I LOVE this! Hillarious twist on Law of Attraction & how what we pay attention to grows.
1) Cling to Entitlement
2) It’s All Personal
3) Focus on Problems
4) Magnify
5) No Thanks to Gratitude
I LOVE this! Hillarious twist on Law of Attraction & how what we pay attention to grows.
1) Cling to Entitlement
2) It’s All Personal
3) Focus on Problems
4) Magnify
5) No Thanks to Gratitude
You are in the right place, at the right time.
It’s true.
Even when your life is missing that special zest you know it has for you.
Even when you are immersed in challenges.
Even when you are brought down to your knees.
Follow with me here…
Attracting what you desire in life requires expanded consciousness. In order to keep your mind open to the possibilities, you need to keep your consciousness open to the constant miracle life IS and you need to be in an expanded state.
And, if you don’t currently have what you want in life, it’s because up to now, you have not had the consciousness to attract it. So, it stands to reason that in order to create a consciousness that will allow you to attract what you want, you will need to expand to new dimensions of what is possible, what can be, how you can feel, etc.
So having said that, if you want to stick around for the journey, please do. (If you want to stay with the familiar, the ordinary, what is “safe” and seemingly secure, my material isn’t for you).
I’ve only just begun.
Now, back to you.
So one of the ways I want to invite you to expand your consciousness is to consider that you are always in the right place at the right time. Such a way of viewing your reality WILL enhance the quality of your life. You will open the way to a BEingness that constantly provides you with exactly what you need.
Think about it.
If you live in a paradigm that you are in the right place at the right time, everything will always be OK.
You will let go of the idea that you are missing the key and that life is outside of you. Also…
—->You will attract:
You will know that when you are faced with challenge, there is a greater purpose and that through trust you will receive whatever you need next. You know that there is a lesson in all that you do, and in that there is a gift for you. You know that challenge grows you, reveals something new to you that you could not have known without it-perhaps a new insight, greater compassion or deeper appreciation.
Through your knowingness that you are in the right place at the right time, you exude a vibration of confidence and trust that demonstrates to the universe and you that you believe you WILL attract what you desire and what you need at all times. This confidence is KEY to manifesting on purpose.
And, you will live in gratitude* (you know, I’m always plugging this one… cuz it works). Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations and states of being there are. Its perks are many, including health, joy and prosperity.
Try this on:
I am in the right place, at the right time.”
How’s that feel?
If you’re up to it, “try it on” for 7 days.
Let me know how it goes.
—->>>*If you are interested in practicing the surest way to manifesting on purpose, check out GRATITUDE: 30 Days of Manifesting on Purpose. It creates results!
Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have.”~Doris Mortman
What do you want?
Where do you think you will get it?
Enough questions, eh? Oh, that was another one. HA!
So, here’s the deal. Most people are seeking for what they want in life in the wrong places. First, STOP seeking. You will be perpetually seeking if you that is what you are doing. Seeking is about seeking. So, instead-commit, declare and intend.
Second, you’ve got to get that what you want doesn’t come from “there”. It doesn’t come from a relationship, from an amount of money, from retirement. It doesn’t come from reaching a place. It doesn’t come from acquiring more stuff.
It doesn’t come from outside yourself.
If you believe it does, even to a degree, you will always be in a process of “getting to” what you want. You will be striving to get to a place that is actually an illusion. It doesn’t exist. And because it doesn’t exist, you will never get there. And because you will never get there, you will always feel like you are missing something.
——->>>TIP for manifesting
Look to the essence of what you want.
When you think about what you want in life i.e. a home, a relationship, money-consider what about that experience you are attracted to.
Outside of the practical needs such as having a shelter to live in, identify the essence, or quality, that you think that thing you want will bring you.
THAT is what you want. You want a sanctuary where you feel safe and can be your self… you don’t just want a house. You want to feel peace and content with who you are…you don’t just want a vacation. And so on.
When you realize this, you can leverage the power of your mind and emotion to create the vibrations that reflect that essence, that quality. You focus on that, maintaining the vibration, BECOMING it, and eventually, you will naturally attract the experience that reinforces it again and again.
You getting this stuff?
Use your power.
One thing that is very much alive in this time of emergence and change is that we are becoming more aware of the power we behold as the creators of our reality.
This is one of the most liberating realizations of our time. Your external reality is a reflection of your internal reality. You craft, co-create, shape, influence your experience in every moment.
YOU can create the quality of experience that is of joy, ease and prosperity… that is in sync and in harmony with the truth of who you truly are.
Everything in the universe is vibration.
