
What’s So Spiritual About Anger?

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“The goal of spiritual practice is full recovery, and the only thing you need quan_yin1to recover from is a fractured sense of self.”~Marianne Williamson

You are whole and complete. Your spiritual path includes re-membering this truth.

I think on some level, we get angry when we are separated from this truth. Our original essence gets lost (but only temporarily) and we feel removed from the very source that feeds us, that IS us.

Family, strangers, media, religion, and education can be some of the influences that steadily undue the perfection we came in with. I want to highlight that most of this undoing is not intentional. It’s a general “consciousness anesthesia.”

If you are tuned in even to the slightest, you know that there is major change occurring on the planet. This change includes an “awakening”. We are waking from a slumber and into a conscious state of choice and freedom. I believe this awakening is part of what Marianne spoke of above about a full recovery from a fractured sense of self. Through awakening, you realize there is no fracture.


OK. So, what does anger have to do with all this?

Well, as I said, I think that anger is one of our responses to being separated from who we truly are.  When separated from who you are, stress, struggle, illness and scarcity become a “normal” part of life.

See, you know on some level that something is out of sync with what you are here for. I mean, really, do you think it’s natural to live in a perpetual state of not feeling good?!

Hang in with me here…

When something happens that seperates you from your innate knowing of who you are, you naturally react with the desire to protect it. Anger can be a form of protection.

The warrior, amazon, priestess…they come forth from you to take a stand. The fierceness of which this energy comes about can look like and feel like anger.

YET…in a world where anger is not embraced, the majority of expressions and associations are unhealthy. Typically, we see anger as:

  • Oppressive
  • “Negative”
  • Destructive
  • Violent
  • Or just plain “improper” (especially for us women)

But there is another way. Anger can be a source of your aliveness (see ANGER: An Untapped Source of Aliveness) and part of your spiritual path.

I’m not encouraging you to get angry or to perpetuate an angry way of being. Actually, I’m a very peaceful and joyful gal. 🙂 One of my secrets to arriving here? Yep, you got it, I honored my anger. 

So, I’m really encouraging you to get alive.  And I’m inviting you to open to power that conscious anger has for you.

(Oh, and the irony is…once you intentionally honor your anger and become a conscious aware person, you really don’t get angry much).

So, what’s so spiritual about anger? When anger is honored, released and expressed in an intentional way it provides:

  1. Transformation. Anger is an energy. It provides the means to transform energy from one expression to another. When you allow this to occur, you allow the life it has for you. 
  2. Self care. People who are fully alive make self care a priority. Releasing stored anger is a very caring and loving act.
  3. Compassion.When the energy of anger is unleashed, you have a huge well of compassion you are able to access that was pinched off by the anger. (The picture above is of Quan Yin, the Goddess of compassion.)
  4. Forgiveness. When anger is dealt with consciously, it begins a path of forgiveness. Forgiveness is key to healing and living in the now.
  5. Being in the Now.True joy resides right here, right now. Eckhart Tolle says, “You cannot find yourself by going into the past.” Anger keeps you in the past. He goes on to say, “You can find yourself by coming into the present.” Feeling and releasing anger, you immediately come to the present.
  6.  Peace. Being with what is, you are free. You cannot be at peace when you hold on to, run away from or resist anger. When you learn how to be with it, accept it, you realize peace.
  7. Better Relations. When you own your anger and take responsibility for it, you don’t project it/take it out on others. Clarity within you will foster richer relations.
  8. Manifestation Mojo. You will raise your vibration through intentional anger work. Increased vibration=increased manifesting capacity.
  9. Authentic Power. Holding on to anger is a false power. Real power comes from your core. Anger can help you access and harness deep, powerful parts of your self.  You move from victim consciousness (i.e. this was done to me) to creator consciousness (i.e. what I choose, I create).


Why this focus on anger?  I work with clients for a minimum of 6 months because I support sustainable changes and way of being that translates into true success.  The majority of the time, when I do clearing with people, anger comes up. It must be cleared to keep in the flow of life and allow the manifestation of what you desire!

