I get asked this question a lot.
What keeps YOU inspired?! I’d love your comments.
The soul is here for its own joy.”~Rumi
There comes a time when you just can’t help but be in your joy!
There is an untouchable place within you that is constantly vibrating joy.
What do you need to do to experience it?
(1) You need to —–>embrace the reality that it is already there within you!
It’s not outside you. You no longer have to seek, to search, to strive.
Joy is your true nature.
(2) You need to ——>allow yourself to be in joy.
Seriously, so many people have hang ups about being in joy. They say they want it, but have they let it happen?
What’s the story? That it’s too much to be in joy, selfish, too idealistic? Whatever the story, if it seperates you from your joy, IT’s NOT TRUE!
(3) You need to —–> put your attention on it. This might sound pretty basic, but let’s remember that, according to the universal Law of Attraction, like attracts like. If you aren’t having a daily experience that reflects joy, then you are not putting your attention on it. Most likely, your attention is on the perception that it is missing, how bad you feel without it, who and what the problems are that are not allowing you to know it, and/or trying to figure out how to make it happen.
You can’t create joy by changing your outside circumstances.
You must put your attention on joy inside you. Really get to know what it feels like. Study it. Research it. Observe it. BE it!
Listen, when you allow this natural stream that already IS YOU to flow, you will know that it is there regardless of what is going on around you & what circumstances you are in. It is not contigent on anything outside of its own life force, so it doesn’t matter what is going on.
- It is not threatened by change, because it is grounded in the knowing that all things do change.
- It is not diminished by another persons behavior, because it knows its own life force as the point of reference for what is real.
- It is not erased by emotion, because it recognizes your humanity and that feeling is necessary for moving energy & is transient in nature (YES, you can know joy at your core, and still feel other feelings such as grief).
It simply is.
And when you tune into this stream, you open to the wonders of life and you just can’t help but be in your joy.
Allow yourself to trust joy and embrace it. You will find you dance with everything.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
WOMEN! If you want to tap this flow of joy, you’ll want to listen to the FREE recording on the nature of the soul on this page. Oh, and there are a few spots left in the series! We cover:
1) Soul and Awakening
2) Soul and Law of Attraction
3) Soul and Relationships
4) Soul and Divine Feminine
Life knows how to live.
When you allow the natural rhythms of life to cycle, the universal laws-such as Law of Attraction-to operate, you will be guided.
It is all there for you.
Let the miracle of life live through you, as you.
“Everything that you activate in your vibration becomes a truth. You can make cancer true. You can make violence true. You can make clarity true. You can make poverty true. You can make abundance true. You can choose anything and give it your attention and make it truth. We say, a novel approach would be to pick things you like and make those true. But before you’re going to be able to do that, you’ve got to say, ‘It’s not about what’s true and untrue. It’s about what I choose to activate and turn into truth.’ ”
Everything is vibration.
If you want to be a deliberate creator, that is, to leverage your natural ability to manifest & choose to be the creator of your reality, you need to get the importance of your vibration. You don’t have to understand all the workings of vibration.
You DO need to know 3 things:
- Vibration is your point of attraction
- You influence your vibration every moment
- If your vibration is not a match to what you desire, you will not attract it no matter how hard you try
Now, let’s take these one at a time.
1) Vibration is your point of attraction
Your point of attraction is simply your dominate vibration that creates the “magnetism” quality that brings your experience to you. Whew. Did you get that? I know you did. You get this stuff, because you were born with the innate understanding of your powers.
Vibration is comprised of beliefs, thoughts, and feelings.
There are beliefs, thoughts and feelings that lead to vibrations that attract what you desire, and there are those those don’t.
Basically, any that align you with the place of feeling good, in sync, in harmony, in the flow…are ones that create the point of attraction that manifests what you desire. When you are in this place, you know joy, ease and gratitude.
2) You influence your vibration every moment
Every moment is new. Every moment is full of potential and possibility.
Every moment you are vibrating.
As you learn to pay attention to the cues you are given from your own guidance system (i.e. your feelings), embrace responsibility for your reality, and take your power of choice seriously, you get that YOU are truly the creator! This is so empowering.
Do you get how juicy this is?
You have the power. Always. In every moment.
So, if life isn’t working for you, all you need to do is shift your attention. If you feel stressed, out of sync, overwhelmed, down…whatever takes you away from your aliveness… you can shift your experience the next moment by your choice to attend to different beliefs, thoughts and feelings.
It only takes one moment to shift your point of attraction.
(NOTE: Some people get overly concerned when they have a lot of thoughts or feelings that are contrary to their desires. A sort of anxiety sets in about what they are thinking. You do not need to believe that your thoughts are “truth”, nor put any feeling behind them. Just let them pass. And, because you are human, I encourage you to feel what you feel. Keep the energy moving. It’s your dominate attention that matters most).
3) If your vibration is not a match to what you desire, you will not attract it no matter how hard you try
You are a magnet. You bring toward you the experiences such as what you call results, money, and relationships. Once you clearly identify what you want, you need to ensure you have a vibrational match to it.
One way to do this is to consider:
What would a person that has ________ (fill in the experience you want) believe, think and feel? List those things and then DECIDE to believe, think and feel them! <——-
You cannot wait until you “have” what you want in order to feel how you want to feel. You cannot create what you want in life by focusing on circumstances, changing another person, or seeking “The Secret” outside of yourself. When you do, you are depending on the external to create your sense of fulfillment. It doesn’t work (believe me, I’ve tried).
You can only create what you want by tending to your vibrations-some may call this your attitude or mindset. You get to create it first!
The good news is… you naturally know how. It is one of the wonders of your innate connection to source energy.
