
Whose Goals Are You Living By?

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LIVE from LA…. sharing some inspiration after an event with David Neagle.


I’m Delusional and I Love It!

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I’m enjoying the desert sun today now that I’ve landed in Tucson, Arizona after a fun-filled (and butt numbing) long road trip with my mom from Minneapolis, Minnesota.  

Above is a picture of us at the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert National Park. WOW! What a stunning display of nature.

I’m also getting ready for my trip to LA tomorrow, where I’ll be all week for an event I’m eager to be part of, “The Millions Within”.   

You’ll be able to feel the expansion and pick up on some kernels when I broadcast live from LA on Friday forthe “Leaders’ Call To Adventure” telesummit, and the “Secrets Of The Wealthy Goddess Revealed” complimentary teleseminar. Join us.

In the meantime, I have been in deep reflection after receiving a very intense backlash response to my last message titled, “Less Work, More Play”.

WOAH!  I was told my thinking was delusional, that I made working hard “evil”, and that my beliefs were egoic (just to highlight a few). 

One of the greatest universal fears (so you’re not alone) that I hear repeatedly regarding stepping into your truth and your authentic self is being attacked

I used to have this fear, too.  So much so that I held back who I truly was in order to avoid any pain of rejection or attack.

But as the years have passed and my purpose has aligned, I recognized that the pain of holding back is far greater than being all that I am. Yes, even with the risk of relationships being rocked, attacks on character, challenges on my beliefs and rejection of my unique expression. 

Now I feel a deep abiding trust that is less shaken by outward opinion.

Don’t get me wrong, I definitely felt triggered. 

Yet I was able to recognize the gifts in this latest “attack” and give thanks for the way it’s helping me settle more deeply into my role as a leader.

  • Yes, I stir things up!
  • Yes, I challenge the status quo!
  • Yes, I dismantle what isn’t working!
  • Yes, I push buttons! 

I’m here to help create radical change. There’s still too much crisis and suffering on our planet.

So until we restore balance and ensure that all beings are nourished in all ways, I’ll be here, persisting in the visions and possibilities that I know we can move into together.

Below is one of my favorite quotes, “Here’s To The Crazy Ones”, which has provided me inspiration & courage.

Stay true to you and stay tuned for more of my “delusional thinking“. (Hee hee) 

“Here’s to the crazy ones.

The misfits. The rebels.

The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes – the ones who see things differently.

They’re not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo.

You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing that you can’t do is ignore them. 

Because they change things.”

                                                                ~Jack Kerouac

Less Labor, More Play! (New *VIDEO* Up)

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We just had “Labor Day” and I gotta say, I don’t relate to it.

With all due respect to the history, I believe it’s part of the dying paradigm.

I say, less labor and more play! 

(Creating Videos In The Hills Of Boise, ID)


I mean, it’s ridiculous to think how long we’ve bought into beliefs such as, “You’ve got to work hard for your money.”

People work hard, not having time to do things they really want accept maybe on a government holiday. 

I’m taking a stand for you, for us, to live in the new paradigm of ease. One where abundance is the natural order that we are able to receive (not force).

Over the years, hundreds of you around the world have shared with me about your dream of: 

  • Feeling greater ease & freedom in your days
  • Creating the spacious to be able to choose how to use your time (instead of feeling like a slave to work)
  • Increasing your power within to tap real wealth
  • Living life on purpose, according to your ideals


Imagine living your days on YOUR terms…. honoring your feminine… getting paid to PLAY!

It’s totally possible!

Watch my NEW VIDEO to learn how I have gone through my own period of feeling crazy pursuing such a vision, how I’ve completely transformed my life, and how I can make it easy for you to do the same. 


ps. I made this video during an extended stay with family. What dreams will you live when you learn how to leverage your time?    

