I was blown away to receive this incredible download in my inbox …
Please. Read it. NOW.
It’s from Connor.
For all of you Women on Kendra’s list:
There is a current of experience that takes place within the context of Kendra’s Business that is not currently found in most other places. She is building on 20 years of ceremonial, consciousness and Shamanic work with me, now anchored in her own long journey into business building, enlivening the presence of women in business, and hence the world at large.

Although this work is perhaps not meant for most, what is being built here, step by step, woman by woman, is an empowered community of women, a Sisterhood of support, encouragement, a calling out into greatness, a challenge into alignment with one’s own Divine Design.
Kendra has invited me into her program for the purpose of seeding Eldering, a recall of the Presence of Elders, Eldering, an embodiment of a Wisdom Capacity wired in each of us, to feed and nourish potent, benevolent possibilities for these
turbulent times.
Elders, in the old-world sense of them, require a place, a container, a bowl, for Wisdom to flow into, planting seeds of benevolence and possibility in self-discovering the gifts inherent in each of us, necessary to contribute to the times
we are in.
Most businesses are fed on youth and new and improved.
Kendra is focused on depth, quality, a new dream/vision for our times.
This Vision MUST include Wisdom, or there will only be the trafficking of what feeds instant gratification in the lowest denominator of life.
You will notice that her practice is not about “butts in the seat”, how to fill a room/business to capacity in adoration of who she is and what she radiates.
She presents herself as a capable woman for these times, which models the embodiment of how a capable and confident woman moves through the world.
The new “she-ro” is not someone we want to become, rather,she demonstrates a life lived embodied in the fullness of the Divine Self, expressing genius and gifts as a supreme, unique expression whole itself, deeply connected and nourishing all around her.
I write this to encourage any woman ready to explore business with other women engaged in serious Conscious Business growing to consider this 2020 journey with Kendra and me.
I am present in her work as a seed of Eldering, Wisdoming, a thread of the genius of the “past”, deserving to be carried forward into the times ahead, in a new vision.
I also bring the congruent work of BG5, the Business applications of Human Design, to enhance any focus on Business and contribution to sacred commerce.
The commitment on all levels is very high, and yes, an expensive investment, with all levels of being.
If you are called, make sure you are truly in a place of showing up for all aspects, that this will enhance your life, not “take you out”.
This work is about cultivating the field of consciousness, and how we as women, can plant seeds in the field of becoming, what we truly desire to take root in the soil of our life, in service to all life.
You can build a business from selling something that you know nothing about and become quite wealthy, or become accountable on all levels of what you are “profiting from” and build an embodied wealth that demonstrates what true wealth is on every level of your being.
All the women on this journey are leaders and way-showers for others.
They ripple out from the container held together, uniquely as themselves.
It is intimate, real, deep, challenging, and requires serious self-governance.
Meaning maturity and maturation.
Look forward to seeing a few more of you on this River of Conscious Being.
With blessings and appreciation.
To your Sacred Being of expression,
~ Connor
WOW, just wow.
If that aroused your Soul knowing and compels you…
Be in touch ASAP of you want to be considered for Embodied Wealth 2020. (email = [email protected])
With all that I am,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA