
No Excuses!

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I’m back in Seattle after a lovely time in Tucson, AZ.

I truly enjoyed the quietude and the hot desert sun.

I also had a phenomenal VIP day with a client (see abpve) and a full 3 days of masterminding with my coach.

Today I leave for my annual spiritual retreat (17 years). I will unplug from technology completely!

I’ve written an article that just may piss you off. I’m ok with it. Because you deserve the best. You’ve just got to take a NO EXCUSE approach to success.


I wouldn’t be a good coach if I didn’t piss you off once and a while, right?

All my great mentors and coaches have triggered me in some way.

They called me out when I wanted to hide, they spoke a truth that was hard to hear (but I knew I needed to hear it), they showed up in a way that irritated me so that I healed something within myself…. and on.

Anyway, I feel a responsibility to help you rise above the past, the limits and the stories that keep you stuck in mediocre-ville.

This means I’ve got to say it like it is….

Too many of you are making excuses!

Excuses for not living your dream, not taking action on what your spirit is prompting you to do, not leaping into the new terrain of the life that is juicy and alive for you.

I’m serious about you living fully in your prosperity and wealth, so here is my sage advice.


Stop buying into your “stories”, giving into your past and forfeiting your power to limitation.

You’re so convinced that your excuses are real and valid, that you often don’t even consider that they are excuses.

Here are the BIG problems I’m seeing about how excuses are running your life:

1) You look to the past to define what can be in the future.

“By referring to previous struggles and using them as reasons for not getting on with your life today, you’re assigning responsibility to the past for why you can’t be successful or happy in the present.”

~Wayne Dyer

2) You build evidence as to why you can’t really have what you want.

“Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they are yours.”

~Richard Bach

3) You only validate the “seen” data as the way to feel what is possible.

i.e. There’s only so much money in my bank account.

“Your universal Source of being never thinks in terms of what is missing.  Do you?

It never thinks in terms of what it can’t have or do? Do you?

It never thinks in terms of what has never happened before. Do you?

It never thinks in terms of what others will think, say or do. Do you?

In never thinks in terms of of bad luck or the way things  have always been.  Do you?”

~Wayne Dyer

I hope you’re feeling the spirit of my loving kick in the butt, because you are SO frickn’ powerful and life is waiting to reveal its riches to you.

Juicy VIDEO Announcement (Free Coaching)

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  • What my freedom-based business is allowing me to do the next couple months
  • A distinguishing factor between successful and unsuccessful people
  • My juicy announcement about free coaching sessions

*TIME SENSITIVE* Make M$ney From My Mistake! (Read NOW If You Want To Know How)

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  • Are you making GOOD money doing what you love?
  • Are you helping so many people that your schedule is joyously full?
  • Do you need to get an assistant because your success is expanding so fast?


I can help you!

Too many soul-centered, spiritual and conscious entrepreneurs and change agents are struggling to make ends meet. This does NOT need to be you!

Well, I’ve got GREAT NEWS for you… My mistake is your gain!

The discount worth up to $500 is still on The New Wealthy Woman Entrepreneur Coaching Program website— it’s THE premier support system blending the best of spirit and business to help you reach your goals faster. So if you jumped over there right now, you can take advantage of my mistake.

———> http://www.spiritalive.net/nwwe.htm

Why is the discount that expired July 9 still on the site?

Well… The response to the telesummit has been overwhelming, and I’ve personally been replying to all the messages as much as possible (if I haven’t gotten to you, be patient).

PLUS… I just finished 3 days in a mastermind retreat with my multi-million dollar coach. (WOW! A potent reminderof the power of coaching and surrounding yourself with successful people.)

PLUS… I’m preparing for a VIP day with one of my platinum clients this weekend.

So, I’ve been super-uber busy.

Yeah, yeah, my coach called me out about needing more support, and one of the first things on my TO DO list is to expand my team to accommodate all my business growth!

What about you?

  • Are you able to choose your most perfect ideal clients because you are in high demand?
  • Are you turning away clients because your schedule is totally booked?
  • Are you planning your next vacation or spiritual retreat because you have the money and freedom to do so?

Here’s the deal… We’re down to the final spots for The New Wealthy Woman Entrepreneur Coaching Program.

This is YOUR chance to enroll in the program and get all the bonuses, including a VIP day with me, a free ticket to “The Medicine of Money” course, AND be a part of our rock-star community of big thinking Goddesses on the rise!

———> http://www.spiritalive.net/nwwe.htm

Listen, I know from just being in the “hot seat” with my coach and mastermind group how uncomfortable it can feel to get pushed to new edges and take risks!

I felt so vulnerable the last couple days as I came up against my own perceived limits when I envisioned what I needed to do to powerfully position myself for a best-selling book and multi-6-figure business.

Honestly? I wanted to run and hide!

But I didn’t. And, I won’t.

My purpose and prosperity are too important.

As are yours.

You are meant to serve more people and live a courageously abundant life. Don’t hold back your gifts. Don’t hold back your wealth.

———> http://www.spiritalive.net/nwwe.htm

ENJOY that discount! My assistant will be changing it soon.

PS – If the skeptic in you is clamoring on about how investingmoney in coaching is not worth it, let me put your worries to rest.  The return on investment in coaching proves itself time and again.  Personally, my income has doubled, tripled and quadrupled because of coaching.

And, Christina McDowell, one of the Gold Goddesses, just shared this with me,
“Working with Kendra has been life-changing.
After working with her for six months, I’ve developed clarity and focus, have attracted the perfect clients to work with, and have doubled my income doing what I love.

She has done her own work – in mind, body, and spirit – and it shows in the quality of her programs.  I love working with her because her enthusiasm is contagious, she joyfully and bravely walks the successes and the messes with me, and she is true and authentic to the core.”


When Things Fall Apart: Feeling Wealthy In “Good” Times & “Bad”

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Everywhere I turn I see transition.

Moves, relationships changing form, home renovations, systems falling away…

It’s true for me.

A couple huge aspects of my life have been rocked.

These are things I’ve known to be part of who I am, my daily ritual and identity. They’ve fallen apart.

I’m really at peace with it. Yeah, I feel challenged. Yeah, I grieve.

But at the core of me, I trust.

Here’s the deal…

I think that “falling apart” gets a bad rap and is totally misunderstood. Because if this, it creates unnecessary stress, pain and suffering.

We’ve been taught that “keeping it together” = strength.

Blah, blah, blah. It so doesn’t work that way.

Since I’m here to make your life a little (or, heck, why not A LOT) easier, I’m gonna shed some light on falling apart so that you greet the changes in your life with a new found sense of confidence and clarity that gives rise to the greater purpose in it all.  Sound good?

On a completely different note, The New Wealthy Woman Entrepreneur Telesummit was PHENOMENAL! If you want to reinvent your money & wealth in a way that is grounded in spirit and soul… you must check it out.  But hurry, cuz the replays are only available through July 13 (unless you sign up for the coaching program).


  • Does it feel like things are falling apart?
  • Does the amount of change in your business & life overwhelm you?
  • Have your finances taken an unexpected turn?
  • Does it feel like you’re just keeping up because things are moving so quickly?

Welcome to the accelerated times!

I guarantee the rapid changes upon us are going to call you out in ways you have yet to discover.

One thing I know for sure is that your capacity to be with change is key to your peace and freedom. i.e…..

If you can ride the stream of change, you are at peace.

If you resist change, you suffer.


Because change IS. And, you can’t argue with what is. Well, you can, but again… you suffer.

“That nothing is static or fixed, that all is fleeting and impermanent, is the first mark of existence. It is the ordinary state of affairs. Everything is in process. Everything-every tree, every blade of grass, all the animals, insects, human beings, buildings, the animate and the inanimate-is always changing, moment to moment.”~Pema Chodron

It can be a lot easier to feel your wealth when things are going along in a comfortable and smooth manner.

