1) Start With Soul NOT Should.
It’s a total drag and drain to do things from “should”.
Not only that, it’s a set up.
Your intentions and goals are meant to uplift and enrich you.
When you set out to manifest based on the idea that you “should” do it,
or that you are “supposed to” you automatically create a tension and
never-ending tug of war inside.
If you’re serious about creating a magnificent, fulfilling 2011 you
need to get in touch with what you really really want.
Let your spirit and soul inform you of what is alive for you.
(HINT:What feels good? What lights you up? What gets you excited?)
Now, you may be thinking that there are some things that
you want to do that still have “should” attached to them.
Keep in mind that whatever energy you begin with, you
will carry through the experience.
Two great examples that sometimes fit this category:
Paying off debt or losing weight.
Here’s what you can do…
Ask yourself why you want it again and again until you get to
the core of what is alive about it.
Pay off debt.
By asking why I want it on the soul level, I discovered that I want to
pay off debt so I am more free to serve and give generously.
Originally, I was feeling I “should” do it and felt a lot of guilt and
heaviness about it.
Now, I feel compelled and even excited to achieve this goal!
2) Get Clear. Crystal Clear.
No more wishy washy, kinda sorta, wanting and longing!
You MUST be clear.
Choose your top priorities and articulate each one in
a simple, succinct sentence.
Write them out and post in a place you can see daily.
(This takes you from an “I WISH” to an “I AM” stance,
which is instrumental to manifestation).
3) Visualize.
Activate the power of your imagination by visioning what
you want frequently.
Have fun dreaming with and getting into the details of your
ideal developments. (Based on what you identified in Step #1 & #2.)
See it. What is happening? What is going on?
Where are you? Who are you with?
A great way to start this is to create a vision board.
Paste pictures on a board that represent the visions
you are declaring for the year.
Again, put it up in a place you can see it daily.