There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature ~ the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter.”
~Rachel Carson
My teachings regarding living in harmony with the rhythm of life, the Universal laws and nature are not original. I’ve just created systems & programs that make it easy for you to apply to your life and business.
My systems work because, as I’ve said before, life knows how to live.
As humans, part of our task is to get out of the way and let life do its thing. Really, there is much greater ease in the allowing than in the trying.
Winter Solstice is unique among days of the year – the time of the longest night and the shortest day. The Solstice is also a turning point. From now on (until the Summer Solstice), the nights grow shorter and the days grow longer, the dark wanes and the Sun waxes in power.
What can the wisdom of this time offer you?
Most people have a strained, love/hate relationship with the dark. For some, it is scary. For others, a guilt-filled “temptation”. For most, it is associated with being “out of control” in a negative way.
The dark time (within nature, within you) is necessary for the whole cycle and expression of life. The dark encourages time of rest and dreaming. It invites the mystery, which is rich with life when you allow it.
Embracing the darkness & reinventing your relationship with it will increase your aliveness because you will no longer be fighting something that is just a part of life. Make sense?
This time pulls you inward. When you honor this impulse and reflect, meditate and listen, you can tap a gold mine of wisdom. I invite you to surrender to the inner nudges calling you within and let yourself be surprised by the gifts there for you. Yes, it may include insight about letting go and release that needs to occur. The darkness can support you with that.
It is also a sweet time to go deep and gain clarity about your visions, dreams and desires for 2010. Going within, you can answer, “What do I REALLY want?!”
Consult yourself.
Birth begins in darkness, as dawn follows the long night, and spring springs from winter. We must not interrupt the incubation period within us, or force it to bear fruit before its time.” ~Torrey Philemon
Let us remember that new life is created in the womb of darkness, that the seed is planted in the dark beneath the earth.
There is a time, a season for everything. The darkness does contribute to the birth of new life. When you honor this, life becomes easier.
As a deliberate creator, you live intentionally, consciously choosing how to BE in a way that aligns you with what you desire to manifest. You…
Know that there is a greater purpose and rhythm to life.
Understand that in life’s infinite wisdom, it has created the way for you to succeed.
Know you need to listen and to act on the higher laws and principles that ensure that life flourishes.
It’s all there for you. Are you saying yes?
Spiritually-oriented successful women!— If you are interested in learning how to live in harmony with life in a way that allows you to be authentically you, thrive in joy and create prosperity, check out Be Alive 2010. Enrollment is open now, so act soon!
Thanks Kendra, for the encouragement to embrace the darkness. The Winter Solstice is my favorite day of the year!
love, Robyn