But when it gets hard? When things fall apart? Do you forget your wealth?

Here are 3 tips to help you stay grounded in your wealth in “good” times & “bad” (rather than get swept up in the drama of it all):


In an effort to stay safe, preserve security and survive, humans have come up with this limiting habit… judgment.

Change threatens the ego. It finds ways to make it wrong.  When things are falling apart, you come up with quick (and usually unconscious), conclusions to help make sense of it.  Unfortunately, this means missing the message or new life it has for you.

Rather than make it scary, bad, wrong, something to be fixed, a reason to run or numb out…. just notice it.

This is why I wrote “good” and “bad” times in quotations. Even the idea that something is good or bad is a judgment. The conclusion that falling apart is negative limits what’s available to you because when you think something is negative, you reject it.

I say….Be with it. Allow it. Get curious about it.

Don’t be so squeamish about being in the unknown, getting messy and feeling your feelings.

Let yourself experience what is there without placing meaning on top of it, and see what unfolds.

“Most of us do not take these situations as teachings. We automatically hate them. We run like crazy. We use all kinds of ways to escape — all addictions stem from this moment when we meet our edge and we just can’t stand it. We feel we have to soften it, pad it with something.”~Pema Chodron


Yep. You heard me right. RELAX.

Now, you may already be making a list in your head about all the reasons you can’t relax. All the more reason you make it a priority!

Once you refrain from judging what’s happening, relax into it. Soften and allow yourself to open to what greater purpose it has for you.

Life knows how to live.

Falling apart is part of a cycle. A cycle that always leads to new life. Yeah, it might be super-uber uncomfortable, but as soon as you connect in with the knowing that it’s serving a purpose, you are assured of its role in the larger scheme of things.

“When things are shaky and nothing is working, we might realize that we are on the verge of something.”~Pema Chodron


Regardless of what’s happening around you, you always have a choice about how to be with it.

Life is not what happens to you, it’s what you do with what happens to you.

“Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us.”~Stephen R. Covey


Let me remind you. True wealth is:

  • An expression of your authentic truth
  • Connection with the unseen
  • A feeling that stems from within
  • A natural experience tied to your purpose
  • Who you are

NONE of this needs to be threatened when things are falling apart.

Out Of M$ney Shadows, Universal Wisdom, How 6 Figures Just Comes, Goddess Wealth Secrets & More: Re-Cap Of Week 3

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I’m still feeling the ripples from last week’s amazing wealth building telesummit.

Here’s a re-cap to help you get in the groove of the greatness that’s available to you.

NOTE: The replays are available for FR*E only through July 13. So make time for this NOW

(unless you are going to be one of the Goddesses in the coaching program; then you get them as a bonus.)



The TROUBLE with most approaches to wealth is that they are shallow.

They don’t get to the juicy heart of what it’s all about.

They only scratch the surface, and so lasting and meaningful changes (the kind that make your spirit soar) are always out of reach.

The good news is that I’ve traversed the depths and am eager to share what I know to make it easy for you.

Why reinvent the wheel?

In this teleseminar, I get real with you about those murky, messy places that money brings up. Don’t worry, it’s not “heavy”. In fact, when you shine the light on these matters, you’ll feel relief as the money burdens start falling away.

“The Shadow Of Money: How The Secrets And Shame Of Money Can Actually Set You Free”

• Little talked about spiritual truths that will help you leave your money struggles behind

• How the shadow will set you free

3 Money Shadows that could be sabotaging you right now



“More wealthy women = a well taken care of world.”

Heather is a power-house of a woman and business leader!

I love her devotion to healing and making it so much EASIER for us to live and lead a life of wellness and wealth. And the way she articulates the wisdom that comes through her certainly helps you get that it IS possible, starting now.

