Here I am appreciating the magnitude of Avatar in 3-D. What a trip! 
In this article, I was going to write about something entirely different for you, but when I meditated before my writing, a new message came through.
I trust that clarity, and it continue’s to propel me forward to new heights.
How about you, are you clear? What sights have you set for yourself? Have you spread your wings for the bigness of your 2010 journey?
Another encouraging cheer for you as you choose to embrace NOW as the time for action. Your clarity now will make or break your goals and intentions for the year.
So back to my meditation. I was feeling into the nature of love and it came to me. Of course. I got it.
When we love ourselves, we make different choices. Choices that are life-affirming, life-enhancing and life-giving.
Then this article wrote itself. It’s such an important topic, this is just Part One. I encourage you take it in and really contemplate on it for yourself.
Now, I’m off to send confirmation details to new peeps joining my latest ground-breaking course. Oh joy!
Cheering you on for more self-love,
Kendra 🙂
ps. Thank you! Hundreds of you viewed my last video where I underscored the importance of taking action now on your visions and dreams for 2010. I’m glad it touched you; I hope it prompted you to take a step toward in accomplishing what you desire this year.
“Love is the true secret behind manifestation.” ~David Spangler
Think about it, what kind of life would you design when
you love yourself? What would you let come into your
As I’ve learned to love myself, I’ve increased my
expectations and I won’t compromise my aliveness.
I’ve put down the burden of struggle and strain
because it is the only self-loving thing to choose.
As I write this, it is Valentine’s, and I contemplate the nature of love.
I am reminded of my philosophy, which is that success comes from who you become, not from acquiring something outside yourself (this is great to re-visit during a time like Valentine’s, where we are mistakenly guided to buy-in to the idea that our happiness comes from relationship to another!).
In order to become the success you were designed to be, a decision is required.
This decision, on some level, has to be grounded in love. I mean, it takes a raised consciousness to venture into creating a reality that is more healthy and happy for you, right?
So, to allow yourself to really receive what you desire in life, you need to love yourself.
I say….
It is an act of self-love to let yourself have what you want.
To love yourself is to:
- Let yourself live your dream
- Allow yourself to experience the good that is yours
- Receive the abundance that is the nature of life
- Feel the joy that is your essence
To love yourself is to:
- Transcend the binds of fear
- Free yourself of anxiety and stress
- Stop the sabotaging patterns that make you feel bad
Got it? Can you see how self-love would enhance your life?
Okay. A quick re-cap. How is love the true secret behind manifestation? {Part One}
- To manifest, you need to be clear
- To be clear you need to make a decision
- The decision to be successful, to have what you want, to be more healthy and happy, is a loving one
- When you make the decision, the manifesting journey begins
Here’s a great way to love yourself…. Invest in your success.
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“Accelerated Manifesting” 7 Week Virtual Program
Blending the Best of Spirit, Consciousness & Practical Action