
The Buzzzzz About Gratitude: It Works, It Feels Good and….

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Why all the buzz about gratitude?

1) It works. women-standing-open

When applied, gratitude works. And if you’re like me, you’re committed to nothing less than what works.

Actually, life is meant to work. Your life is meant to be fulfilling. You are designed to fulfill what you came for. What did you come for? Identify it and declare it. Then give thanks for it.

When you are grateful, you create a confident disposition, a way of holding life and its unfoldings as if there is something to be thankful for (and there is). Even when you don’t feel that what is before you is worthy of thanks (which can be heightened in times of crisis), when you choose to be grateful, you affirm that life is inherently good AND that what you desire is already created.

So, now it is created. You don’t have to see it yet to believe it. Believe it and then you will see it.

Anyway, my point is that it works.

  • Decide
  • Get Clear
  • Believe
  • Consistently give thanks

When you do, you leverage one of the most powerful links to using the Law of Attraction deliberately. You manifest what you want when gratitude is a part of your practice.

2) It feels good.

Feeling bad is over rated. Drama is sensationalized. Victimhood is old school.

You may think it’s elementary for me to be pointing out to do something that feels good. But you know, so many people are making choices that feel bad. And then, they keep paying attention to the situations that make them feel bad, complaining about what is wrong!

You can’t create what you want by continuing to focus on what makes you feel bad!

You can’t attract what you desire by feeling bad. When you feel bad you vibrate at a lower frequency, which means you are not able to attract something beyond your status quo.

In fact…

You continue to attract more of the same.

Gratitude is a consciousness. It vibrates at a very high frequency. So when you choose to direct your attention toward gratitude, you shift your frequency and you start to feel good.

Yep, it can be that simple.

3) The world needs TLC.

I’m so ready for a new way of being together. Aren’t you?

Poverty, oppression, unnecessary suffering.

Stick with me here. This really is about feeling good. 🙂

Let’s get real. Sometimes it’s hard to feel good in the midst of all that we see around us (and feel in our own lives). The doom and gloom can take its toll; the suffering of our humanity can be depleting and devastating.

Yet there is nothing noble about shrinking from it. It doesn’t mean you care more if you feel bad about what is going on.

You cannot change what is by feeling bad about it, fighting it, resisting it or rejecting it.

The best way to help change this world for the better is by simply feeling good. Feeling joy. Feeling peace. Feeling alive. When you are in a state of joy, peace and aliveness, your energy just naturally ripples out.

And how can you get there? You got it!! GRATITUDE.

Be grateful and you WILL be a part of raising humanity to another way of being that ensures that we flourish.



GRATITUDE: 30 Days of Manifesting on Purpose launches Nov. 2! Register by Oct. 15 & receive 50% off. 30daysgratitude

The Deciding Factor

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Where do you decide from? What part of you determines the choices you make?  

The recession can tempt you into deciding from a place of fear or anxiety.   While a gift of the recession can be to consider more thoughtfully where you are and what you do, fear doesn’t have to be a factor.  


What if it is actually a more prudent approach to make decisions based on what feels good?


Is that enough?

Does it get you what you want in life?

Is it wise?

Is is practical?  


What feels good is always enough. After all, isn’t that what you ultimately want?  

What feels good gets you what you want in life. When you follow what feels good, it takes you on a path of experience that feels good. Reality is based on where you put your attention. So, if you pay attention to what feels good in making a decision, you will create experience that aligns you with feeling good.  

What feels good is wise. Come on, don’t you get that what feels good comes from your joy, your peace? These experiences stem from your inner and core self, which is always wise to use as a guide.  

What feels good is practical. Ah, you may challenge me on this one. Practical doesn’t mean you don’t do what feels good (and I tell ya, a lot of people think that is what it means)! What I know about success, productivity and results is that when you take action that is grounded in what is inspired and alive, you get more done and live at your optimum. How practical is that?

“Make more decisions in every day. More decisions about what you want. And let your first and foremost-and most often-decision be, “I want to feel good.”