One of my favorite times with Heather was when she blasted a fat dose of honesty about how spiritual people sabotage themselves.

(It’s so cool; she’s not afraid to rock the boat in service to the greater truth).

She was spot on about how spiritual people can “use” ideals like “going with the flow”, “waiting to see what shows up” and so on as a mask that ultimately DEFEATS a bigger purpose and money making potential.

I also love how she helps put doubts to rest about the relationship between money & spirit and business & universal law. Many of you are still not confident that these worlds go together. Tune in and step into the new consciousness!

Here’s some of what else you have to look forward to:

(these gems are were used to help generate almost one million dollars in her business this year)

• Honest myth busting that can take you from broke to prosperous

• Why giving until you’re empty limits the amount of money you make

• Wisdom about the new paradigm of service that is the highest good of all

• A personal share about a radical shift that expanded Heather’s impact (and income) significantly

• The exciting role of entrepreneurs during this shifting time



“The more I show up exactly as I am, the more my business grows!”

Ah, yet another wise and willing spiritual 6 figure business woman authentically shining her light! I just love Sage’s way of showing up as her; she’s a great model for BEing what she’s teaching and coaching. Sage has a gift for lasering in on the heart of matters with such truth and compassion.

An area I want to highlight from my time with Sage is how she talked about our guidance system. A turning point for her leaving an unsatisfactory job to being in a thriving business came when she started listening to and trusting her feelings.

(A TIP she gave to help you get in touch with this yourself. Continually ask what feels good to you.)

We had a lot of fun at the end talking about the inner warrior and taking a stand, a bold stand for your value, your vision and your prosperity. (We both are passionate about helping you not crumble into the victim place!)

“Unlock your Purpose & MAKE Money LIVING It!”

Here’s some more yumminess to look forward to:

• Understand the critical mindset shift you MUST MAKE in order to be paid WELL for doing what you LOVE

• What happened to help her get to 6 figures EFFORTLESSLY

• What you can do when you find yourself in scarcity consciousness

• Why you need to actually TRUST your discontent



“The best we can do for our businesses is feel our very best!”

Robyn is a breath of fresh air! I love her honesty and sincerity (& I know you will).

Her willingness to get personal is an inspiration, as it reminds us of what is possible through and with the dark times.

The contrast of where she’s been to where she is now underscores one of her big get-your-life-where-you-want-it-NOW pieces of advice:

If you want something to be different, you have to decide. (Like in your body, in your bones, all the way in decide!)

One of my favorite parts of the time was when she talked about what happens when you shut down your divine connection (Yes, it DOES affect your money flow).

Dr. Robyn revealed secrets of the Modern Goddess that I appeal you to take the time for. Both of us have had quantum leaps in our business and income because of these secrets.

The fabulous content-rich time includes:

• Robyn’s honest & personal account of stumbling around in the dark, not making much money and feeling depressed (and what she did in order to totally turn that around)

New & exciting evidence in the positive psychology field to help success come easier to you

• What you may be doing right now that means missed opportunities to advance your message and help more people (and what to do about it)

• A practical tip to help you nurture one of your greatest Goddess gifts that naturally leads to wealth

• What research shows about people who are more successful (I love this one! It’s easier thank you “think”)

“The Modern Goddess Entrepreneurs’ Secret To Wealth”


ps. If you consider yourself a soul-centered woman and you’re ready to make good (really good) $$ doing what you love AND contribute more and work less, you are in the right place.

NOTE: The replays will only be available for FR*E through July 13. So get tuned in if you want to listen. After that, you can access them as part of the bonus package for the New Wealthy Woman Entrepreneur Coaching Program.

Bliss, Money Mirrors, Letting Larger Amounts Of Abundance In & More! WEEK 2 Re-cap

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My inbox is flowing with emails from you about how transformational The New Wealthy Woman Entrepreneur Telesummit is.


When you tune in, really tune in, you will make shifts necessary to contribute more, work less and increase your money flow.

