Just got off the phone with my
phenomenal coach, David Neagle.
I’m digging deep.
I’m illuminating the shadows.
I’m committed beyond me, so I’m willing to do what it takes.
Things feel totally up for grabs.
The spring energies have brought new unexpected twists to my life.
Rather than deny these new bright buds, I am acting in faith.
Feels crazy but feels right!
So, I’m listening & shifting…. bringing forth a whole new level of my message through the New Wealth Consciousness …. as well as birthing other yummy experiences/resources for you yet to be announced.
In the meantime, as the Spring sweeps you clean & invigorates you with new direction, I wrote an article to support your becoming…
“Failure Is NOT An Option”
I’m about to share my “RAH RAH” to set your
head straight about the attitude it takes
to get what you really want.
Cuz you really DO want it, right?
- Extraordinary success.
- Money on your terms.
- Flow of abundance.
- Lifestyle freedom.
- Deep fulfillment.
- Ease in manifesting.
Let me hear your “YES!”
One of the keys?
Adopt a stance that failure is not an option.
First, let me clarify that I don’t believe
in the mass consciousness ideas about
failure. (Well, I really don’t believe in
most mass consciousness ideas, which is part
of why I’m living successfully.)
The mass culture says that if you don’t
get exactly what you want, the way you
think you want it (based on what other
people have told you you should want),
you fail.
But here is the more life-affirming,
abundant position on failure…
Life is FOR you, for your growth.
So whatever transpires – on one level-
is a part of your perfect unfolding.
There is no failure.
There is evolution.
Whenever something happens that you may
be inclined to beat yourself up for because
you failed, try on this instead:
Who will I choose to become through the
mirror that this experience is exposing me to?
Okay. Now on to the next part.
When you set out to manifest what you want,
that’s it. DO NOT let the ideas, insecurities
and insidiousness of your ego distract you
from getting it.
NOW… there’s something worthy of noting here.
You may not receive what you want in the exact
package that you want it in. This is key
to successful manifesting. Your attachment
to what you want being delivered a certain way
may block you from receiving it!
So do keep open & curious about the way
that the Universe will deliver it.
My final (& most important) point about failure NOT being an option=
- When I set out to go to Bali, Peru, Guatemala & Belize, failure was not an option.
- When I decided to create a business that served women & funded my dream life, failure was not an option.
- When I resolved to live in prosperity EVERY day & manifest more and more money, failure was not an option.
Will doubts creep in? Hell yeah.
Will people tell you it’s not possible? Hell yeah.
But stay true to your course!
Eliminate the idea that it can’t or won’t happen.
Eliminate the temptation to play it small to please others.
Hold a position within your WHOLE BEING that failure is not an option.
And it won’t be.