
My Life Is Changing. Big Time.

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My life is changing. Big time.

{Blissed out after snorkleing in Bali}

I’m in the midst of the unknown, the uncertainty and the void that comes with change.  I don’t know a lot of things about what is next.

But I do know what is most essential to me.

I know who I am. I know my values, I know my purpose and I know my wealth. 

With that, I rest in faith as I lean into the chaos with curiousity.

Whatever is next, I know it will be reflective of who I truly am. As such, I am at peace.

I am called to strip away what isn’t really me and to even more fully align to what is real and authentic.

It’s one of the most terrifying and yet liberating calls I choose to say yes to

Are YOU feeling the call to more of who you are?

(I bet you are!)

The Key To Real Wealth!

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“There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls.” ~Howard Thurman

If you’d like to listen to this article, tune in here 



If I told you that the key to your wealth is to be true to yourself, would you believe me?

Would you jump up and down and say,”YAY! I get to be more me and then I will know my wealth!?”

Well, in case you don’t (because I AM invested in you believing
me on this one), I wrote this for you….

Many years ago I had a revelation.

I “got” that if I couldn’t be me, I was imprisoned.

The symptoms I had struggled with such as
depression or lack of money were simply a result of feeling
bound about being who I was.

That was so liberating to understand!

Before that, I believed that something was wrong with me.

I believed that the painful struggles in my life were there as a
result of who I was.

But it’s not true.

I know if you are reading this, you need to know it’s not
true, too.

From very early on we receive messages that who we are is
not good enough, and that we need to become a neat little
package that fits into acceptable norms
so that people
will like us. And, to be liked is to be accepted. And to be
accepted in the tribe is to survive.

This is what I believe:

1. We are born in Divine perfection and wholeness.
2. Society convinces us we are not perfect and whole and conditions us to not be true to ourselves.
3. Being separated from our true selves, we become mis-aligned,which leads to many frustrating symptoms such as depression, stress, dis-ease, anxiety and chronic dissatisfaction.
4. Healing and spiritual growth is about remembering who we really are.

So what does this have to do with wealth?

If you are not being true to yourself, you are denying life.

You are denying the very life force that created you.
You are denying the life force that you are designed to express.

As a result, you deny wealth.

How can you feel wealth when you are disconnected
from life force?

Remember, wealth is NOT a thing. It’s NOT a place. It’s NOT an amount of money.

It’s an inner experience.

One of the biggest ways I see this showing up is in the money game.

How many people are being someone they are not in order to make money?
Is that freedom?

(Excuse me, I need to RANT for a moment. Who the HE*L came up with this screwed up notion
that we have to contort ourselves into someone in order to make money? It’s crap, I tell ya, and I’m here to help make change.)

This brings me to another reason that being true to yourself is key to your wealth.

When you are connected and expressing the life force as you are designed to,
you are tapped into the unique gifts, skills, and medicine that you are here to

When you are tapped in like this, you are able to give from who you are, which means
“ease and grace all over the place” (A new sang I’m using since Bali).

And one of the most fundamental truths of the universe that we need to re-connect
with is that we can be exactly who we are, and all our needs will be met.

“When I’m trusting and being myself as fully as possible,
everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously.”

                                                                                                         ~Shakti Gawain

I’ve been devoted to being true to myself for as long as I can remember.

I wasn’t always successful at it because I was too scared.

I remember feeling terrified to speak my truth.
I remember feeling suffocated by the image I thought I was supposed to present.
I remember feeling scared of not being able to “make it” by bringing more of who I am to all I do.

But those fears and terrors are a thing of the past now.

I am grateful to be who I am, and I live in the abundant flow as a result.

I have connected to the wealth within (true authentic power) after putting a
stop to the crazy quest for external wealth. (false power)

What does it mean to be true to yourself?

For me, it means to listen, trust and act on my own inner knowing and guidance. It means to freely live from my authentic expression and to show up as I am.

Take a few moments and create your own definition.