Here is a re-cap of WEEK 2!


“The more aligned I am with spirit,

the more beautiful my business becomes!”


I was recently in magical Bali with Christine; she is a bright light who travels all over the world bridging culture, building community and opening hearts.

She’s taken many risks through her journey, from declaring to follow her joy and quitting an unsatisfying $24,000/year job to running a successful and world-renowned 6-figure business that she calls “bliss”.

In the spirit of helping women like you reclaim YOUR joy, your power, your bliss, she talked about those sometimes “crazy” ideas & decisions that are guided by beyond reason or logic. She emphasized how leading her business from this place has been key for her prosperity. (It can be for you, too!)

It is inspirational to have such a beautiful model for spirit and intuition led business!

What else you have to look forward to:

  • What richness really is
  • How she doubled her income one year when she decided to commit to her purpose
  • The key to mastery
  • Practical business advice that creates time & money freedom

At the end, Christine called us out. She said that WE are the new economy and THIS is the time.

Our closing was infused with her music medicine, as she graced us with a traditional medicine song!


“Letting yourself be seen for the magnificent brilliant person you are is key to making money.”

Shannon is so down to earth and helps us solve the money mystery and tender wounds with such ease.

When you hear what she shares in her powerful message, you will be relieved. (You will get that you are not alone AND, that moving forward is not as difficult as you may think)

“Creating Wealth as a Path to Personal Growth”

Shannon revealed that money is a mirror that reflects back to you beliefs you have about yourself.

She actually generously shared 4 money mirrors (I could identify myself a bit in all of them; how about you?)

  1. Deservability
  2. Boundaries
  3. Courage
  4. Love

For each mirror, there is a “breakthrough belief” that will move you out of spinning over and again with the same broken record and instead gain the gift in the reflection and start a new song.

Other eye-opening rich content:

  • Why we must stand in our power
  • What the giggle factor is and how it helps you do more of what you love
  • Tips and practical advice to invite more money in your life with grace and ease
  • Answer to the question, “how do you become the woman in the mirror with the million dollar mindset?”

At one point, she posed the question I’m sure we’ve all asked….

is it really possible that I could have this in my life?

(This joy, this abundance, this wealth. Will you let yourself have it?)

One of my big take aways was what she shared regarding how to receive abundance beyond your wildest dreams (it may not be what you expect)!

I’ll leave that one for you discover.


“You have learned all you need to know from the old paradigm of lack, struggle & suffering. Act as if you are meeting money for the 1st time– it is here to serve you!”


The time with the magnificent Danielle was out of this world (seriously).

We got edgy, WAY out of the box & even radical about the NEW money and wealth consciousness (got to mix it up to get different results).

“The Money Muse: A Conversation with the Divine about the New Money Purpose”

If you are charged up about playing a whole NEW fabulous and blissful game in your business, money and prosperity, I appeal to you TUNE in.

You will NOT be the same after you listen to what Danielle Divinely transmitted for you!

Danielle has had a quantum leap in her business through our coaching this year, making as much

money by July as she did ALL of 2010. In addition to our powerful alliance, we also attribute her

success to her willingness to being “out there” with her gifts and letting her true light shine. (One of the themes for

the telesummit.)

For you to have the same kind of success in your business, you will need to re-set your money consciousness, which is EXACTLY what you will do in this call.

One of the highlights of the time for me was our dialogue about letting larger and larger amounts of money in, why it’s important for you to make that a priority right now, and what you can do about it. Oh, and we actually had a vibrational “upgrade” DURING this time! If you receive it, it will let the way be open for you.

She and her guides revealed:

  • How money will find its way to your bank account (no striving involved!)
  • The simplist & fastest way to let money into your life.
  • Soothing words about uniting your spirituality and money
  • Why renouncing material wealth isn’t relevant in the new era
  • Exactly what the NEW money purpose is


“Mastering The Inner Money Game”

Do you want to work less and contribute and play more?