Also, I’m co-leading a private gathering for women. Women appealed for a safe, conscious way to be with this energy. We provide sacred space to release and feel your power through anger. If you are interested in the October 17 gathering, be in touch with me personally. [email protected]

Lastly, unaddressed anger becomes toxic. It’s time to get real about what does and doesn’t work, and practice a new, life affirming way.  

Abraham-Hicks Fun

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HA!  Laughter raises vibes, for sure! 🙂 And I know that a bit of levity in the spiritual process is indeed necessary for perspective and balance.


ANGER: An Untapped Source for Aliveness

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WHAT?! Anger an untapped source for aliveness?woman-standing-in-power1

You betcha!


Everything is energy.

This includes emotion.

Emotion is meant to be energy in motion.

Anger is a kind of energy. When you harness it, it fuels your aliveness. When you oppress it, you pinch off what it has for you.

Let me explain one thing about my approach. I don’t believe in “positive” and “negative”. People talk about emotions being one or the other.

I think what is, is.  WE create the meaning anything has for us. Circumstances, events, thoughts, emotions…they happen. YOU get to choose what to do with it.  Your choice can mean the difference between being stressed and run down or enlivened and expanded.

So, instead of anger being negative, which is the common conclusion, consider that is it just another life energy that can serve you.

How can this be?

Isn’t anger destructive and hurtful?

And if you are a Law of Attraction student, might you be thinking that by paying attention to anger, you are activating and energizing more of it?  If what you pay attention to grows (and it does!), why would you want to let yourself be angry? Well, remember…. it’s also true that ==>

What you resist, persists.

Energy in and of itself is not destructive or hurtful. It’s what you do with it. You can actually be constructive with anger. You can actually feel powerful surges of energy when you consciously breathe through anger. You can actually stay connected to another person as you remain clear and connected while you own your anger.

Here’s another possibility…

Anger informs you of what is important to you. Think about it, if something is happening, such as violence, and you get really pissed off, isn’t that feedback about what you value?

Anger can reveal what matters to you.

Here are some benefits and suggestions for consciously* being with your anger.


  1. Release.When you obstruct energy, you obstruct life. Anger is a “fiery” transformative energy. It can help you release so you stay clear.
  2. Realization. When you tap the essential life force of anger, you liberate its gift and realize/feel a new form of expression.
  3. Aliveness. You can’t help but feel alive when you let the flow flow.
  4. Attraction. You Law of Attraction buffs will love knowing that releasing the energy of anger will keep you in the natural high vibrations that ensure you attract what you most desire. By honoring the anger, you are not activating or creating more; you are letting it move through you, and as such, staying in clear vibrations.


  1. Increase your capacity for feeling how you feel. Be with it. There is nowhere to go. Nothing to do. Nothing to fix. Just hold yourself in compassion.
  2. Breathe, breathe, breathe. Let your breath move the energy.
  3. Dance your anger. Crank on the music. Get wild. Shake your arms. Move it through the motion of your body.
  4. Hit or scream into a pillow (this feels great). Make sure you have plenty of room and the space is held in a sacred manner.
  5. Always intend your anger to move into the next state of expression that will be for your highest and best.

Listen, anger is a part of our humanity. Instead of pretending it’s not there, being the “good girl”, being overly paranoid about putting out “negative” vibes… let’s get real.

Utilize the energy it has for you as a life-giving, life-affirming source that can and will enhance your ever-expanding journey of aliveness.

*The key here is consciousness. This means to be aware, awake and at choice with it. It means presencing intention and being responsible with how it’s expressed…i.e. don’t take it out on others.

7 Tips to Get Unstuck & Accelerate Your Manifestations

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That which you cannot include in your imagination, you cannot realize.” ~Wayne Dyer                                                     imagination

It amazes me.

Maybe you’re stuck here, too.

See, people come to me seeking support around manifesting what they want in life.  And, as we go through the processes to ensure their dreams become a reality, I invite them to visualize and feel what they want in their life as if it is now.

And, most times, they can’t.

They can’t actually see it, feel it, or believe it.


