===>When you live in this state, your life is not contingent on external stimulus or circumstance
===>When you are in this state, you are in the OPTIMUM vibrations for attracting what you desire
===>You are human, and you will have emotions. Emotion=energy in motion. Honor your humanity.
===>When you honor your humanity, you are going with the stream (rather than resisting and going upstream) and so you ARE maintaining your innate connection to your core FEELING GOOD state!
People have been LOVING these tips! I’m receiving testimonials daily, such as:
“YES!!! Its fabulous, its all so so great!! Thank you SO much Kendra for
helping myself and many others FEEL GOOD! I got my friend to sign up too and he has been FEELING REAL GOOD all day long. This is helping my transformation very much also.”
WAHOOOO! And this just the beginning….
So I thought I’d post one for you. If you want all 7 of them… you can still sign up.
“It’s a new dawn. It’s a new day. It’s a new life. For me…. and I’m feeling good!”~Michael Buble
(1) Vibrational Alignment:
Everything is vibration. To create a reality that is congruent with your vision, your passion, your values, your desires… you must put attention toward ensuring that your “vibes” are attracting what you want. Feeling is the vibrational territory that most people ignore, yet is an essential aspect of alignment.
Feeling good will help you be a vibrational match to what you desire.
(2) All Else Flows From How You Feel:
People get it backwards (not you of course). They go for the “thing“- i.e. the relationship, the money, the home, the hot body. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not judging those things. They are fine physical representations of what is possible in life.
However, what you really want is the feeling, the essence, that that “thing” has for you! THAT is where it’s at. And that is why so many people (not you of course 🙂 ) are on the endless hamster wheel seeking something that is never attainable. Seeking fulfillment in circumstances, you fall short.
Get in touch with the feeling, the essence, and focus on that. The “things” will come naturally.
What you want will flow once you feel what you want to feel.
(3) Manifesting Magnetism:
If you want to take your manifesting abilities to the next level, you must get that feeling is your magnet. As a conscious creator (rather than default reactor), you understand that what you pay attention to grows. If you are feeling down, low, depleted, like something is missing and so forth… you are just going to continue to get more of the same.
You need to choose how you want to feel. You don’t think you can do that? Are you one of those that think that you can’t “control” your feelings? I challenge you on that one.
Feeling good is your manifesting magnet.
(4) It’s “Recession Proof”:
Once you get that circumstance does not define you, and that the physical forms are demonstrations of energy… you will feel assured and relax. You can consider a greater wisdom in change, chaos, and transition, and lean into shift as a natural course of expression that you eventually know is PART of your abundance in life.
When you feel good, nothing outside of you can affect you.
You tap into the truth of plenitude, and allow new forms to reveal new streams of prosperity.
(5) It’s Good for You:
I’ve been studying the art & science of gratitude (through application), a characteristic of feeling good, for years. One of the most fascinating and promising aspects of gratitude is how it affects your health. There are actually scientific studies showing how it boosts your immune system, increases energy & vitality, and helps with all around health.
And, since what you pay attention to grows… feeling good builds you up for feeling more good. Gratitude creates more gratitude. Joy breeds joy.
No doubt about it, feeling good is good for you!
(6) The World Needs a “Vibe Lift”:
The way we’ve been conducting this global life business just hasn’t been working. Things are falling apart because a new paradigm is emerging. Life knows how to live, and will ensure that the course carries on so that thriving is the mainstay. Life depleting ways just aren’t sustainable.
So, on my mission to help “change the world”, I have concluded that the best way to serve is to feel good & be fully alive! AND, as you know, such vibes ripple out. The world needs us to feel good! It’s contagious, and people can’t help but restore and raise to new heights in the midst of higher vibrations.
For me, feeling good has been a part of taking my stand for flourishing together on this planet.
Help the world with its vibe lift by choosing to feel good!
(7) It Feels Good to Feel Good:
Oh yeah! It’s true. Being in the flow of life, living the inspired creation that is, allowing the core joy and freedom to express…ah, goodness.
