
Can I Call You?

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I’m totally serious.

If you just want to watch my video that explains it all…

My coach is kicking my butt.  He says
I need to get on the phone and talk with 20
of you a day…

And right now, I want to talk with those of you that are:

  • Desiring to accelerate your ability to manifest money
  • Eager to transcend your prosperity blocks 
  • Ready to bridge the gap between “Spirit” and finances

I also want to talk to those of you that are:

  • Struggling with your thousands of ideas & have no focus
  • Stuck in your doubt and/or procrastination
  • Frustrated by the lack of what you want
  • In pain about how to get results that actually feel true to who you are

Now, I don’t have that much time because
of current clients and my
program launch

But, I am opening 40 Laser Sessions over 3 days.

To be honest, I’m a bit uncomfortable with this.

It’s pushing my edges.

BUT because I know that listening to my coach
helps, and that discomfort=breakthrough, I’m
going for it.

Listen, I’m moving on this fast.

So that means you need to act fast.

I have time Friday, February 26 and Monday, March 1 and Tuesday, March 2.

Click here to schedule time with me. Click on the “Acceleration Laser Session“.

OR http://spiritalive.genbook.com

That is it.

First come, first serve.

Now is the only time.

Simple Inspiration From Enlightened Entrepreneur Experience (PLUS How Me Stranded In LA Is Good News For You)

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A simple, inspired message from Corona, CA after being at the “Enlightened Entrepreneur Experience”.


Guess what? My travel home was nuts. The airlines screwed up on my ticket, which stated that I was traveling in March, not Feb. I was stranded in LA and had continued lessons in trust and non-attachment.

Good news for you…this means the EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT for Accelerated Manifesting: A 7 Week Virtual Coaching Program is still effective until the end of today, February 23acceleratedmanifestingbanner

Move from:

  • Pain of procrastination to the ease of manifestation
  • Overwhelm to clear, focused action
  • Anxiety to trust
  • Fear to freedom


The True Secret Behind Manifestation? {PART ONE}

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Here I am appreciating the magnitude of Avatar in 3-D. What a trip! img_8281

In this article, I was going to write about something entirely different for you, but when I meditated before my writing, a new message came through.

I trust that clarity, and it continue’s to propel me forward to new heights.

How about you, are you clear? What sights have you set for yourself? Have you spread your wings for the bigness of your 2010 journey?

Another encouraging cheer for you as you choose to embrace NOW as the time for action. Your clarity now will make or break your goals and intentions for the year.

So back to my meditation. I was feeling into the nature of love and it came to me. Of course. I got it.

When we love ourselves, we make different choices. Choices that are life-affirming, life-enhancing and life-giving.

Then this article wrote itself. It’s such an important topic, this is just Part One. I encourage you take it in and really contemplate on it for yourself.

Now, I’m off to send confirmation details to new peeps joining my latest ground-breaking course. Oh joy!

Cheering you on for more self-love,

Kendra 🙂

ps. Thank you! Hundreds of you viewed my last video where I underscored the importance of taking action now on your visions and dreams for 2010. I’m glad it touched you; I hope it prompted you to take a step toward in accomplishing what you desire this year.


“Love is the true secret behind manifestation.” ~David Spangler

Think about it, what kind of life would you design when
you love yourself? What would you let come into your

As I’ve learned to love myself, I’ve increased my
expectations and I won’t compromise my aliveness.

I’ve put down the burden of struggle and strain
because it is the only self-loving thing to choose.

As I write this, it is Valentine’s, and I contemplate the nature of love.

I am reminded of my philosophy, which is that success comes from who you become, not from acquiring something outside yourself (this is great to re-visit during a time like Valentine’s, where we are mistakenly guided to buy-in to the idea that our happiness comes from relationship to another!).

In order to become the success you were designed to be, a decision is required.

This decision, on some level, has to be grounded in love. I mean, it takes a raised consciousness to venture into creating a reality that is more healthy and happy for you, right?


So, to allow yourself to really receive what you desire in life, you need to love yourself.

I say….

It is an act of self-love to let yourself have what you want.

To love yourself is to:

  • Let yourself live your dream
  • Allow yourself to experience the good that is yours
  • Receive the abundance that is the nature of life
  • Feel the joy that is your essence

To love yourself is to:

  • Transcend the binds of fear
  • Free yourself of anxiety and stress
  • Stop the sabotaging patterns that make you feel bad

Got it? Can you see how self-love would enhance your life?

Okay. A quick re-cap. How is love the true secret behind manifestation? {Part One}

  • To manifest, you need to be clear
  • To be clear you need to make a decision
  • The decision to be successful, to have what you want, to be more healthy and happy, is a loving one
  • When you make the decision, the manifesting journey begins


Here’s a great way to love yourself…. Invest in your success.acceleratedmanifestingbanner STILL taking registrations!

Accelerated Manifesting” 7 Week Virtual Program

Blending the Best of Spirit, Consciousness & Practical Action

Don’t Set Yourself Up To Fail~13 Ways to Get Clear Now

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It all begins with clarity.

Without it, you are setting yourself up for failure. By passing on this fundamental step, you prevent the manifestations that are rightly yours from coming to be.

If you don’t declare what you want, what you vision, what your goals are–then “default” kicks in as your way of life. Default is ruled by your past, by circumstance, by “keeping up”, by crisis, by habit.

Now, I know you’d like to be free of that mode of being!

To make those new and bold declarations, you need to get clear about what you really want.

Here are 13 Ways You Can Get Clear now:

  1. Spend quality time in nature
  2. Clear out limited beliefs
  3. Journal about your feelings (no editing)
  4. Meditate
  5. Do some forgiveness work
  6. Create a ceremony
  7. Write out what you want (again, no editing)
  8. Do something creative
  9. Sing, tone, let your voice express
  10. Dance, do yoga or exercise
  11. Invest in a coach or program devoted to your clarity
  12. Decide to get clear (really, this puts clarity into motion)
  13. Stop telling yourself you’re not clear (this will allow the clarity that is in you to start showing up)

A Shaken Foundation As Wake Up

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I’m feeling reflective. A combination of factors have prompted me to contemplate more deeply. img_8055

Some of it is the inward pull of Winter.

Some is the massive change occurring on the planet.

Events such as the earthquake in Haiti shake me at my foundation.

It’s good. I mean the wake up call comes in many forms. And there’s nothing like a shaken foundation to evaluate and assess what really matters.

There’s no denying our interconnectedness, and times like these remind me of the reason for my fiery drive. There is a better way, one that supports us in flourishing.

It starts with me.

It starts with you.

As we enter the 2nd month of the year, I encourage you to take the time to consider what you could be doing in your life to allow yourself to flourish. Identify even one thing. Then, put it into motion.

(Oh, and you may find your answer has less to do with doing and more to do with being).

Okay, so speaking of motion!

I’ve got something exciting coming very soon.

See, I soared into the new year with clear enthusiasm and direction. The women who were called joined me for Be Alive 2010 and we are on our way.

And now, I ask, who will I serve next?

How can I best serve the next group of people?

After my “Clarity Breakthrough” Sessions with almost 50 women last month, it came to me. Keep posted. For now I’ll just say…ACCELERATION.


Will you take this quick survey? I want to know what challenges you most in your goals, dreams and manifesting & how I can best support you! http://bit.ly/c4nUKc

Do This To Succeed!

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It’s Febraury, folks! Have you done this?

It’s a manifesting must.


I can make it easy for you to get your success plan in place and make it so that you naturally attract. acceleratedmanifestingbannerMy cutting edge 7 Week Acceleration Program, starts March 1.

Manifest MORE of What You REALLY Want FASTER (including money!)


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“When you become certain that nothing is impossible for you, you’ll attain everything that you desire” ~Wayne Dyer   be-alive

Here are answers to the common questions you’ve been asking me.  

I want you to choose well.  

Remember, the material I provide through Be Alive becomes a part of you, therefor, it is an investment

not only in this year, but for years to come. Enrollment ends Friday, January 29! (Yes, I will take your registration via email).    

Q: What if I don’t have the money?  

Well, then can you really afford NOT to do it? If you don’t have the funds, it means that what you’ve been doing up until this point clearly isn’t working. So each day that goes by without you having a clear path & support system means that you’re going to continue to struggle and waste time. In order to get to where you want to go, it’s time to take new and different actions…and there is no better step than investing in yourself.   So get creative and do whatever you need to do to come up with the small investment to start at Level One. I guarantee that this will be path will provide you with the mindset and tools that will transform your relationship with money and prosperity.  

Q: I’m not sure now is a good time. When will you be offering this again?  

First, let me say, if not now, then when? How long will you postpone your success and aliveness? Having said that, Be Alive enrollment will not open again until Winter for 2011.  