NEW VIDEO IS UP NOW! ===> http://www.wealthygoddessretreat.com

Increase The Speed Of Manifesting! (7 Steps To Make It Easy)

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You may look at my recent success and wonder how I’ve taken quantum leaps in my income, especially during times of a reported recession (FIRST HINT: Don’t let external voices dictate what is possible for you).

Am I just lucky?


I don’t believe in luck.

It’s too haphazard.

I DO believe that there is a greater force at play, one that can seem “magical” when you tune into it (cuz everything just unfolds so darn easy).

I also believe that you create your reality. So, to count on luck to bring you what you desire is wishful and, frankly, a weak use of your powers to manifest.

So, what can you do to speed up your manifesting?

You want more money faster?

Don’t get me wrong.

I don’t want to contribute to you living in the craziness of main stream speed of life. It’s too fast to think, feel, catch up and enjoy each moment. I’m NOT advocating that you continue to rush or hurry through life.


You can speed up your manifesting.

I mean, why wait? Why stay stuck in what you don’t want any longer? That’s just unnecessary suffering as far as I’m concerned

Life is now! There are experiences you want to have. People you want to serve. Places you want to travel. Let’s get on with it!

To make it easy for you, I’ve identified some of the very same steps I’ve taken to increase my manifesting process (doubling, tripling, quadrupling my income in a short time).

7 Steps To Increase The Speed Of Manifesting!

1) Increase your awareness of your inner voices and feelings.

2) Choose to listen to them and take them seriously enough to receive council from them.

3) Decide to trust yourself enough as having all the pertinent information (like a joyful YES bursting inside) to make a choice. Choose.

4) Act on the yes. Love yourself enough to act on what is alive for you.

5) Move at the speed of inspiration. (This means, stop waiting for the “right time”, until you’ve done more research or have all the information you think you need. Take action when the YES is hot. It is enough to guide you to what is next.)

6) Think thoughts that match what you want. A person who thinks, “I don’t have enough money” on a daily basis is not going to create a 6 figure income. A 6 figure income builder has thoughts more like, “Prosperity is my birthright. I know my bold money goals. I serve more people as I expand my capacity to make more money.”

7) Take consistent action.

What? Success On My Terms? YES!

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When you put yourself fully into your dreams, they can’t help but manifest!  

When I set my dream into motion for a freedom-based lifestyle  a few years back, part of me thought I was crazy.

What? Success on MY terms?

  • Seeing clients from where ever I am traveling at the time?
  •  Having the flexibility to spontaneously go on vacation or be present for family occasions?
  • Giving my authentic gifts (without feeling scared I would butt heads with an ego-driven boss & get fired)?
  • Making the difference I know I’m here to make without playing by somebody else’s RULES?


But, there were times in those early stages when I really struggled with money and I thought perhaps I had to resign to the dominant voices of society:

*that I couldn’t realistically make GOOD money doing what I love helping others…

*that I was not being responsible by pursuing my own version of success (which includes investing a lot of time and money in my spiritual quest and travel)….

*that I was being overly idealistic believing I could prosper by rejecting the old ideals such as, “you have to work hard and make sacrifices to make money”…

Well, after my humble beginnings (a nice way of saying that I was spiritually rich but financially broke, getting by month to month with a lot of money anxiety), something radically changed for me in 2010. That spring, I quadrupled my income in one month. My business has continued to take quantum leaps since then.

Now I’m a 6-figure entrepreneur on the leading edge of conscious business! And in August, I made as much money in ONE MONTH that I did my entire first year in business. WAHOOO!

You are here because you have a similar story inside you.
You are ready to blaze a new trail.
You are ready to reinvent your life and money.
You are ready to live your ideals.
You are ready to leverage your brilliance.
You are ready to make good money so that you prosper while helping with the changes occurring on the planet right now.

You are in the right place!

I’m blessed and blissed to announce the “Wealthy Goddess Mastermind Retreat“. It’s another one of my dreams manifest.

For a few of you, this is going to be the perfect match to help you catapult to the next level & create success on YOUR terms.

