
Refuse To Be Afraid

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There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid.” ~Gandhi

The FEAR Factor: How Fear Sabotages Your
Aliveness & What You Can Do About It” seminar

I know there were a lot of you that weren’t able to make it LIVE, so the recording will be available tomorrow. That way, you can tune in  at your convenience. (You have to be signed up to receive the recording ==>http://www.spiritalive.net/fearfactoralive.htm)

In the meantime, here’s a tidbit of what I shared….

What is the #1 BIG mistake most women make when it comes to fear??


And it’s not 

Fear is just energy. It’s just information.

YOU get to decide what to do with it. 

It’s not an automatic “destiny stamp”.

You give it meaning.  

So, instead of giving it meaning that prevents you from feeling good and alive, choose meaning so it does.

YOU have the power. 

To your aliveness,

Kendra 🙂


ps. I shared an invitation to join Be Alive 2010 on the seminar. There’s a special offer at the end worth up to $1,000 for those who tune in. http://www.spiritalive.net/bealive2010.htm


Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

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It was like she was just speaking to me (even though there was an audience of several hundred). img_8001

Her message called to my spirit.

I felt chills move up my body.

This bold prosperity teacher declared:

“Make a choice today to commit to be all you were meant to be!”

And I did.

I invite you to travel with me! Choose today. Choose now.

  • Put aside your “what if’s”
  • Cast away your limits
  • Lay your past to rest
  • Give thanks for what is
  • Give your trust to something greater

I have.

I know, it can feel scary, even downright terrifying (check out my seminar on fear).

But you have to be more devoted to what you want than loyal to your fear.

You know, when I pushed that button on my computer (see picture above) making Be Alive 2010 official, I felt fear. I was entering new territory. Expanding my reach. Attracting A LOT more clients.


That famous motto really is right on. You’ve got to:

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

See, life is calling me out in big ways. And while I have moments of fear, even greater is the conviction of my inner knowing and spirit.

I’m clear and confident, stronger than ever. 2010 is going to be HUGE!

I’m 100% committed to helping women bring their authentic self into life & business so they can thrive in joy and create prosperity.

What about you? What will you commit to in 2010?

I know life is calling you.


“The FEAR Factor: How Fear Sabotages Your Aliveness & What You Can Do About It” F-R-E-E Teleseminar info==>http://www.spiritalive.net/fearfactoralive.htm


7 Steps To Creating Unshakable Aliveness In 2010

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What is unshakable aliveness?

Aliveness regardless of what is going around you.

Is it worth your time to invest in creating it?


If you don’t, you will be dependent on outward circumstances for your sense of aliveness. The economy, what another person does (or doesn’t do), how much money you have…just some of the classic examples of areas you may think need to change for you to feel alive.

If you want to be truly alive, you’ve got to tap your inner core that remains clear, calm and connected–unshakable–regardless of what is going on.

Change happens.
Chaos happens.
The unexpected happens.
Challenge happens.

Yet, when you are unshakably alive, at the center of it all, you know all is well and you flourish.

What are 7 steps to creating unshakable aliveness?

(1) Make a decision.
(2) Take risks! Get out of the box and risk.
(3) You can’t care what others think/worry about rocking the boat.
(4) Live in harmony with life. Two ways to do this are:
        a) Learning & living by Universal laws
        b) Be true to you
(5) Increase your capacity to be uncomfortable. Get out of your comfort zone and into your alive zone.
(6) Create habits that feel good (What you repeat, you become). Two ways to do this are:
      a) Consistent info & support that keeps you in high vibrations
      b) Creating practices that enhance how you feel
(7) Stay committed, clear and focused.

So, what about it?

Are you ready to create unshakable aliveness in 2010?

It all starts with a decision.


These 7 Steps came from a seminar I led a couple weeks ago as a Be Alive preview. The live seminar was a one time thing, but if you sign up, I will send you the recording. There is a generous offer at the end only for those of you that tune in.be-alive

I can walk you through a step by step proven program that will help you create a life and business that reflects who you really are, which results in greater joy, ease and freedom!

How To Feel Good Through Gratitude

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“Make it a habit to tell people thank you. thank-you-sandTo express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate
those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.”
~Ralph Marston

My cup is full and freely flows!

The joy I feel for life; I want it for others.

The freedom I feel in my spirit; I desire it for others.

The peace in my heart; I envision in for others.

The list goes on.

I am so grateful for the bounty of life! I can’t
help but want to share it.

How about you?

*How do you share your gratitude?
*How do you extend your appreciation?
*What gestures of giving can you make through gratitude?

6 Ways to Share Your Gratitude:

1) Say ‘thank you’ at least 10 times a day to people
you know and to strangers
2) Tell people specific qualities about them that you
are grateful for
3) Send ‘thank you’ cards and notes
4) Give gifts of thanks
5) Donate your time or resources out of
gratitude for what you have
6) Share your spirit of gratitude by BEing it

I encourage you to take the time to share your gratitude.

And then consider making it a habit (i.e. For those of us in USA celebrating Thanksgiving… Don’t make gratitude a holiday, choose it as a way of life)!