  1.  Get to know yourself. In order to be true to yourself, you need to know yourself.
  2. Consistently evaluate what is you and what is not and release what is not.
  3. Raise your standards by not letting yourself put up with situations and people that you know are depleting you. No tolerations!
  4. Spend time every day, even for 5 minutes, being quiet with yourself so you can learn to listen to your inner feelings and guidance.
  5. Give yourself permission to feel good as your dominant experience.
  6. Get familiar with the giddy, exciting, stirring and sometimes scary YES inside you that will inform you of how to live and choose.
  7. Release your desire for everyone to like you and the belief that you are responsible for how others’ feel.
  8. Increase your trust that you can and will succeed, financially and otherwise, when you are true to you.

“Be what nature intended you for, and you will succeed.”


3 Powers You MUST Tap To Accelerate Your Manifesting

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Manifesting=creating your reality.

You are manifesting all the time.

The question is, are you manifesting on
purpose or by default?!

At this point in our evolution, we have an unparalleled opportunity
to wake up to who we really are and harness the magnificent ability
to manifest on purpose. Each and every one of us has this power within.

That means YOU get to create reality as you want it (rather than reacting to a reality you don’t want).

If you are ready to allow more of what you really want in (i.e. abundance, joy, money) and stop experiencing what you don’t want (i.e. scarcity, stress and fear), begin here:

  • Let go of “how it’s always been”
  • Release any vestiges of victim consciousness
  • Take responsibility for what becomes manifest in your life

In all the years I’ve helped people successfully and purposefully manifest what they truly want, I’ve identified 3 powers that accelerate progress.

Before I go there, I want to say a few words about “accelerate”.

Life is not a race. There is no hurry to get anywhere.

I by no means intend to contribute to the sense of urgency and rush that we’ve become accustomed to as the “normal” pace of life.


  • Aren’t you ready to experience what you really desire sooner than later?
  • Don’t you want to receive the abundance & prosperity that is natural to you NOW?
  • Haven’t you finally reached the end of tolerating the pain that comes with not having the life you long for?
  • Isn’t it time to stop postponing your aliveness & true wealth?

I offer acceleration because there is absolutely NO reason to hang on to your suffering any longer. Get the lessons and move on!


Now I’ll reveal the 3 Powers.

NOTE: These work!

***3 Powers You MUST Tap To
Accelerate Your Manifesting***

1) The Power Of Attention

What you pay attention to grows.

In every moment, you are putting your attention on something.

Most people have fragmented, distracted or unconscious attention. That is, their attention is in several places at once, it is not aligned with their goals and intentions and/or it is in a habitual mindset of the past.

The key here is to realize that YOU can put your attention where ever you want it to be.

For example, I used to worry a lot. I can still remember that harassing feeling of anxiousness. Yuck.

When I realized that it was my attention that was creating those feelings, I became deliberate about shifting my attention so that I manifested a new experience.

TIP: Give yourself permission to have what you truly want, declare it and then identify where you need to put your attention to ensure it comes to be.

2) The Power Of Imagination

Imagination is one of your greatest powers.

What you many not realize is that you are imagining all the time.

Here are some examples: Thoughts of what could be, feelings around stories you make up about the past, interpretations of people’s motives and behaviors, dreams about the future, fear regarding what might or might not happen.

Let’s take my personal example of worrying. When I used to worry, I was creating potential scenario’s in my head that didn’t really exist in the moment.

One day I got it: Worry is an uncreative use of imagination.

I encourage you to tap this power by actively using your imagination to the benefit of your intentions and goals. What do you need to imagine, think, see, visualize to manifest what you want?

TIP: Write about your dreams and desires. Create daily practices that activate them in your imagination.

3) The Power Of Choice

You always have a choice.

Regardless of what is going on around you, how others are acting, or what develops in the circumstances of life, you can choose how to be with it.

Some people are skeptical about the idea that they create their reality because there are so many things outside of them that seem to dictate their experience.