Meet Me In SEDONA (It is your right to be rich)

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I’ve been waiting to share this with you a LONG time (it started stirring me in years ago)…

The website will be up later this week, but I wanted to give you a heads up because it’s already 30% full and I KNOW some of you are going to jump on this fast

Here are a few details…

This powerful gathering is limited to 8-12 women to keep it intimate, which facilitates greater depth with me and each other. 

You will arrive on the 18th, get settled at http://www.gracegrove.com

and then convene with like-minded, kindred-spirited conscious women for our first evening of delicious food and ceremony.

The 19th and 20th with be packed with vibration raising activity, including: 

  • Raising your money consciousness (which translates to cha-ching)
  • Connecting more fully with your authentic power (boosts your brand)
  • Awakening your Divine wealth (creates freedom)
  • Building your core confidence (stronger marketing & sales)
  • Residing clearly in your message & purpose (easy client attraction)
  • Designing packages based on who you are (leveraging your time & more streams of income)

We’ll be in Sedona, so healing and profound insight WILL occur.

We close with lunch on the 21st.

That’s it for now. If you feel the call, message me right away. Otherwise, keep an eye out for more info, including the early bird special price announcement.

Gotta go…. I’m about to lead the 4th Teleseminar for “The Medicine Of Money” course on “The Wealthy Money Mindset”! 

“It is your right to be rich. You are here to lead the abundant ife and be happy, radiant and free. You are here to grow, expand and unfold spiritually, mentally and materially.” ~Joseph Murphy

ps. Are you ready to play in the richness of the original essence of who you are?  Say YES and watch new miracles unfold.

Are You Afraid You Have To Sell Your Soul To Be Successful? (And Make More Money?!)

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As you know, I’ve been on a quest of my soul for many years.

It’s been one of my greatest aspirations to create success on my terms, based on who I really am, what I value and what enlivens my soul.

This why I’m honored to have been asked to be a speaker for a very special experience called “Six Figure Success without Selling Your Soul.”

This virtual conference is different from other on-line events because the sole purpose, the soul purpose, is to help you really get some things that are absolutely critical to your life and your business:

  • That success on your own terms is possible.
  • That your intuition, vision, and creativity more than matter: they are essential.
  • That you really can get clients and make serious money without compromising yourself or giving up what you value most in your life.
  • That innovation is key to retooling the economy and creating the New World Age.
  • That you can bring all of yourself to what you do, and that in doing so you will actually be far more successful in every way than you would be otherwise.

And you know what? All of the speakers of this unique event are going to share with you not just their secrets to success. Yes, you’ll get those. And there are many. Once you see the line-up of experts, you’ll know what I mean. The conference is FULL of practical tools and do-right-now action steps.

==> Go here now to get the details and to register:

They are also going to share with you their own stories about times when they

  • turned down a “really good opportunity” because it would mean going out of integrity inside (even if no one else knew), or
  • realized they had compromised themselves, maybe without even knowing it, or
  • became aware of and moved through inherited, limiting beliefs about money, business or success that were undermining their efforts, AND
  • created new strategies, new ways of marketing and being in business because they just had to in order to be themselves, and…

You get the idea.

Cause here’s the thing. We have very few models of people who have created soul-inspired businesses that are financially successful AND have made a big impact on the world. And the models we do have, we don’t get to see behind the curtain. You don’t get to hear the real story, the challenges, struggles, achievements on the inside. In this incredible event, you’ll get just that.

Because these speakers want to get this information to you so much, they are actually giving it away.

That’s right, it is totally fr*ee to you–for a limited time only.

Join me and 18 other expert speakers on “Six Figure Success without Selling Your Soul,” an extraordinary virtual conference hosted by Maggie Ostara that could change your life forever.