—–>If you want to learn how to create a vibrational match so you manifest what you desire in life, if you are ready for the next level of aliveness, if you are ready to move beyond study into application, join me for this cutting edge Law of Attraction series launching today, April 1.
You flourishing is no joke. 🙂
“We are Divine enough to ask and important enough to receive.”
~Wayne Dyer
Do you know you are Divine enough to ask? (You are!)
Do you know you are important enough to receive? (You are!)
It feels good to affirm the truth, doesn’t it?
Here’s another truth:
If you still don’t have everything in your life that you want RIGHT NOW it is because:
- You have not really decided what you want
- You are not really clear about what you want
- You are not a vibrational match to what you want
If you know that even one of those is true for you…and you know you are READY to manifest what you desire, my new “LOA Your Way to Greater Aliveness” series WILL serve you.
Have you listened to the FREE “HOT Manifesting Wisdom & Tips” Seminar recording yet?
Here’s the link to the power-packed hour you don’t want to miss if you are series about living fully.
It’s no fluff stuff!
It’s true.
Attention is comprised of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitude. Attention can also include your purpose, your vision, your soul’s desires. Where ever you reside most will be reflected in your life.
Your dominate attention creates your reality.
Your attention is a director to the universe; it’s like you are saying to life, “here is where I choose to live”. The universe takes your instruction, and reflects it back to you as directed.
Whatever you spend your time thinking about, talking about, dreaming about, planning about, worrying about, will inevitability be reflected back to you in your experience*. Attention is an attraction amplifier that draws to you that which you are focused on.
Knowing this, doesn’t it make sense to take the time to ensure that your attention is going toward what you want to grow? Seriously, if you don’t do it, who will? Your old habits, programming, media…. you want your reality to be created by that?
5 Tips to Take Charge of Your Attention & BE the powerful creator you are>>>
1) Decide where you want to put your attention. Identify the intentions, qualities, and feelings you want to experience.
2) Write out what you want and put it somewhere you re-visit frequently. Read it out loud once and a while. Use language that reflects your wants as if they are already happening. Be proactive and enthusiastic in your descriptions.
3) Surround yourself with uplifting and affirming resources. People, books, quotes, music… Choose to reinforce your focus through daily practices that align you with what you want.
4) Be gentle with yourself when you get off track. When you notice you are letting your attention astray, be compassionate with yourself and gently place your attention back where you want it.
5) Give thanks. Gratitude is a huge magnifier and is one of the greatest tools for flourishing.
*NOTE: Whatever you spend your time thinking about, talking about, dreaming about, planning about, worrying about, is reflected back to you in your experience because those things become your vibration. Learn more about vibration & Law of Attraction, including how to raise and maintain yours to magnetize what you want in life.
“One drop of water helps to swell the ocean; a spark of fire helps to give light to the world. None are too small, too feeble, too poor to be of service. Think of this and act.” ~Hannah More
An idea, a vision, a desire, an insight….you feel it. It moves you. It excites you. It compells you. It IS you.
It is life moving through you.
Inspire. It means to “breathe life into“. You feel this inspiration, this life force/source breathing through you and…
leaping into the unknown, you take action. Trusting the inspiration from which this action came, you say YES to the life force/source that birthed the idea, desire or creation in the first place.
When you take action from this place, you are fully satisfied.
This is inspired action. It is to act on that which is vital, alive, dynamic in the moment.
Inspired action=breath of life moving through you, compelling you to express and act.
You don’t need to know all the pieces of the puzzle.
When you go with it, you just KNOW that the pieces will reveal themselves as you going along.
If you remain present to the life in it-the sense of passion, of joy, of purpose-the universe will guide you to the how.
I live in inspired action. New creations come to me. I take action without knowing how it’s going to play out. I take risks. I say yes.
My lastest FR*EE seminar, “HOT Manifesting Wisdom & Tips“, is an example of this. It came to me last week. I put it out during the weekend. Over 100 people registered in a few days.
I noticed that a lot of my past (& current) clients signed up (they know I offer quality stuff!). Some had already taken the Gratitude course I was offering.
So, I chose it to be an opportunity to create something new.
Within 24 hours, I had a new seminar series designed with new website published!
I couldn’t have “thought” about this for days, weeks, and months. The energy would have left. I would have over analyzed it and lost my juice for it. I may have become doubtful and just put it aside.
But I went with it. Inspired action.
Stay true to those nudges, visions and inspirations in you. They are life. They are meant to be expressed. Don’t let the cycle of its life die. It is alive in you to enjoy, so go for it.
What inspired action will you take today?! It will express your joy. And when you are in joy, it will surely bring out joy in others.
Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you.” ~Wayne Dyer
>>>What are you FOR?
>>>What do you want?
>>>What is your vision?
That’s all that counts in manifesting.
- It doesn’t matter where you’ve been.
- Your past is irrelevent (unless you’re making it relevant by repeating it).
- Your story doesn’t matter.
- What hasn’t been doesn’t mean anything.
- What could have been is over.
- What is missing is only information.
- What is “wrong” in the world– injustice, oppression, violence-does not shift through talking about how wrong it is or fighting it.
A fundamental in the Law of Attraction=what you pay attention to grows.
So if something is not working, is lacking or missing. STOP paying attention to it!
Don’t fight it, resist it, be against it, or try to change it. This kind of influence is a false sense of power that actually reinforces and GROWS the very things you don’t want.
Instead, get clear about what you do want, what you envision…and put your attention there. PERIOD.
If you are ready for more manifesting “know-how“, join me on Wednesday, March 18, 5pm USA Pacific as I reveal:
The biggest obstacle preventing you from attaining what you desire
What you can start doing immediately to create results in your life
How to tap into the manifesting powers within you
NOW is the time to be alive!