That’s why I’ve devoted my time and money to learning the essentials about the power of the mind and the inner money and success game!

In this seminar, I passionately talked about my frustration about how so many talented and gifted women are still struggling to get by and how I’m making it my mission to radically turn that around so the change agents, healers and coaches are equipped with the new wealth in this new era.

Including abundance-building content such as:

•     How to stop working so darn hard for money & start letting it come to you easily

•     Illuminating leading edge science about the power of the mind (you won’t believe how little effort it takes to get better results!)

•     3 things you MUST do to double, triple or quadruple your income in 6 months

I always over deliver, so come prepared to be transformed and equipped for the next stage of your wealth!

ps. WEEK 3 is going to be POWERFUL, starting with my teleseminar,

“The Shadow of Money: How The Secrets & Shame
Of Money Can Actually Set You Free”

Then we will be joing by leading women Heather Dominick, Sage Lavine & Robyn McKay.

Make sure you have your schedule set for 5pm pacific time each day.

Secure your spot now! http://www.spiritalive.net/newwealthsummit.htm

VIDEO: Getting Real & Personal on the Path to Wealth!

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PLEASE leave comments; I’d love to hear your input, questions and opinions!!


Wealth Shifting To Feminine, Creating Money From Spirit & MORE: Week One Of NWWE Summit

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Week one of The New Wealthy Woman Entrepreneur Telesummit was PHENOMENAL!

I’m still buzzing from the illuminating and informative interviews with Amethyst Wyldyre, Shanda Sumpter & Karen Russo.

I was furiously taking notes because each of these guests were so generous with their wisdom.

The synergy we created was palpable. (I keep getting emails about this). When you tune in, you’ll know what I mean.

PLUS, I led a content-rich seminar, “Tapping Your Soul’s Riches For True Freedom”. (Cuz you want the REAL thing, right?!)

Here’s a short re-cap:


“We all have wealth within us.

Featured Topic= “Getting Out Of The Shadow Side Of Success”

Oh yeah! We kicked off the event getting real fast.

Amethyst is such a bright, fiery spirit! She started us right off by shedding light into the dark parts of success, which was so liberating!

She really helped us understand one of the main reasons why money and wealth is such a struggle by offering insight into the old paradigms that we are still influenced by that no longer serve us.

i.e. “I must work hard to be of value.”

(Getting this larger perspective is always helpful in gaining understanding for what is going on for me.)

She says, “We have been conditioned to believe that we have to work hard to get ahead. When it’s easy, we feel guilty.” (I’m so done with that belief, aren’t you?!)

We had a dialogue about one of my favorite topics, how entrepreneurship is a spiritual path. She shared that it’s a relationship field where our we play out soul wounds

She affirmed what many of us feel, that wealth is shifting to the Feminine.

Amethyst led us through a powerful guided meditation at the end; I highly encourage you to take advantage of this healing energy.




“To make money, start from a place of spirituality.”

This is among the many gems shared by our New Wealthy Woman guest Shanda!

My time with this Goddess was a continual stream from Source. She is Divinely connected, serving with the utmost passion and boldly taking a stand for higher standards of joy, freedom and wealth. She does not waver, and I love that about her.

One of the key take away’s from Shanda was alignment, which includes being in our authentic self.

She distilled her brilliant message about this topic down to:

“If it doesn’t feel good, it’s not aligned.” (YES!)

I pointed out that there a lot of women in our community that feel self-doubt and fear when it comes to money and purpose.

She gave a loving dose of reality as she called us out to step into who we are and get out of the fear consciousness.

As far as advice regarding to get in alignment with your purpose, she so wisely said, “Your purpose is floating in the painful times of your life.”




“Money issues are more of a faith issue than a financial issue.

Featured topic= “Valuing the Masculine and Feminine Qualities of Wealth”

Karen is so grounded and makes all this spiritual money stuff so accessible and easy. She’s genuine as a person, and sincere as a leader.