There you have it.

===>If you can’t access your ability to see, feel and/or believe in the reality you desire, you won’t be able manifest it!

Note that I said, “if you can’t access your ability”. I underscore this because I want you to get that you already have this ability, you have just forgotten how to access it.

So, how do you access it?

Your imagination.

Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” ~Albert Einstein

Now, hold on. I don’t want to hear that you don’t really have much of an imagination. It’s not true.

Do you realize that you are using your imagination ALL the time?  The thoughts you think are actually a use of your imagination.

You may not be using your imagination very creatively, but you are using it.  For instance, I’ve been said that worry is an uncreative use of imagination. You may spend time listing all the things that could go wrong. Do you spend time listing all the things that could go right?

When you can fill your mind and imagination with anything you want, why would you choose anything less than what feels good and is alive?


Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives”.

You determine your life with your imagination and thoughts.

Isn’t that cool?

Doesn’t it make you want to use them on purpose so that you deliberately create what you want?

 Here are 7 Tips to Get Unstuck and Accelerate Your Manifestations

  1. Increase your ability to relax. Take 5-15 minutes every day in a meditative state. Relaxation supports access to your imagination and fosters expansion.
  2.  Get out the box. Consider all the different ways you can look at any situation or issue in your life. Get crazy with a huge list of what is possible.
  3. Incorporate visualizations in your practices. Visualize what you desire. Create the scenario of what you want and replay it over and over… really get into the the feeling of it.
  4. Amp up your belief that anything is possible. Anything.
  5. Get in touch with the essence of what you want. For example, if you want a new house, identify what the essence of the house is for you. Is it comfort, safety, being settled? Once you have identified this essence, get in touch with it now. Feel it now. Be it now. 
  6. Hang around big thinkers. Read books, quotes, watch movies, listen to music and engage with people that stretch you into greater possibilities and affirm you in expansive ways.
  7.  Give thanks. Oh, yes. Always promoting this magic. Gratitude amplifies everything. Give thanks for your imagination. Give thanks for your vision coming to be. Give thanks for how good it feels to live your intentions through your imagination now.

 Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.” ~Carl Sagan



Are you ready to attract what you want in life? Apply the above so that it becomes a part of who you are?

*Feeling Good* Immersion Experience starts September 14!


Your Immediate Gateway to Attracting What You Want

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rock-archUntil one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation. There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen events, meetings and material assistance which no one could have dreamed would have come their way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!” ~WH Murray

If you are not committed, then forget it.

Seriously. You can’t get results; you won’t get anywhere in attracting what you want in life without commitment.

I’m talking 100% all in. If you are anything less than that, then you cannot BE the magnet that will bring what you want to you. See, if you are less than 100%, you are offering an “incongruent” vibration. Part of you is in, and part of you is not, which provides a message to the Universe that still includes the “part not in” vibration.  You need to offer a full, strong vibration (Click there for more on vibration). Remember, the Law of Attraction responds to your vibration, not your intention or vision.

So, here are 4 “Dont’s” to help you proceed through the gateway (called commitment) and attract what you want:

  1. Don’t wait until you feel “comfortable” (Neal Donald Walsh says that life begins at the END of your comfort zone).
  2. Don’t wait until the “right” moment (Now is always the time).
  3. Don’t wait until you think you are ready (You are always ready to be more alive).
  4. Don’t wait until you know how (The how is revealed as you go along). 

Let providence move for you, allow the stream of events to organize on your behalf….commit to living what you desire today!

What Can the Divine Feminine Do For You?

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“The Feminine is urging us to open our minds to a new vision of reality.” waveliquidglassgolden

~Andrew Harvey and Anne Baring, “The Divine Feminine”

I’ve been a champion for women for a long time now.

From supporting micro-lending in Nigeria for entrepreneurial empowerment (and real solutions to poverty) to re-claiming the Divine Feminine-my devotion to women embodying their power, living who they truly are, and fulfilling their purpose of being alive will always be integral to my mission.

The Divine Feminine is on the rise, and it is essential to women AND men knowing our wholeness and true success.