Choose with purpose so that your vibration provides you the experience you desire.
Uplift and raise your vibration every day. HOW? Gratitude!* Establish a practice so that you plug into the surest and most direct link to manifesting what you desire on purpose.
*(If you want more videos like this, along with daily messages that will create REAL manifesting results in your life, check out GRATITUDE: 30 Days of Manifesting on Purpose– http://www.spiritalive.net/gratitude.htm)
When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”
You are here to know the river of joy that is your true nature…flowing unencumbered, unimpeded.
It’s coming back to you now. In this moment. Even as you read.
The reason for your being.
Yes. The essential nature, source and life that you are.
Coming alive.
Awakening. Now.
You cannot be on this planet right now and not be affected by the shifts taking place. Emerging before us, within us, is a new world. This new world transcends the very paradigms, beliefs and practices that have led us to experience the OPPOSITE of our nature.
Some of you are feeling this at more subtle levels than others. Depending on how devoted you have been to your personal development, depending on the purpose you have been saying yes to, depending on how deeply you bought into the collective story…
What I can tell you is that it will become increasingly painful for you to live separate from the true nature of who you are. The more you ignore the nudging of a deeper calling to live as you are designed, the more suffering you will experience. I don’t intend to scare you with these statements, rather, I want to inspire you to take your mission here seriously and make your aliveness a bigger priority in your life.
See…your soul is awakening!
Now don’t get me wrong. It’s not like your soul is just now coming alive. It’s always been alive.
More accurately, your soul has been in a slumber to your waking state. It’s been there all along. Yet you have not known it fully. Or, maybe you have, but because we’ve lived in a world paradigm of separation, you have not known how to align your soul with your day to day life.
You have not known what the nature of your soul is, how it feels, how it moves, how it expresses itself, how it influences you-and most importantly, how to LIVE through it.
But now>>>
Your soul is waking from its slumber into your CONSCIOUS knowing.
As such, its influence, its purpose, its role in your life is becoming more clear, more pronounced, guiding you to greater alignment with what you are really here for.
Every experience we have and will have upon Earth encourages the alignment of your personality with your soul.” ~Gary Zukav
Remember when I said that it will become increasingly painful for you to live separate from the true nature of who you are?
This is because the universe WANTS you to succeed. This is because you were born for one thing, and if you are living another, you are given guidance in order to get you on track.
Why bother living anything less than what you are here for? (Really, I was done with going through the motions a long time ago. Aren’t you?)
See, the pain and suffering can be signs that you are simply out of sync with your soul’s path. They are indicators that you are more aligned with your personality than your soul.
What does this mean? Well, if you are driven by your personality, or ego, you have been concerned with:
Most of us have lives that are designed by these influences and concerns because they are what we were taught to pay attention to, what we were taught had meaning, validity and importance. You will never be satisfied when you live here.
If you are driven by soul, you are concerned with:
THIS is where true success comes from!
We’ve just begun in this adventure; I look forward to unveiling more with you as we traverse new realms in service to you becoming the river of joy that is your true nature!
In the meantime, allow your self to open further to the wisdom of your soul. You can do this by simply setting the intention. i.e.
>>>>>>My intention is to allow the awakening of my soul to come into my conscious knowing so that I may align myself with the joy that is my birthright.
Your soul and the universe will show you the way.
WOMEN: I invite you to new and lasting levels of aliveness as we CROSS THE THRESHOLD OF THE SOUL. Explore the awakening of your soul in the 1st of 5 series. Each week we will cover a “Soul Theme:”
1) Soul and Awakening
The entry into the awakening of your soul to greater awareneess. Discover the keys to recognizing and living through your soul, including the ONE essential must that connects you to your true nature.
2) Soul and The Law of Attraction
An exciting and timely journey into the soul and its relationship to the Law of Attraction (aka “The Secret”).
3) Soul and Relationships
Could this be the liberation you seek? Uncover how living through your soul offers freedom and health in relationship.
4) Soul and the Divine Feminine
The Divine Feminine is on the rise. Unveil its gifts, its wisdom and its role with soul success.
5) Soul and Money
Re-create the relationship between your soul’s path and money, allowing greater flow, abundance and prosperity.
The outward freedom that we shall attain will only be in exact proportion to the inward freedom to which we may have grown at a given moment. And if this is a correct view of freedom, our chief energy must be concentrated on achieving reform from within. ~Gandhi
How do you know if you are free?
What is freedom?
Good question.
In this moment, I think of it as an unrestrained expression of my true self regardless of who I’m around and what is going on and complete ownership of the reality I am creating. It’s feeling contentment with what is and realizing that regardless of what is transpiring, I am at choice. It is residing in the BEingness of my true essence, that which is unwaveringly solid in the greater truth.