For some reason, we’ve come to believe that feeling good is not a sound place. What I want you to hear is that that is false and that you can trust what feels good and where it will take you in life.  What will be YOUR deciding factor?!


Decide to feel good.  Scholarships still available. Jump into this new world==>http://www.spiritalive.net/feelinggood.htm


The Hidden Treasure That Will Unlock Everything!

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To be fair, let’s get clear here.

key-to-successThere really is NO hidden treasure.

Well, it may feel hidden.

But it’s not.

It’s actually in you.


Most people spend their lives looking
for the hidden treasure. The gold,
the riches. What is it for you?
A house? A perfect relationship?
A financially free life?

Here’s the deal….

the real hidden treasure is actually a feeling.

And this feeling lives in you. It’s alive,
dynamic, creative, expansive…and it

Now, I’m not saying that you can’t have
all those treasures you long for. BUT, I
am saying that until you touch in with the
REAL magic within you and realize what this
treasure hunting is all about…

You are going about manifesting with
the wrong focus! And with the wrong
focus, there is
no way you will attract
what you really desire in life.

Not only that, you will continue to
live in this rat race mode that dominates
most people’s lives and keeps you in
a stressed, scarce, strained consciousness.
(Because you’re looking for the wrong


So the *Feeling Good* Immersion
starts September 14!

In it, I will teach you how to recognize
and unlock your hidden treasure so that you
catapult to the extraordinary success you are
ready for.

I will show you how this feeling is actually
the KEY to being the attraction magnet for
what you want.

There is a very simple thing that only
YOU can do that will change the results
you’re getting. One thing that stands between
you and what you want next.


==> It’s your decision.

That’s it.

Now’s the time.

The *Feeling Good* 30 Day Immersion Experience
begins Monday, September 14.


The treasure is there.

Now it’s up to you.

ps. The ROCKn’ Expert Interview link goes down that day, too.
So if you want to hear the recordings for free, go there now.


6 Powerful Tips for Effective Manifesting

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Manifesting is an art. It’s not a complicated one. You don’t need to go to jumping-for-joyart school to learn it. There are no more hoops you have to jump through to “get it”.

Actually, a part of you remembers how to do it, because it is your natural state. Conscious manifesting/deliberate creation is allowing yourself to receive the joy and abundance that is inherently yours.

All you desire is already available to! It’s a matter of aligning your consciousness and way of being with your intentions and allowing.

REMEMBER: You are manifesting all the time. The question is, are you manifesting what you truly desire? What helps you feel good? What helps you know peace? What helps you know freedom?

You can manifest on purpose, using the power of your conscious mind and choice to create what you desire.

6 Powerful Tips for Effective Manifesting:

  1. Get clear about what you want and declare it.
  2. Visualize it, feel it. Really get into this. Close your eyes and allow the emotion of what you desire to be present with you in the now. Do this every day.
  3. Act as if. Identify how a person would act if they were in the experience you desire. What would their daily habits be? How would they walk? How would they talk? What would they think? What action would they take? How would they feel? Write it down. Then act that way.
  4. Give thanks. Gratitude has so many benefits to your life, one being that it is a high magnetizing vibration that helps you manifest what you desire.
  5. Allow. Let yourself receive the magnificence you are designed for.
  6. Feel good*. Like gratitude, feeling good will help you attract more because of the high vibrations you are naturally in when you are in this *Feel Good* state.


*If you are ready to invest in your success, check out the *Feeling Good* Immersion Experience or GRATITUDE: 30 Days of Manifesting on Purpose. One of the differences between people that live an ordinary and extraordinary life is action. Can you guess which people take action?


Labor What?!

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“Hard work is not the path to Well-Being.
Feeling good is the path to Well-Being.”
~Abraham Hicks


It’s time to get over the labor, stress,
strain, scarcity model!

You may think that to gain greater
, you have to work harder.

But you don’t! You just have to work smarter.

And it’s smart to take a path of least
resistance, a path that actually feels effortless.

It’s smart to feel good as the path to success.