I loved the way that Karen talked about 2 main qualities of the Masculine and Feminine and how they help you know wealth.

Clearly, this is a time of integration, that is bringing together things that we’ve traditionally been holding a part, or keep separate. Karen provides very clear and practical guidance on how to value and harness these qualities in your money and wealth success.

She covered the “3 Money Traps” and what you can do about them to be free of your money struggles. At the close of each trap, I shared a summary and a spontaneous guided centering to help ground the wisdom.

She offered transformative wisdom about cultivating a relationship with the spiritual source behind the material channels. (YES! That’s what I’m talking about.)

“If we get security with material things, we always feel fearful.” (So if you want less fear, I suggest you starting getting real with yourself about how you look to the material for security and then release it.What does security mean, anyway?)

We ended with talking about how to create wealth that is truly for the good of all and a win-win-win-win.

Absolutely, that’s part of what this movement is about… greater prosperity for all.



***If you want access to the recordings, and to join us for the coming weeks, come and play!===> THE NEW WEALTHY WOMAN ENTREPRENEUR TELESUMMIT

Passion, Play, Pleasure and Power: Summer Invitation To Fuller Expression!

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With the turn of the wheel, we move into the energies of passion, play, pleasure and power.


Summer is all about FULL expression. That means no holding back.

I keep tuning in about what my full expression feels like and looks like as this new season calls me forth.

Some of you know that I’m moving out of my home in Seattle. The question people are asking… “where are you moving?” Ah, good question. I’ll let you know when I know.

What I DO know is that I’m being called to a fuller expression of who I am.

I intend to receive the invitation of summer and open further to my passion, my play, my pleasure and my power.

I’m listening. I’m trusting.

How about YOU?

8 Lies About Wealth (And The Truth To Get You To Your Wealth….Fast )

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These are lies we buy into at the collective consciousness level, that each of us believe unconsciously to one degree or another.

  1. Wealth=money.
  2. Wealth comes from having more stuff.
  3. Wealth is only for certain classes of people.
  4. There is a limited amount of wealth, therefor only few people can have it.
  5. Wealth is something you get outside of yourself.
  6. You have to do something you don’t like doing to be wealthy.
  7. You have to be someone you are not to be wealthy.
  8. You need to prove yourself and jump through a lot of hoops to become wealthy.


These are higher truths that we are collectively waking up to and that I invite you to claim for yourself right now.

  1. Wealth is an expression of your authentic truth, defined and lived by your choice. Money is just an aspect of the total experience of wealth.
  2. Wealth includes connection with the unseen. “Stuff” has no bearing on your sense of wealth. You can have a lot of shiny toys to show off, but still feel a deep void of lack inside. In fact, this place of lack is one of the (unconscious) motive’s people have to acquire more things.
  3. Wealth is for everyone. No exceptions.
  4. Abundance is the nature of life. There is an infinite supply.
  5. Wealth is a knowing, an experience, a feeling that comes from within. No external circumstances can bring to you what you are not aware of. i.e. If you are not aware of the wealth in you and look to others or circumstances to create it, you will never see it or feel it even if it’s there.
  6. Wealth is a natural experience tied to sharing your purpose, your unique gifts, your contributions– all of which your spirit wants to do (so you don’t have to do things you don’t want, ok?)
  7. Wealth is you. You are wealth. It is who you are. The truth is that if you are not being you, you will not feel your full wealth.
  8. You were born wealthy. You are whole, perfect and complete. Wealth is your birthright.

“True abundance is not about gathering more things, it’s about touching the place in us that is connected to the divine source of abundance, so that we know what we need in the moment will be provided.” ~Mary Manin Morrissey

***NOTE***If you want more tips, wisdom and guidance regarding wealth, I encourage you to join us for “The New Wealthy Woman Entrepreneur” telesummit. Even if you don’t consider yourself an entrepreneur, or your just getting started, there will be something for you.