It feels so good! And feeling good is where it’s at.


NOTE: This posting is Day 24 from “GRATITUDE” 30 Days of Manifesting on Purpose(In this ecourse you receive daily messages like this to help you take the mystery out of manifesting through gratitude & Law of Attraction tools).

How You Can Position Yourself For More Aliveness By Shifting ONE Thing

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We’re so engaged in doing things to achieve purposes of outer value that we forget the inner value, the rapture that is associated with being alive, is what it is all about.” ~Joseph Campbell

What’s one thing you can shift to position yourself for more aliveness?

First, a reminder that what you experience in life is a result of what goes on within you. Your thoughts, your beliefs and your feelings comprise a state of consciousness that determines what you know as your life.

Remembering this, doesn’t it seem a bit self-defeating to try to change the “outside” in order to be more alive? That’s because it is!

A classic example of this is relationship.

Let’s say someone you are close to has some things about them you think need to change. I mean, really, you’ll be so much happier when they do, right? 🙂

I’m going to be honest with you. If you are waiting for someone else to make a change in order for you to be happy, you are not free. Your sense of aliveness is dependent on them!

Well, the same is true in any area of your life.

People think they’ll be more alive with the “right” person comes along, or the economy changes, or the dream job arrives, or…. you name it.

It’s not to say that those things can’t contribute to your aliveness.

It’s just that you got to begin within.

Happiness is an inside job.

So the shift you need for more aliveness is?


To shift your attention from the external to the internal.


Reflect on your aliveness. Resolve to spend a little time every day to go within and connect with the inner value of you, of life. Over time, you will discover that what you want already lives in you.

Shine, Don’t Be A Cookie Cutter

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WHEW! img_7945

My creative mojo has been on fire since I’ve been back from Shine. (Here I am in our room at the luxury Venetian)

I can still feel the excitement of the almost 1,000 women eager to create success.

What did I take away from my time at SHINE?

Well, in many ways it was not what I expected. And, there was still much I received from it. Three key things:

1. It’s All About the Connections

My greatest highlight was the connections I made with people. I finally met women (and a few men) I’ve known for so long from Facebook and Twitter. I engaged with women (and a few men) who are doing and being in life and business in the new ways that life is demanding us to grow into.

I met amazing people that I look forward to growing with.

2. Don’t Be A Cookie Cutter Of Someone Else!

My greatest takeaway was to continue to be true to myself. The last thing I want after all these years of designing a life that is true to who I am, is to walk away from the “latest and greatest” in business and become a cookie cutter of someone else. 

Don’t get me wrong. This is not what was being advocated for or modeled. 

But Vegas brings it out. You know, the bells and whistles. The lights.

And, the promise of success can, too. Which is what people like Ali Brown offer.

We can get swept up in the glamour and lose ourselves when really, what we need to do is find ourselves.

Anyway, my direction was affirmed and my sense of purpose was amped.

What I know is that it works to be me. It’s where joy and freedom reside. It’s a natural attractor. And it just feels good.

I know my business will thrive in 2010 because I will be true to me. How about you?

3. Eliminating Suffering

Clearly, women are on the accelerated path right now.  Many factors have led to this juncture in time, and women are on the rise.

I could see during my time at Shine how women need tools to BE fully alive. Not just talking about it. Not just studying it. Not just watching someone else living it. But to really BE it for themselves.

And, as women blaze a trail for new ways of being, new ways of doing business, I want them to GET how to create a fabulous brand of successgrounded in who they really are.

So, I’m back and I’m on a mission to serve more women in 2010 than I ever have.  I will eliminate suffering and increase joy.

Please take this quick 5 question survey to help this happen===> http://tinyurl.com/BeAlive2010

Research Finds Virtues of Gratitude Include Good Health

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Anyone can increase their sense of well-being and create positive social effects just from counting their blessings.” ~McCullough thank-you-sign

Gratitude works!

I’ve proved it in my life.

I’ve proved it in my client’s lives. Participants in my highly acclaimed manifesting course have reported:

  • Deeper sense of clarity and joy
  • Focus
  • Projects pouring in
  • Money in the bank
  • Major breakthroughs
  • Peacefulness
  • Centeredness
  • Deeply happy

Do you want any of those things in your life? How about ALL of them?

YES! You can have it all.


==>Consistent practice of a mindset and way of being that expands your consciousness & maintains a high vibration.

Another way of saying it: day-by-day, step-by-step habits that line you up with what you want.

One of the surest and most direct links? You got it: GRATITUDE!

Now, for those of you interested, there are actual scientific studies that prove it as well.

Studies conducted* indicate that daily gratitude exercises result in higher reported levels of:

  • Alertness
  • Enthusiasm
  • Determination
  • Optimism
  • Energy

Some of you are familiar with the Law of Attraction, a universal law available to all of us to harness our natural power to manifest.  Look at that list above…you need that kind of energy to BE the consciousness that attracts what you desire! That’s one reason I use gratitude as a way to manifest on purpose.

Additionally, the studies have determined that people using gratitude experienced less depression and stress, were more likely to help others, exercised more regularly and made more progress toward personal goals.

