Just over a week ago I returned from Peru…expanded, open and curious about my new direction.

I’m still integrating the mind-blowing experience.
After staying in a yurt in the woods in Washington for a few days, I hopped on a plane (again) to Boise, Idaho to surprise my mom for her 70th birthday. Way cool!
One of my most EPIC experiences in Peru was terrifying.
It was during my climb of that peak you see in that fabulous picture behind me.
I’m willing to get personal, because MY fear and terror can be a catalyst to you.
I’m willing to share how my vulnerable and raw emotional moments on that mountain empowered me.
READ ON for more on “Breaking Through The Terror Barrier”…
I kept looking at that infamous peak as we toured Macchu Picchu wondering how the heck I was going to make it to the top.
Remaining present in the moment proved a greater challenge than usual.
My mind chatter was all over the place.
Mostly I was excited.
But then fear kicked in.
Here’s the interesting thing… nothing had happened yet, right?
I was scared of something that didn’t even exist.
My mind raced with fear-based possibilities. I was imagining the future with scenario’s that scared me.
I want you to seriously consider this for a moment.
I’m sharing a story of terror from my own life, but I bet you a gazillion dollars that you can relate.
I bet you:
- have big dreams
- want to travel
- long to create greater freedom
- are ready to build true wealth
- want to make more money doing what you love
You perceive the risk involved to be SO scary, that you remain where you are.
I get it.
The RISKS I’ve taken over the last few years to create a freedom-based business and lifestyle have TOTALLY brought me to my edges and terrified me at times.
Get this.
The fear of living a mediocre life where I compromise my value and worth, blocking my birthright to receive wealth, health and abundance is NOT a risk I am willing to take.
So, I am devoted to navigating my fear with intention and power as it comes up.
Climbing Waynu Picchu was a supreme opportunity to live my devotion!
As we made our way up the steep and narrow trail, I chose to take my time and be fully present.
I noticed.
I observed.
I allowed.
I did not judge.
I did not force.
The future tripping that caused the fear had ceased and I was truly enjoying the splendor.
And then…
I got to this place.
The ledge you see on the right. ====>
We were not too far from the top.
I looked down and around me to take it all in.
I was in AWE! I began crying out of sheer joy and elation. I felt the profoundness and miracle of life in my entire being.
A wave of terror rushed through me.
I felt stuck.
I thought, “They’re going to have to call in a helicopter for me!”
I really didn’t feel like I could move.
Someone asked me, “are you okay?!”
I laughed. She laughed.
Even though I was scared, I was okay. More than okay. I was in my power.
There was an invitation to healing and transformation before me, and I said YES!
I was NOT going to shrink in my fear.
I chose to stay present with it, feel it, and grow with it.
I took off my shoes and planted my feet on the earth.
I breathed deep cleansing breaths.
I burned sage.
I offered tobacco.
Feeling more centered AND still in my fear, one of my power allies came forth. His name is Russell.
He kneeled before me and told me to receive.
I did.
Radical healing.
It sank more deeply into my body and consciousness that I was truly held and supported. I FELT in my being to a whole new level the love of the Universe and a profound knowing that the net always appears.
From that moment I was guided, step-by-step, up the rest of the mountain.
At times I literally crawled!
At times I squeezed his hand as I inched along!
At times I hugged rocks because I was so afraid of the edge!
I knew I had a choice.
I could stay in terror that I perceived was “real” and leave that mountain with the same point of reference of fear consciousness that was living in my DNA… OR I could break through it and establish a NEW standard of empowered vibration.
It was a no-brainer choice for me.
And…. I made it!
In summary…. How I broke through my terror barrior.
- I chose to be with what was. No resistance. No trying to make it something else. No manipulating the energies.
- I claimed healing and transformation was taking place.
- I allowed myself to cry, to weep, to FEEL all that was moving through me.
- I was unapologetic and took my time and my space as needed.
- I received support from stellar allies that could hold space (not care take).
- I gave myself permission to be led by the strong presence of the Divine Masculine. I gave myself over to loving care.
- I remained devoted to showing up fully as I was in each moment, messiness and all.
- I held the greater wisdom and truth of the Divine unfolding, and surrendered in full trust to the process for the highest good for myself and others.
Listen, whether you’re literally on a mountain peak or scaling the mountain of your dreams, you WILL come up against your terror.
DON’T let your terror be a barrier.
Know that you are okay.
Stand in your power.
Call on the healing forces.
Receive the right support.
And keep saying YES to life!