To that end, I’m proud to share this announcement with you. I’ve presented and participated in the conference leading to this publication, and can attest to the importance of Kris’s mission and the impact it’s had on thousands of women (and men).

Please consider purchasing a copy of this book today, June 23. This is the day you can receive the bonus gifts valued over $3,000. Enjoy gifts from some amazing wise people include Barbara Marx Hubbard, Judith Orloff, Marci Shimoff, Starhawk, Nicki Scully, and ME!

Women of Wisdom: wow-book-cover-2
empowering the dreams and spirit of women

by Kris Steinnes

Women of Wisdom Foundation has inspired women to make powerful changes in their lives for the past 17 years through its annual conference and this book will do the same for you.

“This anthology of wisdom from some of the greatest women thinkers and writers of our time is a rare treasure. It inspires, informs, and gives us hope for the future in which the best potential of all people, and of our precious earth, can be realized.”
~Joan Borysenko, author, “A Woman’s Book of Life”

Listen to the many voices of women sharing how to honor and respect your feminine gifts, claim your voice, and become the leader of your life.

Go here right now and get the details to purchase the book and discover your special gifts: http://www.wisewomanpublishing.com/wowbook.html

“This anthology is an expression of the sacred feminine as voiced through individual women who have keynoted the conferences. It is a rich and inspiring women’s spirituality anthology. Women who have felt a deep yearning for the return of the divine feminine, or had a significant dream of a numinous woman or goddess, or value the feminine principle will find insights and encouragement to bring what they know into the world.”
~Jean Shinoda Bolen, M. D., author,”Goddesses in Every Woman”

Purchase the WOW book and claim your gifts today at: http://www.wisewomanpublishing.com/wowbook.html


WOMEN: If you are ready to honor and respect the Divine Feminine within you…. there’s still space available in the highly acclaimed, “Delighting in the Diva: Re-Claiming and Embodying the Divine Feminine” playshop June 28.
==>I will give you $35 off your registration if you mention this message

Is Life For or Against You? Adopt the Truth…

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Life is FOR you.”  sun-sparkling-field

~Michael Beckwith

Yep, it’s true.

Life is FOR you.

It’s not challenging you. It’s not testing you. It’s not evaluating you. It’s not asking you to prove yourself. It’s not judging you.

It is for you….for your flourishing, your aliveness, your success!

Play with this and discover what unfolds. As you go about your day, notice how adopting this paradigm as your truth creates greater ease, gratitude and joy.

What happens is that you harmonize with the true nature of life. As such, you “get” that life is on your side (you may be surprised by the old stories/beliefs lurking in you that are contrary to this). Things will fall into place, the resources and connections you need reveal, and the intentions you desire manifest.

Let life show you how good it can be.


The other night I got to meet and spend time with Michael & Rickie Beckwith (he was a featured teacher of “The Secret”) at a private VIP gathering before the “Changing Now Forever” event. I was elated! ———->img_7483

More kernels from my time with Michael Beckwith:

“The Universe is daring you to ask.”


“There are gifts and capacities trying to come through you.”


“We are here to tap into our Divine potentiality and set it free.”

“You are not an anticipant, you are a participant.”

Can Feeling Good Increase Your Productivity?

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First, I’d like to get something off my chest. OK?  Here it goes:

It’s time we let go of the idea that feeling good takes away from productivity, to lay down the story that somehow we will get less done and have less value if we actually feel levity and ease in the way we go about being!

Whew! That felt good (HINT: Getting real feels good!)

It’s ridiculous, and I am here to tell you that there’s a new game in town.  Not only that, I want to show you how you can be MORE effective and productive when you feel good!

Think about it, when do you get the most done in your life or business? Is it when you are stressed? Overwhelmed? Unclear? How about feeling burdened with the “have to’s”…does that help you get it done in a swift manner?


Somehow we’ve collectively bought into this rat race, spinning our wheels, hooked on the adrenaline of it all. NO MORE!

Take a breath…and a reality check.

