Why all the buzz about gratitude?
1) It works. 
When applied, gratitude works. And if you’re like me, you’re committed to nothing less than what works.
Actually, life is meant to work. Your life is meant to be fulfilling. You are designed to fulfill what you came for. What did you come for? Identify it and declare it. Then give thanks for it.
When you are grateful, you create a confident disposition, a way of holding life and its unfoldings as if there is something to be thankful for (and there is). Even when you don’t feel that what is before you is worthy of thanks (which can be heightened in times of crisis), when you choose to be grateful, you affirm that life is inherently good AND that what you desire is already created.
So, now it is created. You don’t have to see it yet to believe it. Believe it and then you will see it.
Anyway, my point is that it works.
- Decide
- Get Clear
- Believe
- Consistently give thanks
When you do, you leverage one of the most powerful links to using the Law of Attraction deliberately. You manifest what you want when gratitude is a part of your practice.
2) It feels good.
Feeling bad is over rated. Drama is sensationalized. Victimhood is old school.
You may think it’s elementary for me to be pointing out to do something that feels good. But you know, so many people are making choices that feel bad. And then, they keep paying attention to the situations that make them feel bad, complaining about what is wrong!
You can’t create what you want by continuing to focus on what makes you feel bad!
You can’t attract what you desire by feeling bad. When you feel bad you vibrate at a lower frequency, which means you are not able to attract something beyond your status quo.
In fact…
You continue to attract more of the same.
Gratitude is a consciousness. It vibrates at a very high frequency. So when you choose to direct your attention toward gratitude, you shift your frequency and you start to feel good.
Yep, it can be that simple.
3) The world needs TLC.
I’m so ready for a new way of being together. Aren’t you?
Poverty, oppression, unnecessary suffering.
Stick with me here. This really is about feeling good. 🙂
Let’s get real. Sometimes it’s hard to feel good in the midst of all that we see around us (and feel in our own lives). The doom and gloom can take its toll; the suffering of our humanity can be depleting and devastating.
Yet there is nothing noble about shrinking from it. It doesn’t mean you care more if you feel bad about what is going on.
You cannot change what is by feeling bad about it, fighting it, resisting it or rejecting it.
The best way to help change this world for the better is by simply feeling good. Feeling joy. Feeling peace. Feeling alive. When you are in a state of joy, peace and aliveness, your energy just naturally ripples out.
And how can you get there? You got it!! GRATITUDE.
Be grateful and you WILL be a part of raising humanity to another way of being that ensures that we flourish.
“GRATITUDE: 30 Days of Manifesting on Purpose“ launches Nov. 2! Register by Oct. 15 & receive 50% off.