“The goal of spiritual practice is full recovery, and the only thing you need
to recover from is a fractured sense of self.”~Marianne Williamson
You are whole and complete. Your spiritual path includes re-membering this truth.
I think on some level, we get angry when we are separated from this truth. Our original essence gets lost (but only temporarily) and we feel removed from the very source that feeds us, that IS us.
Family, strangers, media, religion, and education can be some of the influences that steadily undue the perfection we came in with. I want to highlight that most of this undoing is not intentional. It’s a general “consciousness anesthesia.”
If you are tuned in even to the slightest, you know that there is major change occurring on the planet. This change includes an “awakening”. We are waking from a slumber and into a conscious state of choice and freedom. I believe this awakening is part of what Marianne spoke of above about a full recovery from a fractured sense of self. Through awakening, you realize there is no fracture.
OK. So, what does anger have to do with all this?
Well, as I said, I think that anger is one of our responses to being separated from who we truly are. When separated from who you are, stress, struggle, illness and scarcity become a “normal” part of life.
See, you know on some level that something is out of sync with what you are here for. I mean, really, do you think it’s natural to live in a perpetual state of not feeling good?!
Hang in with me here…
When something happens that seperates you from your innate knowing of who you are, you naturally react with the desire to protect it. Anger can be a form of protection.
The warrior, amazon, priestess…they come forth from you to take a stand. The fierceness of which this energy comes about can look like and feel like anger.
YET…in a world where anger is not embraced, the majority of expressions and associations are unhealthy. Typically, we see anger as:
- Oppressive
- “Negative”
- Destructive
- Violent
- Or just plain “improper” (especially for us women)
But there is another way. Anger can be a source of your aliveness (see ANGER: An Untapped Source of Aliveness) and part of your spiritual path.
I’m not encouraging you to get angry or to perpetuate an angry way of being. Actually, I’m a very peaceful and joyful gal. 🙂 One of my secrets to arriving here? Yep, you got it, I honored my anger.
So, I’m really encouraging you to get alive. And I’m inviting you to open to power that conscious anger has for you.
(Oh, and the irony is…once you intentionally honor your anger and become a conscious aware person, you really don’t get angry much).
So, what’s so spiritual about anger? When anger is honored, released and expressed in an intentional way it provides:
- Transformation. Anger is an energy. It provides the means to transform energy from one expression to another. When you allow this to occur, you allow the life it has for you.
- Self care. People who are fully alive make self care a priority. Releasing stored anger is a very caring and loving act.
- Compassion.When the energy of anger is unleashed, you have a huge well of compassion you are able to access that was pinched off by the anger. (The picture above is of Quan Yin, the Goddess of compassion.)
- Forgiveness. When anger is dealt with consciously, it begins a path of forgiveness. Forgiveness is key to healing and living in the now.
- Being in the Now.True joy resides right here, right now. Eckhart Tolle says, “You cannot find yourself by going into the past.” Anger keeps you in the past. He goes on to say, “You can find yourself by coming into the present.” Feeling and releasing anger, you immediately come to the present.
- Peace. Being with what is, you are free. You cannot be at peace when you hold on to, run away from or resist anger. When you learn how to be with it, accept it, you realize peace.
- Better Relations. When you own your anger and take responsibility for it, you don’t project it/take it out on others. Clarity within you will foster richer relations.
- Manifestation Mojo. You will raise your vibration through intentional anger work. Increased vibration=increased manifesting capacity.
- Authentic Power. Holding on to anger is a false power. Real power comes from your core. Anger can help you access and harness deep, powerful parts of your self. You move from victim consciousness (i.e. this was done to me) to creator consciousness (i.e. what I choose, I create).
Why this focus on anger? I work with clients for a minimum of 6 months because I support sustainable changes and way of being that translates into true success. The majority of the time, when I do clearing with people, anger comes up. It must be cleared to keep in the flow of life and allow the manifestation of what you desire!
Also, I’m co-leading a private gathering for women. Women appealed for a safe, conscious way to be with this energy. We provide sacred space to release and feel your power through anger. If you are interested in the October 17 gathering, be in touch with me personally. [email protected]
Lastly, unaddressed anger becomes toxic. It’s time to get real about what does and doesn’t work, and practice a new, life affirming way.