If your joy, your money, your wealth, your health, your prosperity is contingent on what is going on outside you, you are seriously limiting what is possible for you.

What really creates all of the above is your choice.

Do you choose trust? Do you choose purpose? Do you choose fear? Do you choose worry?

Yes, you get to decide.

TIP: Make it a routine exercise to ask what you are choosing. What am I choosing right now? Am I choosing to be at peace? Am I choosing to be stressed? Am I choosing to feel wealth? Am I choosing to feel lack?


NOTE: My popular “Accelerated Manifesting” course is starting May 9!

Act now and receive a CRAZY low early early special price.

http://www.spiritalive.net/acceleratedmanifesting.htm <<======

Your Power To Create! (A Shout Out From Tucson)

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A few words to remind you of your power to manifest your hearts desire!

I filmed this in Tucson the morning I flew out….an example of manifesting my
own dream for a freedom-based business where I can serve people as I travel.

WARNING: I am in early morning form. Didn’t even brush my hair.

Check Out This Lineup Of Divine Feminine Leaders! (Secrets Revealed)

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I’m about to give your “inner goddess” a no-cost resource
that can help you dramatically increase your business
and change your life
, too.

Have you ever wondered what it REALLY takes to create
6 or 7-figures in your business… WITHOUT sacrificing
your health, relationships, and time off?

Have you ever wished you could sit down with the women who 

have “been there, done that” and get the real deal?

My friend Elizabeth Purvis has created an all-new,
high-content virtual event unlike any other, so you
can do just that!

Elizabeth has gathered top women entrepreneurs
(including me!)  to reveal the secrets to create a
financially prosperous business AND a life you love-
while honoring your Feminine spirit.

These Divine Feminine leaders will show you:

How to design your business around YOUR life –
not the other way around!
– so that it truly supports
your dreams and mission

How to create time in your busy schedule for
your “Divine Feminine priorities”
– great food,
exercise, pampering and self-care

Secrets to mastering your time and hiring
the right team so you can get more done
completely “unplug” at the end of the day – without guilt

How to use your authenticity and feminine
in your marketing to attract ideal clients
and higher fees

Secrets to offering high-end programs that
serve your clients (and YOU) on a deeper level
– financially,
spiritually and in alignment with your purpose

What it really means to unlock the power of feminine
energy in your business

And so much more.

Elizabeth is unveiling her new teleseminar training series,
6-Figure Secrets Of Divine Feminine Entrepreneurs,
a gathering of women mentors who are embodying a new
model of Feminine leadership.

 This new way of BEING in business is the solution to the
struggle of so many women entrepreneurs: how to
create a 6-figure-plus business that leaves a legacy…
without sacrificing your health, relationships and sanity
in the process.

The best part?  The training is completely NO COST –
you can even listen to the recordings later if you
have to miss a call!

(No time limits and no “upgrade package” to buy.)

It’s Elizabeth’s big gift to you for having the courage
and passion to create a business that serves the world.

(Love that!)

Here’s where to check out the incredible line-up and grab your seat:


6-Figure Secrets Of Divine Feminine Entrepreneurs
begins March 28.

If you’re hearing the call to something bigger… and you
“refuse to choose” between your mission and a life you
love, you’ll want to see what this is all about.

Go here to grab your seat – including recordings and
gifts from the speakers – all at no cost:


See you there!


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This is such a stunning place; I’m in my element with the red rocks.

I’ve been immersed in a mastermind retreat with my coach and

have some amazing things to share with you soon.
I just had to give you a quick shout out from the life force I’m

feeling here. On my hike last evening, I was reflecting on how

this experience was once a dream in my mind.

That’s the power of manifesting!

I’ve long desired to offer my work in Sedona.

Well…check it out….this weekend I will welcome my first

VIP client here at the resort (keep an eye out for future opportunities for your own intensive). WAHOO!

We’re nearing the end of our first month of 2011.

Are you still focused on your dreams?