When you are in this zone, life just works!

It’s soooo cool.

OK, so another cool thing—these *Feeling Good* &
Law of Attraction Expert Interviews
I’ve been
conducting with cutting edge coaches, speakers and

For a limited time, this link is up for you to tune
into the recordings.


Seriously. Check it out.

Real conversations with real people creating real results!

Oh, and for those of you that have been asking about
the next *Feeling Good* Immersion Experience-it
starts September 14.

NOTE:  The $200 discount EXPIRES Sept. 5!


Everything about this time is designed
for YOU to step into your aliveness.

ps. Remember, Eva Gregory’s interview is Monday,
Sept. 7. She is the PROSPERITY and Feeling Good Diva!

3 Tips for Greater Contentment

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For greater contentment in your life, consider and “try on”…..  img_7802

1) Wherever I am is wherever I am meant to be.

If everything happens for a reason and there is a purpose to it all, then where you are is exactly where you are meant to be.   Rest assured.

When you feel a sense of purpose in all that is, you increase your capacity to be with what is.  

ACTION: Identify what purpose any moment or experience has for you. This is especially helpful in challenging times.   

2) I chose this.  

Act as if you chose whatever is happening on some level. Perhaps your soul, your spirit, your wise or higher self created your scenario to help you grow?  Trust in where you are.  

Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.” ~Eckhart Tolle    

ACTION: Affirm that you are in charge of your reality, and release any vestiges of victim consciousness.  

3) I see and appreciate the good in my life.  

What is good about your life? What you pay attention to grows. If you are constantly looking at what is not working, what is missing, what is wrong, then that is what you will get more of!  As soon as you gain perspective and gear your attention toward what is good in your life, you will re-connect with contentment.  

ACTION: Make a list of all that is good in your life. 

Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” ~Eckhart Tolle


If you are ready to take action and LIVE your contentment, the *Feeling Good* Immersion Experience will show you how. Join me for this acclaimed system, grounded in universal law and practical application. feeling-good1We start Sept. 14; early discount gives you $200 off.

THIS Sabotages Your Attraction Success & 5 Solutions

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You are wonderful beings. You are blessed beings. water-ripplesYou are deserving of Well-being. Well-being is on its way to you. Chill out and let it in. Play more. Do the Hokey Pokey.”~Abraham-Hicks

It’s natural to attract what you want, because it is natural to experience what you want.

To know the manifestation of your desires and feel the fulfillment of life is an extension of being alive.

And being alive is what you are here for.

If this is true, and you don’t feel fully alive and have what you want, what is wrong?

Well, on some level you have been separated from your innate capacities and, therefor, are living in a strained world that is repelling what you desire. There is an old paradigm, based in survival consciousness and run by fear, that permeates your beliefs.

As a result, you have “mixed” beliefs and paradigms that create chaos within your mind and being about who you are and what you are capable of. There is part of you in one paradigm, and part of you that is in another.

See, you ARE a powerful creator. You innately know how to be so that you attract what you desire. There is a part of you that knows this as the paradigm to live by, to thrive by. This is thrival consciousness.

BUT…with the old paradigm lurking in your beliefs, you dismiss and doubt the truth of thrival consciousness.

THIS sabotages your attraction success*.


Because you can’t have part of you in one set of beliefs and part of you in another.  Well, you can, but you won’t be effective in manifesting what you want because you are giving “mixed” vibrational messages to the universe.

And because the Law of Attraction operates from vibration, you must be clear.

=====================================                                                 You can’t give “sorta, kinda, I think maybe, almost” 

vibes to be a deliberate creator!


 So what can you do? Here are 5 Solutions:

  1. Get clear. Get crystal clear about your beliefs, paradigm and what you want.
  2. Declare. Be 100% in for what you decide.
  3. Become aware. Notice when you have thoughts that are contrary to your beliefs, paradigm and wants; this is what creates the mixed vibration.
  4. Clear. Use clearing techniques. Get rid of the stuff that does not align with your declaration.
  5. Affirm. Use affirming tools and practices that raise and maintain your vibration.