My feature talk, “Your Freedom Breakthrough: Bridging The Soul & Money Gap To 6 Figures”, is Wednesday, August 24, 1:00pm PT

==> Registration is now open at https://soulsignature.infusionsoft.com/go/SFST/a59

It all happens August 23rd-September 1st with two fabulous calls a day at 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern, and 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern. You will have complete access to all of the calls live and for 24 hours afterward. You’ll also have the opportunity to purchase the recordings, the transcripts, and a whole library of bonus materials in your very own “Soul-Inspired Success Package,” mailed directly to you.

In addition to the inside story of every speaker, you will also hear about a wide-range of topics, including:

  • Jump-Starting Your Business with Authentic Relationship Marketing
  • Overcoming Competition with the Power of Collaboration
  • Art is Business. Business is Art
  • Creating Lucrative Relationships with Social Networking
  • Magical Marketing using the Law of Attraction
  • Mastering the Game of Money without Compromising your Life
  • Tap into Your Inner Goddess to Break the Six Figure Mark
  • Why Your Point of View Really Matters
  • How to Identify Your Ideal Clients Immediately
  • Break Through Your Blocks so Your Business Can Rock
  • Making Money and Enjoying Freedom at the Same Time
  • Step into Your Soul Signature and Create Money from Your Core

Do not delay, get registered now so that you can get these content-packed calls in your calendar.  This virtual conference is ALL CONTENT ~ no selling or pitching, just valuable resources for you to use as gifts from us.

Because we want you to learn from our mistakes so that you can avoid them, and move faster on your way to Six Figure Success without Selling Your Soul!

Again, I’ll be speaking Wednesday, August 24, 1pm PT about “Your Freedom Breakthrough: Bridging The Soul & Money Gap To 6 Figures”. I look forward to connecting with you more then, and sharing my own insider secrets and stories.

PS. I want you to know that I was particularly excited to participate in this virtual conference because I know how many of you struggle and suffer unnecessarily. This really is a time of tremendous change and opportunity, when you can create what you want–very often in collaboration with others. Just like this event!

So please join us–it’s fr*ee to you–nothing to lose and so very much to gain.

Go ahead and register now: https://soulsignature.infusionsoft.com/go/SFST/a59

THIS Sabotages Your Success (PLUS…5 Solutions & “Love” Video From Bali)

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“You are wonderful beings. You are blessed beings. You are deserving of Well-being. Well-being is on its way to you. Chill out and let it in. Play more. Do the Hokey Pokey.” ~Abraham-Hicks

After helping my mom move out from her house in Minnesota, I’m now in Idaho enjoying time with my sister, brother-in-law & niece… oh, and dog-nephew.

Here’s a picture of me & my niece playing in a stream the other day.

One of the unexpected delightful activities she’s been doing is watching and listening to this video I recorded when I was in Bali. She plays it over and over and over again! (Seriously, one day she played it 20 times).

She knows good vibes!

I thought I’d share it with you, too.  I think you’ll love it!

“ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE” Video from Bali ==>


Also, enjoy the article below as well as the resources available in the coming months. I’ve got LOTS of exciting speaking gigs coming up and much more.


It’s natural to attract what you want, because it is natural to experience what you want (Sounds kinda basic, I know. But we’ve forgotten some really basic life-giving truths).

To know the manifestation of your desires and feel your fulfillment is an extension of simply being alive.

And being alive is what you are here for!

If this is true, and you DON’T feel fully alive and have what you want, what is wrong?

Well, on some level you have been separated from your innate capacities and, therefor, are living in a strained world that is repelling what you desire.

It’s because there is an old paradigm, based in survival consciousness and run by fear, that permeates your beliefs.

As a result, you have “mixed” beliefs and paradigms that create chaos within your mind about who you are and what you are capable of. There is part of you in one paradigm, and part of you that is in another.

See, you ARE a powerful creator.

You innately know how to be so that you attract what you desire. There is a part of you that knows this as the paradigm to live by, to thrive by. It’s called thrival consciousness.

BUT…with the old paradigm lurking in your beliefs, you doubt and even dismiss the truth of thrival consciousness.