Choose another reality-one that will help you flourish. Decide to align with your innate vital energy that WILL help you be productive in life and business.

See, it starts with you getting in the flow with the *Feeling Good* state I’ve been teaching.  (Here are 6 Characteristics of Feeling Good State)

When you are in that state, you are in the “zone”. I call it the ALIVE ZONE. In the alive zone, you are able to be more effective and productive because you are:

  •  Tapped into your natural vital energy source
  • Clear
  • Aligned
  • Acting from inspiration (which comes from within)


Aligned inspired action is the only effective action.


When you are in your natural feeling good state, you live through “aligned inspired action“.  All flows from you with a greater purpose and ease, you feel enthusiastic and present. You are able to bring all your resources to each moment, allowing you to get more done in shorter amounts of time! Seriously, I’ve spend 8 hours trying to get things done when I’m unclear or overwhelmed. Nothing, nodda. But, I get clear, tap into my purpose, align with my true nature… and ZAPPO—I’m done in just a few hours.

You know what that means for you? More:

  • Space
  • Time to tend to what matters to you most
  • Quality presence with your family
  • Creative projects complete
  • Boost in your income

Please, I appeal to you, LET yourself know a greater ease and flow that inevitably leads to the fulfillment of what you desire most in life!

I can show you how. ===> Feeling Good 30 Day Immersion Experience starts Sept. 14! $200 discount available through Sept. 1.feeling-good1




4 Steps to Feeling Good NOW

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people-jumping-fun “You just have to want to feel good more than anything else. That’s the only criteria that is necessary in order for you to achieve this. You have to really want to feel good. You have to want to feel good so much that you’re wanting to reach for a better feeling thought any time you are in the midst of one that doesn’t feel so good.

‘Nothing is more important than that I feel good’. That’s the mindset that you have to be at. Nothing is more important than that I feel good.”


1) Choose it.

Seriously, you must decide you want it.

Recognize that everything in your life is a reflection of your inner state, everything. If you want a life that reflects who you are, what you want and what matters to you most, you must make yourself a priority. All else flows from there. Resolve that nothing matters more than your aliveness.

“Your ‘starting point’ is being determined that you’re going to feel good, no matter what and then sifting through your life for things that do feel good.”~Abraham-Hicks
2) Let go of resistance.
Resistance creates a “feeling bad” reality.   Get real about your resistance. What do you resist? (Could be change, growth and even the things that feel good!) When do you feel it? What will you do to let go of it?
3) Increase what feels good.
I know, this is so basic. But, really a lot of this stuff includes getting out of the way and letting the true nature shine through.   Identify when you feel good. What are you doing? Most importantly, what is going on inside you? What kind of thoughts are you having? How do you feel?
4) Decrease your tolerance to feeling bad.
There is no reason to feel bad. Really.   Now, don’t get me wrong. You know I’m not a “make it positive” kinda gal. We all experience the spectrum. BUT, you can be in the “feel good vibe” as you traverse the experiences and emotions that are more challenging. That’s where letting go of resistance comes into play. Don’t resist the natural cycles of life. If you do, you create unnecessary pain.

Be super uber devoted to noticing when you are feeling bad, and choose immediate action to change it. Devote yourself to decreasing “tolerations”.


Access 7 FREE Video Tips, Teleseminar and Expert Interviews for FEELING GOOD.


Feeling Good 30 Day Immersion Experience starts again Sept. 14.

Raise Your Vibes!-*Feeling Good* FREE Meditation

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feeling-good1This is a giveaway.

The meditation is just over 13 minutes. Make sure you carve out the time for you to do it fully (i.e. Do this and this alone) . 

Relaxation and meditation are KEY to feeling good, to manifesting and the Law of Attraction on purpose.

You cannot manifest what you desire through resistance, tension or lack.

Receive the vibration of feeling good.

===>     OR  http://www.audioacrobat.com/play/WZpB2gqs

*****NOTE: You will receive DAILY meditations/energy work/inspiration like this when you register for the *Feeling Good* 30 Day Immersion Experience!

We start Sept. 14, so take action now.