What gets in the way of your freedom?
1. Dependence on Other People
You may not think this applies to you…but I’m sure it does. Even if you consider yourself a pretty independent person, I BET you still look to someone in some manner to help you feel free. How could this be? Let’s take a closer relationship, perhaps a parent (that’s a universal “trigger”) or partner (always great material there).
Reflect for a moment on whomever comes to mind and how you feel about that relationship relevant to freedom. Do you feel completely free? Consider what you want from them, what you expect, how you communicate with them, what you have wanted from them. Do you think any of it has come from the natural desire to be free? Do you think that some of it could be echoes of your seeking?
See, part of freedom is knowing your wholeness. Many people go to relationship wanting wholeness and believe that the other person has something for them that will help them know it.
==>REALITY CHECK: You are whole. You do not need someone else to “complete” you.
Not only that, you do not need to buy into the belief that once so and so changes or “gets it”, you will be happy. You will always have your sense of reality and quality of life bound to someone else’s behavior and action if you do not let this go and take charge of creating your own freedom.
Tell everyone you know: ‘My happiness depends on me, so you’re off the hook.’ “~Abraham-Hicks
Nobody, absolutely nobody, can determine your freedom for you!
2. Dependence on Circumstances
What do you think needs to happen for you to be free? Commonly, people think that some external shift needs to occur…. and then everything will be OK.
Your external life is a reflection of your internal life!
You cannot count on an external reality to create your internal reality.
Don’t get me wrong, you can do things in life-activities, career, hobbies-that reinforce your freedom, that bring you joy.
But ultimately you can’t experience freedom through the external. It is an inside job.
Stop looking to the external to create your freedom. It’s not in finding the right career, the right partner, and it CERTAINLY is not in that lottery or huge amount of money you desire. Once you feel freedom within, your outer reality will naturally reflect it.
==>REALITY CHECK: You are complete. You don’t need outer circumstances to validate you. All you need is within.
3. Attachment to Mind
This is a biggie. I’ll put another entry together for you someday to go into this further. For now, I’ll say that you give too much power to your mind. In a world where we have revered the intellect, we have lost balance and disconnected from spirit, heart and soul. One of the results is that we believe our minds to be THE go to place for our sense of self and reality. This puts you in a fragmented world. You cannot live freely by identifying with your mind.
When you identify with your mind, you regard your thoughts as the “truth” and feel and act accordingly. Because many of your thoughts are unconscious and limited, you are not free to feel and express the higher and larger truth of who you are.
When you gain perspective about the totality of who you are, you will be free.
==>REALITY CHECK: You are not your mind. You are a soul with a mind.
Love, joy and peace cannot flourish until you have freed yourself from mind dominance. ~Eckhart Tolle
Listen, your true nature is freedom. Decide to claim it. Take the time to unattach yourself from the 3 aspects I’ve named above that get in the way of your freedom and====>>> BE FREE!
Life knows how to live.
How simple is that?
But somewhere along the path, we humans have made things so complicated. We’ve established ways of being that are out of sync with the natural rhythms of life, therefor, we have removed ourselves from the life SOURCE that is our innate and essential nature.
This entry is short and sweet. It’s my first appeal to you to remember that you are here for a purpose, and that is to be alive. Plain and simple.
You have this life source that is you, that expresses through you, yet you may not feel it because you have been “trained” to be seperate from it. Your life may not reflect it, because you were taught to pursue activities and relationships that did not honor your true self.
BUT there’s GOOD NEWS!
It is always possible, in any moment, to re-connect, re-new, and re-establish the ways that put you back in sync with who you are.
Here’s the deal.
You cannot be fully alive without tapping this life source. Call it Spirit, Soul, Universe, God, Goddess, Source, energy… whatever you relate to. There is no “way”. There is only the way to live that puts you in touch with your aliveness. And only you know what that means for you.
Listen, I gotta be candid with you. I reached a point in my life some years back where I absolutely could not, and would not, settle for anything less that feeling fully alive. I resolved to live a life that reflected this realization, and I’m proud and grateful to be where I am today. Joy, peace, contentment, freedom…all a part of my daily reality.
And they can be for you, too.
Stick around!
I am on a mission to inspire and guide you to be fully alive. Let’s make it so.
I have much to share with you. This is your time.
Let’s do this. Let’s be this. Let’s partner in the most important achievement of your life….the success that really is the only success:
Remember, life knows how to live. You are that life. You are designed to be alive.