I’m still feeling the ripples from last week’s amazing wealth building telesummit.
Here’s a re-cap to help you get in the groove of the greatness that’s available to you.
NOTE: The replays are available for FR*E only through July 13. So make time for this NOW
(unless you are going to be one of the Goddesses in the coaching program; then you get them as a bonus.)
The TROUBLE with most approaches to wealth is that they are shallow.
They don’t get to the juicy heart of what it’s all about.
They only scratch the surface, and so lasting and meaningful changes (the kind that make your spirit soar) are always out of reach.
The good news is that I’ve traversed the depths and am eager to share what I know to make it easy for you.
Why reinvent the wheel?
In this teleseminar, I get real with you about those murky, messy places that money brings up. Don’t worry, it’s not “heavy”. In fact, when you shine the light on these matters, you’ll feel relief as the money burdens start falling away.
“The Shadow Of Money: How The Secrets And Shame Of Money Can Actually Set You Free”
• Little talked about spiritual truths that will help you leave your money struggles behind
• How the shadow will set you free
• 3 Money Shadows that could be sabotaging you right now
“More wealthy women = a well taken care of world.”
Heather is a power-house of a woman and business leader!
I love her devotion to healing and making it so much EASIER for us to live and lead a life of wellness and wealth. And the way she articulates the wisdom that comes through her certainly helps you get that it IS possible, starting now.
One of my favorite times with Heather was when she blasted a fat dose of honesty about how spiritual people sabotage themselves.
(It’s so cool; she’s not afraid to rock the boat in service to the greater truth).
She was spot on about how spiritual people can “use” ideals like “going with the flow”, “waiting to see what shows up” and so on as a mask that ultimately DEFEATS a bigger purpose and money making potential.
I also love how she helps put doubts to rest about the relationship between money & spirit and business & universal law. Many of you are still not confident that these worlds go together. Tune in and step into the new consciousness!
Here’s some of what else you have to look forward to:
(these gems are were used to help generate almost one million dollars in her business this year)
• Honest myth busting that can take you from broke to prosperous
• Why giving until you’re empty limits the amount of money you make
• Wisdom about the new paradigm of service that is the highest good of all
• A personal share about a radical shift that expanded Heather’s impact (and income) significantly
• The exciting role of entrepreneurs during this shifting time
“The more I show up exactly as I am, the more my business grows!”
Ah, yet another wise and willing spiritual 6 figure business woman authentically shining her light! I just love Sage’s way of showing up as her; she’s a great model for BEing what she’s teaching and coaching. Sage has a gift for lasering in on the heart of matters with such truth and compassion.
An area I want to highlight from my time with Sage is how she talked about our guidance system. A turning point for her leaving an unsatisfactory job to being in a thriving business came when she started listening to and trusting her feelings.
(A TIP she gave to help you get in touch with this yourself. Continually ask what feels good to you.)
We had a lot of fun at the end talking about the inner warrior and taking a stand, a bold stand for your value, your vision and your prosperity. (We both are passionate about helping you not crumble into the victim place!)
“Unlock your Purpose & MAKE Money LIVING It!”
Here’s some more yumminess to look forward to:
• Understand the critical mindset shift you MUST MAKE in order to be paid WELL for doing what you LOVE
• What happened to help her get to 6 figures EFFORTLESSLY
• What you can do when you find yourself in scarcity consciousness
• Why you need to actually TRUST your discontent
“The best we can do for our businesses is feel our very best!”
Robyn is a breath of fresh air! I love her honesty and sincerity (& I know you will).
Her willingness to get personal is an inspiration, as it reminds us of what is possible through and with the dark times.
The contrast of where she’s been to where she is now underscores one of her big get-your-life-where-you-want-it-NOW pieces of advice:
If you want something to be different, you have to decide. (Like in your body, in your bones, all the way in decide!)
One of my favorite parts of the time was when she talked about what happens when you shut down your divine connection (Yes, it DOES affect your money flow).
Dr. Robyn revealed secrets of the Modern Goddess that I appeal you to take the time for. Both of us have had quantum leaps in our business and income because of these secrets.
The fabulous content-rich time includes:
• Robyn’s honest & personal account of stumbling around in the dark, not making much money and feeling depressed (and what she did in order to totally turn that around)
• New & exciting evidence in the positive psychology field to help success come easier to you
• What you may be doing right now that means missed opportunities to advance your message and help more people (and what to do about it)
• A practical tip to help you nurture one of your greatest Goddess gifts that naturally leads to wealth
• What research shows about people who are more successful (I love this one! It’s easier thank you “think”)
“The Modern Goddess Entrepreneurs’ Secret To Wealth”
ps. If you consider yourself a soul-centered woman and you’re ready to make good (really good) $$ doing what you love AND contribute more and work less, you are in the right place.
NOTE: The replays will only be available for FR*E through July 13. So get tuned in if you want to listen. After that, you can access them as part of the bonus package for the New Wealthy Woman Entrepreneur Coaching Program.