I woke feeling DISTURBED!! And I wanted to shake off the unrest. So I went for a walk to mooooove energy. I was agitated and wanted to “get rid” of the feelings.
But not before just being with it. What WAS the nature of my disturbance? What is it trying to tell me?
After getting my groove on — raising my vibes beyond the fear-based thoughts — I could see that it is a DIVINE DISTURBANCE. Born of the urge of life to birth more. Be more.
First, I get my disturbances off my chest.
I’m disturbed that our country still lacks in integritous leadership.
I’m disturbed that people are justifying sexually oppressive behaviors through comparisons of others’ past actions, minimizing the reality that we are in denial about our rape culture.
I’m disturbed by the clear division in essential moral and ethical matters that by now, I’d think we’d have the maturity to be unified in.
I’m disturbed by the egotistical, erosive motives and actions that we have collectively come to except as “normal” and “business as usual”.
But I won’t let it end there! I won’t give my life force to remaining in the pits of my disturbance — casting blame on others and engaging in the battle of persecution.
And here is where another disturbance shakes me.
It’s the disturbance to ME. When I get real about the social climate I deem to be so unworthy of our humanity — so void of the life-affirming principles that could elevate and dignify ALL life…
… I see that I AM required to take greater responsibility. To rise into the next level of my purpose. To be a responsible member of society contributing where and how I can. To examine my own shadows and clean up my past. To face the resistance of change necessary for me to evolve. To make healthy choices that are kind to myself and others.
Some days, like today? Truth be told. I’d rather just stay in the illusion of comfort. I want to cling to what is familiar. I want to NOT have to change another frickn’ thing about me or my life! Please, can’t I just make this someone’s fault?
But the nature of life IS change. And with that the insight came… this is DIVINE DISTURBANCE.
See. Growth disturbs what has been before it. What once was is replaced by what it must become. In order to flourish, life is mandated to release what its known and give itself to the mystery of what it will be.
Ah, yes. If life is not disturbed, it becomes stagnant.
So the DIVINE aspect of this disturbance is simply the sacred urge for life to grow more, become more, evolve more, fulfill more, be more.
With that. I surrender. I let my disturbance be what it is and accept the assignment of growth.
Won’t you join me in some healthy DIVINE DISTURBANCE today?