THIS sabotages your attraction success*.


Because you can’t have part of you in one set of beliefs and part of you in another. Well, you can, but you won’t be effective in manifesting what you truly want because you are giving “mixed” messages to the universe.

So what can you do? Here are 5 Solutions:

1. Get clear. Get crystal clear about your beliefs, paradigm and what you want.

2. Declare. Be 100% in for what you decide.

3. Become aware. Notice when you have thoughts that are contrary to your beliefs, paradigm and wants; this is what creates the mixed vibration.

4. Clear the way. Use clearing techniques. Get rid of the stuff that does not align with your declaration.

5. Affirm. Use affirming tools and practices that raise and maintain your vibration. (Like this vibe raising video from Bali)

*Attraction success means manifesting what you desire on purpose; it is deliberate creation.

Divine Intelligence, Riches & M$ney (And Friendly Reminder… Course Is A Game Changer)

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More radical new approaches to get you juiced with aliveness and remember your power:

1) You are an expression of the Divine intelligence that creates all life.

2) As an expression of Divine intelligence, you:

  • have access to infinite possibilities
  • can create “something” out of “nothing”
  • can manifest your greatest desires with ease & grace

3) You will awaken to your true riches when you learn how to consciously play with the domain of Divine intelligence.

4) Money is an aspect of your riches, not because when you have it you feel rich, but because when you are free with it, you have really tapped into your ability to harness Divine intelligence in a specific way.

“Creating money can be effortless, the natural outcome of the way you live, think, and act. You can draw anything you want to you; you can realize your fondest dreams.”

~Roman & Packer

You want to play?

I’m ready to help you transform your power, your relationship with Divine intelligence AND MONEY!

TODAY we start “The Medicine of Money

In 4 weeks, I will shared ground-breaking teleseminars on:

  • The Surprising Healing Power Of Money
  • The Shadow of Money
  • Your Money-Soul Lesson (The hidden purpose in your money pain)
  • The Wealthy Money Mindset

“The Medicine of Money ” is a game-changer.

It’s a radical new approach that will heal your money woes and help you get on with your purpose & prosperity.


ps. “It’s hard to make money.” Is that true? Not in the new consciousness!

Let go of the old ways and allow yourself the gift of ease & prosperity.

Money Relief Starts Here

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Got money problems?

Guess what.

It’s not about money.

  • Under earning
  • Over giving
  • Not enough money
  • Over spending
  • Inconsistent income (up and down cycle)
  • Losing money
  • Having a lot of money, but still stressing over not enough

It’s NOT about money.

Those often crazy-making circumstances are outcomes.

They originated inside you.

These outcomes, or results, came from your habits of thinking and a set of beliefs.


What could you be thinking and believing about money, yourself and

the nature of the Universe to create the kind of results you have in

your finances?

For example…

“There is only so much money to go around”

“Money is the cause of so many problems on the planet so I don’t want to have anything to do with it”

“It’s selfish to want more money”

“I can’t get paid well for the contributions I make”

Can you see how those thoughts/beliefs (which are not “true” but you may be acting as if they are) could lead to underearning? How about not having enough money to pay bills? Never getting the leverage to do “extra’s” like enjoy a vacation?

There IS a direct connection.

TIP: Compassionately notice your thoughts and attitudes toward money. For 7 days, observe your inner dialogue about money. Take an “isn’t that interesting?” kind of approach. Watch what is revealed through your inquiry.

When you get that your money problems are not about money, but really about your thinking and beliefs, you will stop chasing it.

You will finally end being a prisoner to it.

Instead, you will get to the “root”, or cause, and learn how to

create freedom and peace with money. (Ah, yes, can’t you feel the

relief right now?)

“If our thinking is clear, how could money be the problem? Our thinking is all we need to change.”

~Byron Katie

If you are ready to give yourself the gift of money more relief, join me for my ground-breaking course, “The Medicine of Money” http://www.spiritalive.net/moneymedicine.htm