We’re here to make a difference.
That’s why social consciousness and change is interwoven with my business model.
A portion of the income from my programs goes to non-profit organizations that are having a powerful impact in our global community.
So, when you invest in your success through my programs, you’re not only helping yourself, but you’re also helping
support women, girls and families in developing nations.
Isn’t that cool?
As long as I can remember, I’ve held a desire for “a better world”.
I believe in human potential and envision a world restored and flourishing, with greater dignity and balance for all.
I am an idealist, a person who cherishes and pursues high and noble principles, purposes, and goals – a person who represents things as they might or should be rather than as they are.
The world calls for a greater consciousness that includes action derived from knowing our inter-connectedness.
Because I am passionate about financial freedom and wealth consciousness, I choose to give to organizations who focus on alleviating poverty. Education and micro-finance are proven approaches for long term, sustainable change.

The Unstoppable Foundation is a non-profit humanitarian organization bringing sustainable education to children and communities in developing countries thereby creating a safer and more just world for everyone.
We are igniting a social movement of people who are committed to ensuring that every child receives an education and empower individuals with the tools and the platform to raise money and be a part of the solution.
During my event in November 2013, we raised over 10K toward sponsoring a village. We are about half way to our goal!
Please click here if you want to donate==> http://unstoppablefoundation.org/wealthygoddess
I have also been a proud sponsor of the Unstoppable Gala, an annual fundraiser, in 2013 and 2014.

Common Hope works in 26 communities outside of Antigua and Guatemala City, helping more than 11,000 impoverished children and adults create a better life for themselves. Their programs in focus on education, health care, housing, and family development.

When I was in Nigeria, I was introduced to the power of micro-lending.
Since then, I've been giving to Kiva, one of the leading organizations of this proven method for empowerment.
Kiva is a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world.