*Attraction success includes manifesting what you desire on purpose; it is deliberate creation. It is harnessing the natural Law of Attraction to create the results you most desire.

Take action & learn attraction success through my *Feeling Good* technology==>


A Shout Out from the Mountain Top!

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Cheering you all on as you continue to align with what is ALIVE and shift from survival consciousness to thrival consciousness. YES! 🙂

Unleash the Magnetizing Mojo of Contentment

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Being content is definitely a part of my definition of success! Not only that, it has amazing magnetizing mojo. img_7725

I looked it up in the dictionary, which coincided well with my own reflections.

Content=satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else.

Yes! Contentment is a satisfaction. It’s a place of peace that arises in the knowing that nothing is missing and nothing is wrong. There is no desire to get someplace else, to do something else or to be someone else.

What results is deep satisfaction and the fulfillment in the now. All is well.

What if you are not content with where you are or who you are?

Some confuse the notion of contentment with a passive resignation to what is not working.

They are not the same.

You may not like what is for yourself or others. That is OK. Desire is sometimes born through dissatisfaction and frustration.

But if you are not willing to see the gift(s) in what is, you are merely running away from something, rather than genuinely being ready to attract what is next.

There is a paradox here worthy of understanding. When you want something other than what you have, you will simply continue to want.

It is not until you can be content with where you are that you can change and attract what you want. More importantly, it is not until you can be satisfied with WHO you are, that you can attract what you want.


Because you cannot manifest from a place of lack, what is missing or resistance.

So what is this magnetizing mojo?

Contentment contains potent magnetizing mojo!

Remember, you attract your experiences to you.

Since you are already doing this, why not be on purpose about it and attract what you actually want? You have this power!

You are essentially a living magnet, and contentment is a very attractive “vibration”. It draws to you MORE experiences that reinforce MORE contentment!

NOTE: Contentment puts you in the *Feel Good* zone. Learn more about this zone, and how it’s essential to your manifesting success….sign up below.


Don’t Hold Back!

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If you are waiting for anything in order to live and love without holding back, then you suffer.”~David Deida          kendra-at-river-w-amber

At the risk of sounding bossy (which I have been accused of being in my life. Hee hee), I’m just going to say it:

===> Don’t hold back! 

There’s life in you that is waiting to express and dreams in you desiring to be realized! From the ordinary day to day practice of honoring how you feel and tending to your needs, to the grand visions that you think you’ve forgotten-don’t hold back.   Doing so puts living on hold. Routine becomes routine for the sake up keeping up routine. Tasks become mundane. New experiences are halted. “Some day” becomes a common mantra.  

I want you to consider one or two things that you are holding back about right now.

  • Is it a conversation?
  • An adventure?
  • A change in career?
  • A feeling?
  • A new expression of who you are?

You know what it is for you. Yes, it may feel like a risk. Yet, it truly is a greater risk to NOT do what you want to do. Holding back affects your health and quality of life; it diminishes your capacity to tap your source of vitality, and squelches your natural cycle of growth. For you business owners, it prevents business and income growth.

You always lose by holding back.” ~Barbara De Angelis 

Here are some “guidelines” to remember when you are tempted to hold back: 

  1. There is never a “right time”. Now is the time. Go for it.
  2. You may not ever feel “ready”. Don’t wait to feel ready. Especially if you are a procrastinator.
  3. Nobody is going to do it for you. It’s up to you.
  4. You don’t need permission from anyone. A lot of people are not aware that they are waiting for permission. Decide to give yourself permission. 
  5. Get over perfection. If you want to get perfect first, then you will never jump in. It’s impossible. You just got to get out there, be willing to make mistakes, learn and keep going.
  6. Get over being liked by everyone. You know, some people may not agree with you. Or, they may not like you. That’s OK. There’s plenty of people who do and will. Don’t compromise your life energy trying to make everyone else happy.

This life has much for you. I know it. You know it. Don’t hold back; let yourself live.