Here are 3 Things I did to make my Sedona

dream comes true (apply them to your own dreams,

and watch what happens!)

    1) I Decided. Full on, no wavering. I just knew it

    was going to happen because I decided so.

    2) I Made It Real. Instead of hoping for it and wondering

    how it was going to come to be, I did things to make it real

    way before I could see physical evidence that it was happening.

    I put dates on my calendar. I looked at the resort website to

    get a feel of the setting. I talked about it.

    3) I Took Consistent Action. I’m probably one of the most

    magical thinking folks around. Even so, there’s no amount of

    sitting on your butt meditating that will make it happen for you

    without action. Just a little bit every day goes a long way

Suggestions (That Work) To Make Life Easier

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“Working harder is not the answer.  Nothing in nature ‘works hard,’ yet everything in nature works.” ~John Assaraf

  • How you can tune out from distractions (which always diminish your aliveness)
  • What is the most important information for you (& where to get it!)
  • What you need to know in order to be fully alive
  • Let THIS inform your life



SCHOLARSHIPS for Accelerated Manifesting!

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Imagine your success story.  

What would it be?  

I can help you make it a reality!   

Could it be something like this? More projects, more money in the bank?==> 

“Shortly after starting the course, I noticed that the projects were starting to pour in. I would no sooner complete one and another one would be waiting for me in my e-mailbox. I’ve been self-employed for 15 years now, and I have never had projects come in that quickly before! Thanks to your course, I have definitely seen results–the kind that I can take to the bank!” ~John (a happy course participant!)  


By far, the “Accelerated Manifesting” launch has been my most successful to date. Acclerated Manifesting Coaching Program  

It makes sense that my manifesting has accelerated since I’m showing others how to, eh?  

Anyway, many of you were eager to join me in this course, yet just didn’t feel you had the financial means to take the leap.  

WELL, true to my values of paying it forward and sharing the prosperity, I am offering 5 partial scholarships!  

<<<Pause for CHEERS!>>>

You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true.” ~Richard Bach  

Click here to listen to details.    

Act quickly; I know the spots will be claimed right away.

7 Steps To Accelerated Manifesting

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(1) Setting the Consciousness Tone

As within, so without.

Everything that you experience is a result of what is going on in your consciousness, your mind set.

Be aware & choose where you come from (i.e. fear/enthusiasm) when you set your goals.
(2) Awakening Your Vision  

“Those who aim at nothing are sure to hit it” ~Unknown

Three tips:

  • Clarity-You need to get crystal clear about what you want (don’t stop with being clear about what you don’t want).
  • Think Much BIGGER-Just do it.
  • Focus on what Stirs Your SOUL!

(3) Daily Alignment & Action

The survey I conducted last month indicated that 81% of you need help in this area.

Your vision and goals don’t mean a thing if they become a page in your journal from the past!

You need to create a daily routine that is in harmony with what you want.

(4) Dealing with Fear & Doubt

In the survey I mentioned above, the #1 challenge area indicated for most of you (57%) is that fear and doubt get in the way.

 Here is a 3 step process I can share right now:

  1. Recognize your fear and doubts
  2. Clear them
  3. Replace them

This is the great area of transformation that will move you from struggle to ease!

(5) Understanding & Integrating Law of Attraction for Ease In Manifesting

Harnessing the powers of the Universe and nature is not only wise, it’s effective. As I’ve said, life knows how to live.
(6) Creating Magnetism

Short and sweet. Attraction comes from who you BE, not what you DO.

(7) BEcoming

Success is a habit, a culmination of actions you take day in and out. When you integrate and embody the above steps, you’ve ensured that success will fulfill you because it is based on what is truly alive for you.
Create a habit of being YOU!
<>–<>–<>–<>–<>–<>–<>–<>–<>I want to make it easy for you to manifest money and prosperity (& much more)!  I can help you make the 7 Steps a reality in my 7 Week Cutting Edge Acceleration Courseacceleratedmanifestingbanner

There are still a few spaces left!