alive 2010 Message #2 is now ready.
Enrollment for the highly acclaimed Be Alive only happens once a year! http://www.spiritalive.net/bealive2010.htm
Check out this video of me in my seasonal JOY, shaking my booty, getting DOWN and showing you my impressive disco moves. This is worth your time, really.
Here’s to YOUR aliveness in this season and throughout the new year!
ps. If you want to laugh and feel good, check it out.
There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature ~ the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter.”
~Rachel Carson
My teachings regarding living in harmony with the rhythm of life, the Universal laws and nature are not original. I’ve just created systems & programs that make it easy for you to apply to your life and business.
My systems work because, as I’ve said before, life knows how to live.
As humans, part of our task is to get out of the way and let life do its thing. Really, there is much greater ease in the allowing than in the trying.
Winter Solstice is unique among days of the year – the time of the longest night and the shortest day. The Solstice is also a turning point. From now on (until the Summer Solstice), the nights grow shorter and the days grow longer, the dark wanes and the Sun waxes in power.
What can the wisdom of this time offer you?
Most people have a strained, love/hate relationship with the dark. For some, it is scary. For others, a guilt-filled “temptation”. For most, it is associated with being “out of control” in a negative way.
The dark time (within nature, within you) is necessary for the whole cycle and expression of life. The dark encourages time of rest and dreaming. It invites the mystery, which is rich with life when you allow it.
Embracing the darkness & reinventing your relationship with it will increase your aliveness because you will no longer be fighting something that is just a part of life. Make sense?
This time pulls you inward. When you honor this impulse and reflect, meditate and listen, you can tap a gold mine of wisdom. I invite you to surrender to the inner nudges calling you within and let yourself be surprised by the gifts there for you. Yes, it may include insight about letting go and release that needs to occur. The darkness can support you with that.
It is also a sweet time to go deep and gain clarity about your visions, dreams and desires for 2010. Going within, you can answer, “What do I REALLY want?!”
Consult yourself.
Birth begins in darkness, as dawn follows the long night, and spring springs from winter. We must not interrupt the incubation period within us, or force it to bear fruit before its time.” ~Torrey Philemon
Let us remember that new life is created in the womb of darkness, that the seed is planted in the dark beneath the earth.
There is a time, a season for everything. The darkness does contribute to the birth of new life. When you honor this, life becomes easier.
As a deliberate creator, you live intentionally, consciously choosing how to BE in a way that aligns you with what you desire to manifest. You…
It’s all there for you. Are you saying yes?
Spiritually-oriented successful women!— If you are interested in learning how to live in harmony with life in a way that allows you to be authentically you, thrive in joy and create prosperity, check out Be Alive 2010. Enrollment is open now, so act soon!
Endings are an inevitable part of the cycle of life.
Whether it be the end of year, end of a project, end of an experience, end of a relationship…and yes, even the end of a life.How you do endings impacts the quality of your life. Sometimes in avoiding the finality of ending, we don’t really bring intentional closure to it. It’s one thing to end, and it’s another to end well.
When you avoid an ending or don’t feel complete with it, it stays with you. Depending on the nature of the ending, it can carry a burden or weight in your life. Or, it may just not allow you to open to the new beginnings that want to arise when the ending is honored.
Being present for endings offers riches in life that most people pass up. While pain can be a part of them, when presence is chosen, the natural salve of life provides comfort and understanding. Not only that, a greater purpose & deeper relationship with the moment and experience is discovered.
What most people don’t understand about finding peace is that the more you fight, avoid or resist what is, the greater the gap between you and peace.
Peace comes from your ability to be with what is.
Ultimately, finding peace is an inside journey. No circumstances and no person can make peace a reality for you. Only you can.
How To Find Peace in Endings in 4 Steps
1) Take a look at what is ending or needs to end. For example:
2) Identify what you need to feel closure.
What about that situation is ending or needs to end? If it’s an ending that is inevitable, how can you end it well? If it is one that you have some time with (i.e. a list of tasks to do), get real about what it will take to bring it to close.
3) Identify what support you need.
What kind of support do you need to end well?
Accountability from a coach?
A hug from a friend?
A good cry in the company of a trusted companion?
Resources on grief or forgiveness?
4) Do it.
You just gotta take action on the things you know you need to do.
Peace is a natural extension of your core aliveness. When you honor the cycle’s of life, you tune into this truth.
Whatever the present moment contains, accept is as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life.”~Eckhart Tolle