I remember deciding to play with an alternative reality.
Rather than the anxiety producing world I was taught to give my power to in which I was guarded and anticipating the demonstration of a lacking, uncaring and harsh reality, I made a decision to enter and reside in an entirely different realm.
Einstein said that the most important decision we can make is whether this is a friendly or hostile Universe. And that all other decisions spring from there.

Intuitively, I knew my decision would change everything, and…wow … did it ever!
As I began untethering from the paradigm that the Universe is hostile, I was blown away at how influential it had been on how I interpreted, felt, experienced and walked through my days.
It informed my perceptions, and so finding evidence that this was the “truth” was easy (because that’s what we do).
It was a lens I carried with such an unconscious loyalty, an assumption that it was just “the way it was”, so to discover that I could CHOOSE another route was a revelation.
Underlying beliefs in the hostile Universe are… life is against you, it places obstacles in the way, and it presents circumstances that prevent you from receiving the goodness of life.
In a hostile/unfriendly Universe, safety is in question, we have to fight for what we want, take what we can get, tolerate, compete and bolster our identities by feeling our world view is superior to the “other side”.
We judge, anticipate harm, can be skeptical about motives and fail to see the opportunity.
We allow poverty and war as a “given”.
Money is a battle of survival and power.
The operating system of the hostile Universe can also sound something like this:
- I’m being tested
- There’s only so much to go around
- I have to be a good girl to be approved (and therefor belong)
- Someone else is to blame or it’s my fault (or both!)
- I need to be on the defense
- I’m not supported
- I have to work hard to get very little
- Money is difficult, a problem and/or scarce
- Something always goes wrong
Now, it’s worth acknowledging (so you don’t think this is a bypass philosophy) that there are undoubtedly challenges, heart aches, losses, wounds and traumas in this human journey.
I’ve certainly had my share.
But when you shift into the friendly Universe paradigm, instead of staying helpless of victimized by adversity, you understand that it’s a dimension of experience your Soul came to expand through.
With the right support and maturation, you glean wisdom from even the darkest of times.
In a friendly Universe, you embrace that you are a beneficiary of life-giving creation.
You become a co-creator of your reality, a contributing factor to the aliveness of the greater whole and conduit through which life force flows.
You trust a Divine design and know that the intelligence of creation lives in you and naturally
elevates your supreme health, wealth and freedom. You feel backed, view your encounters as opportunity and remain rooted in a deeper security.
Here are core ways I embody the friendly Universe operating system:
* The Universe is on my side.
* The Universe is designed for life, health and abundance.
* Life doesn’t happen to me, it happens for me (A key shift from victim consciousness).
* The resources I*need to prosper, be well and succeed in my purpose are
always available and revealing to me.
* I trust everything is working in my favor.
* Good fortune and abundant flow are the way life works, and I am an expression of that life.
* The Universe is organized for my wealth and health.
* I delight in the endless ways the Universe shows me signs of my alignment.
* My desires are sacred nudges from my Soul and the Universe guiding
me to what nourishes me on all levels.
* I love the emergent Divine design of the Universe and how it uses to me in service to beauty, truth and benevolence.
* I am grateful for the unconditional riches of the Universe and its generous and plentiful provisions for my optimal well being.
* I harmonize with the nature and order of the Universe for the highest good.
* Money is energy and the Universe circulates it through my life and business on behalf of the greater good.
* Life supports me.
THE ART OF MANIFESTING MONEY comes from a friendly Universe.
Join us in the new paradigm. Aug 31 + Sept 1, 12pm + 5pm mtn both days. Registration opens Aug 23.
More brilliance from Einstein to support better world solutions:
“For if we decide that the universe is an unfriendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to achieve safety and power by creating bigger walls to keep out the unfriendliness and bigger weapons to destroy all that which is unfriendly and I believe that we are getting to a place where technology is powerful enough that we may either completely isolate or destroy ourselves as well in this process.
But if we decide that the universe is a friendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to create tools and models for understanding that universe. Because power and safety will come through understanding its workings and its motives.”
With all that I am,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA