NOTE: These predictions are very real. And they are my wake up call to all of you to take your aliveness seriously, especially for those of you attracted to my Be Alive path.
Here are my predictions for you in 2010.
- Major breakthroughs
- Less stress
- More joy
- Decreased overwhelm
- Renewed purpose
- A dominant state of feeling good
- Creative projects succeeding
- Dreams fulfilled
- Business growing
- Deepened contentment
- And LOTS more prosperity!
Increased health & happiness
There is a condition (and I’m not much into conditions, but
truly these predictions are contingent on something).
The “twist” on this condition is that it is not coming from
me. It’s within you. The power is all in you.
What is it?
You have to choose to let these predictions come true in your life.
See, these predictions are TOTALLY true!
They live.
They exist.
I can see your future.
It’s much more alive than you’re imagining.
And it’s not as far away as
you may think.
It’s there for you, you just need to choose it.
And for whatever “reason” your clever doubting voice
came up with, ask yourself these questions:
==>Why not me?
==>Why not now?
Listen, I want to support you in having 2010 be a year to remember & celebrate…
…as pivotal…
…as transformational…
…and truly alive.
I’ve set the stage for you. The support, the structure,
the tools–It’s all there! I’m 100% committed & confident;
I’ve proven my system.
And so, I’m inviting you to step into what you know you really want.
No more pretending. No more playing it safe.
No more “should’s”. No more “one day”.
I’m inviting to you step up to the visions that live within you.
I’m inviting you to allow the aliveness that IS you to actually express in your life!
Oh, I do have another prediction.
This one might be harder to hear.
I predict you are:
- In the same place this time 2011 as you are now
- Struggling & dissatisfied
- Questioning what you are doing
- Feeling bad about your lack of progress
- Feeling guilty for not finally “getting it”
This prediction will ONLY come true if you don’t choose, don’t
set yourself up for success with the right supports, and don’t take action.
Clearly, you know which predictions I want for you.
How about you?
LISTEN FOR FREE===> “Be Alive Success Formula: How To Make 2010 THE Breakthrough Year To Live On Purpose & In Prosperity”
• What Your Purpose REALLY Is In 2010
• How To Create Simple, Yet Profound & Lasting Breakthroughs
• The Be Alive Easier Path To Success
• THE Ingredient That Will Ensure Your Prosperity in 2010
Be Alive applications are due by January 29.