I concluded some years ago that I would accept nothing less than feeling good. Suffering is not necessary. Sure, there’s “contrast” that is part of the human journey that helps us grow, yet the pain & suffering isoptional. Feeling bad and drama are so overrated. Feeling bad is a false sense of power stemming from a victim consciousness that no longer serves.
It’s simple; it feels good to feel good!
Feeling Good 30 Day Immersion Experience begins June 8! It will put in you in the vibes you want. Register here.
“There is nothing enlightened about shrinking.” ~Marianne Williamson
I invite you to join me.
In the midst of the new beginnings, the manifestations, the celebrations…another aspect of life expresses. A darker, shadowy, hidden side.
I have reconciled that while I continue to expand in my joy, feel my gratitude, and live in bounty, there are places in the world in which people are hungry, oppressed and at war. I sit with the juxtaposition of esctasy and terror.
I decided some years ago that the best way for me to serve is to choose, every day, to be alive. I let go of the idea that somehow I am less caring if I fully express my aliveness…that it is more giving to sacrifice my own wellness as a way to recognize that many are without it.
I’m not shrinking back!
Sometimes I do want to shrink back. An old familiar voice calls out to me in fear, telling me the world is not safe, that if I am “too big” I am more susceptible to getting hurt. That it’s selfish to be in such abundance when so many go without.
The higher truth chimes in. Ah, yes. I choose to live in the bold, bright radiance of all that I am, serving through BEing alive.
Again, I invite you to join me.
The world needs you. Your community needs you. Your family needs you.
All of you.
Here is the rest of Marianne’s well-known quote:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
This is me caring for our humanity, being awake to what is, AND living my life.
Choose to live in the big, bold brilliance YOU are. Sign up for 7 Free LIVE Video Tips & teleseminar for *Feeling Good*.
What if you were to feel good?I mean REALLY, really good?
And, what if feeling good was not just a once and a while occurrence, but actually your dominant experience?
It is totally possible! Not only that, it’s what you are here for. It is one of the outcomes of living your natural state.
So, what are some characteristics of feeling good?
I have come by feeling good through tried and true experience. I devoted myself to being alive, concluding that if I wasn’t flourishing, why bother. People ask me where I get my energy (see video below) and how I maintain the state of joy and inspiration they know me by. My mission is to guide you to knowing this for yourself.
Feeling good is an extension of a consciousness that is comprised of greater truths and life affirming beliefs which vibrate and emanate through your being.
Remember, EVERYTHING in your outer reality is a reflection of your inner reality. So, if you serious about attaining and maintaining feeling good, study and practice that statement above.
OK, so bottomline, this state includes:
Sense of ease
Consistent access to vital energy
A “can’t help but share” JOY
Knowing of true prosperity
Growing yet complete gratitude
Core freedom
Are you ready? Any new experience simply begins with YES. All else will reveal from there.
LIVE this state ======>
You clearly resonate with more FEELING GOOD, because you have attracted this message. Consider if you are a candidate for my 30 day IMMERSION Experiencethat WILL help you attain a FEEL GOOD state. We begin Sept. 14!
Your life experience is showing you that you cannot keep telling the same story without continuing to live the same circumstances.” ~Abraham-Hicks
You are telling yourself a story. All the time. It’s “truth” has no relevance, because YOU decide what is true. You repeat thoughts & beliefs that become your story about the nature of reality, of your life, and-in this case-your experience of abundance.
New story=new reality
If you want to have a new reality around abundance and money, you must create a new story. Period.
Choose your new story. What is it? Write it out. Adopt it. Tell it. Enact it.
2) Clear the way.
You must clear out* that which does not align with your new story. If you are not receiving what you want, you have some block(s). It is more important that you spend time clearing than adding the “latest & greatest” information. Allowing means letting the way be open, and clearing is essential to this.
3) Create practices to align with your new story.
Give thanks, editate, affirm, listen to teachers and/or music, watch videos, surround yourself with people…. do & be what it takes to align with the consciousness of your new story every day.
HERE is an example of a GREAT video to affirm the nature of abundance and money further.