Q: I am really busy. Can I join and still benefit from it if I don’t feel I have enough time to do everything?  

I understand everyone is busy. If you are too busy to take time for yourself, then you will not grow and expand into the next level of success. Not only that, you will just continue to be busy.  

If are too busy to do things that are important to you, then that’s a great reason to make time for Be Alive. Time won’t suddenly start appearing; you need to be deliberate about how you use it.  

This path is designed to provide you with some flexibility (i.e. you can listen to seminars and recordings at your own pace and many of the exercises I provide are optional), yet you do need to “show up”. You will get the most of this path by taking the time to do what is offered to you.  

Having said that, most people think success takes more time than it does.  

If you want to start at Level One (Membership), that will provide you with the fundamentals. You can always move to Level Two or Three if you decide you want to delve in more.  

Q: I’m not sure I want to commit to a year. That feels scary to me. Why do you do this for 12 months?  

Bottomline, I value results that stick.  

If you feel scared, consider that to be a perfect sign for action. DON’T let fear decide for you.  

I designed the year long intentionally because:  

  • I help you “chunk down” your intentions into manageable steps over time.
  • I walk you through the wisdom of the four seasons, so you can emulate natural law as part of your success formula.
  • “Habits” take time to change, and I provide you the means to go beyond habits and into a way of being that is sustainable.

 Q: Why did you create 3 levels in 2010?  

To create options. Some women want to work more in depth than others.

Also, I value providing services that are accessible for women because I believe that empowerment should not be limited by income.  

Each level provides you with the foundational curriculum that will expose you to material that will shift your paradigm and introduce you to a whole new, fresh way of doing life and business.  

You can read about the value-packed benefits in each level by clicking the info button at the site. http://www.spiritalive.net/bealive2010.htm  

Q: There are a lot of coaches and programs out there, how does “Be Alive” stand out among the rest?  

  • It’s modern day technology meets ancient wisdom.
  • I share the most cutting edge material.
  • The universal laws, principles and teachings align you in a way that guarantees fulfillment.
  • The consistency of messages keeps you inspired & focused for the entire year.
  • I am fantastic at what I do.
  • I provide high-quality superior services.
  • I walk my talk.

 There you go!   


I’ve Got To BE Honest… I Cried!

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A great big shout out and uber enthusiastic THANK you to Kendra cheering at the oceanall you women that have taken me up on my free coaching sessions and tuned into the seminar!!  

I’ve got to be honest with you….  

The other night I suddenly burst into tears.  

I had just completed my 40th coaching session with one of you, and I began crying through my awe and appreciation.  

  • I cried for your visions.
  • I cried for your fears.
  • I cried for your remembering.
  • I cried for the fulfillment of your manifestations.  

I’m so honored to do what I do!  

I’m being real with you here.  

It feels like a risk.  

But you know, there isn’t anything better in the world than living through the authentic beingness of who I am.  

And, I really want you to get how invested I am in you knowing that reality, too.   


Because TRUE SUCCESS comes from who you BE

—not from what you do, acquire or accumulate.


Ladies, this is your time.  

Heed your call!  

Be Alive 2010 enrollment closes this Friday, January 29.      


At this late hour, I will take your registrations via email. Pop me a message [email protected]    

OH….you can still tune into the seminar:             Be Alive

“Be Alive Success Formula: How To Make 2010 THE Breakthrough Year To Live On Purpose & In Prosperity” 


To be fair, in case you don’t tune into before Friday, I want you to know that I announced:

  1. Membership Level is only $49/mo
  2. Mastery Level is 50% off
  3. I will throw in my highly acclaimed 30 Day Manifesting course when you sign up (at any level).

In the last 2 weeks I’ve had the privilege to coach over 40 of you and have been flooded with messages about the profound impact and results, both from the sessions and from listening to the seminar.  

Thank you.  

Now, let’s go out and turn our visions into reality!    

Psssst… When you make a decision, a commitment, the Universe conspires to support you! http://www.spiritalive.net/bealive2010.htm

New Year Resolutions DON’T Work! Here’s What Does…

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This may be a let down for some of you, but my honesty will help put you on the right track.

Check it out so you set yourself up for success.

Alive 2010 Msg #3: What LIGHTS You Up?

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WAHOOOO! My third video message in service to your most alive year yet.


Create results in 2010! Be Alive is still open for enrollments through January 29.