Cool, huh?

Listen, I only use and teach what works. Life is precious. Your time is sacred. Use it well. And use what you know works well.

Resolve to awaken to the many benefits of gratitude.

Hey, let’s start right now. Say it out loud:


*Research cited from the “Research Project on Gratitude and Thanksgiving” by McCollough and Emmons.


For a day-by-day process that will guide you to create the results you want in life, join us for the Gratitude phenomenon beginning Nov. 2!30daysgratitude2


13 Things You Can Do Right Now To Get What You Want

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1) Want. You must want what you want more than not wanting what you success-waydon’t want. Give yourself permission to want and desire. Let yourself HAVE what you want and desire.

2) Decide. If you don’t decide, nothing else can happen. You must feel the resolve of your decision 100%.

3) See. Use your imagination to see your vision. What is happening? Who is there? What is going on? Play the scenario’s in your head.

4) Feel. Harness this most missed step in manifesting. Let the feelings of what you want and desire surface. Feel them now. (This is one of the focus’s of the *Feeling Good* Immersion Experience

5) Think. Your thoughts create vibrations that the Universe matches, which creates what you know as your reality. Make sure you are consciously choosing thought that align you with what you want and desire.

6) Clear. Limited thoughts, mistaken beliefs, old baggage…must be cleared!

7) Act. Take action. But don’t just move. Take inspired, clear action that you know is part of the momentum of your creation.

8) Know. Feel confident and convicted. Be certain that what you want and desire will be yours.

9) Trust. Infuse your consciousness and being with trust. Do you trust life? Do you trust yourself? Find a way to elevate your trust to a higher plane.

10) Allow. Learn how to open, receive and allow. Get out of the way.

11) Connect. Connect with whatever you know as a higher power, source or purpose. When you align with the greater rhythm of life, you are letting Universal laws work WITH you.

12) Raise. Engage in activity that raises your vibrations. High vibrations are a must for being a magnet for what you want and desire.

13) Thank. Give thanks! Gratitude is one of the most potent tools for using the Law of Attraction on purpose. Give thanks for what is. Feel gratitude for what will be.


Want more? Check out my step-by-step process.GRATITUDE: 30 Days of Manifesting on Purpose” starts Nov. 2.30daysgratitude

3 Road Blocks to Joy & Freedom

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1) Lack of Gratitude.

If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”          ~Oprah Winfrey

People can have such a lack of gratitude. I mean-the complaining, and judging, and gossiping, and story telling, and blah blah blah. I mean really, get over it!

And when you take the time to consider how lack of gratitude affects you, can’t you see how it would block you from knowing joy and freedom?

2) Dependence on Circumstance.

If you are depending on people, income, events, or any circumstance whatsoever for your arrival to joy and freedom, you will be forever held at a distance from it.

Let’s get real.

Life doesn’t always go how we plan it. People don’t always act like we want them to. Money ebbs and flows.

And not only that, if and when those people and things do come, you will swiftly discover that they did not bring you what you desired. Why? Cuz you will only find it within.

3) Avoidance of the Unknown.

Growth, change, expansion…they include the unknown. That is one reason people get stuck. They hang in the familiar and stay in the ordinary.

We’ve been taught to associate the unknown with something bad or scary. It even goes as far as to feel like a threat.

If you are going to live your joy & feel your freedom, you must grow, change and expand. It just comes with the territory! And, a natural part of the change process is the unknown.


1) Take inventory of what you DO have & are grateful for.

2) Get to know your joy.

3) Grow your capacity to be with the unknown.

4) Sign up for step by step process that will help you to live the above. “GRATITUDE: 30 Days of Manifesting on Purpose”30daysgratitude *STARTS NOV. 2!

Are You Neglecting This Essential Success Nugget?

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I love this picture of me admiring the last light of this sunset. It img_7874speaks to the natural endings that come with life.
There is a time and season for every thing. When you choose to be in sync with the current and natural rhythms, all flows.

Free yourself.

Let what wants to come to an end do so. Let go of that which no longer serves you.
You just have to know when to let go.” ~Diane Sweeny


That’s it.

The essential success nugget. When you neglect this part of the cycle of life, you will NOT:

==> birth the creations aching to express through you
==> attract those new relationships or dollars
==> experience the array of beginnings natural to your expansion

You will stress. You will strain. You will struggle.

Because when you hold on, things are inevitably hard.

What are a few examples of what you could be overdue for letting go of right now?

  • Outdated beliefs
  • Limited thoughts
  • Habits that get you the same old results
  • Can I get more specific? Like what?
  • The “should have’s”
  • The resentments
  • Beliefs that deplete you such as, “I am not enough” & “Stress is just a part of life”
  • That thing that someone did to you sometime back that you feel bad or victimized about
  • Your past “mistakes” or “failures”
  • Your need for perfection
  • Attachment to the past (don’t underestimate how much you may be influenced by this)
  • Fear
  • Fear
  • Fear (no, that was not a typo)

ACTION STEP: Take 15 minutes to journal about letting go. Identify 1-3 things you are willing to let go of in the next month (if it’s a fear-name it). Then, do it.