With all the LOVE hub-bub yesterday, there’s nothing original about me sending you a message on this topic.
I can’t help myself!
See, in just a few days I’ll be blissed out in beautiful Sedona, AZ, leading a group of women on a powerful journey of transformation and freedom.
I started dreaming of offering retreats and workshops in Sedona many, many years ago. 
I dismissed that dream because it felt SOOO goodand SOOO alive, that I didn’t think I could have it.
Let me say that again….
I didn’t think I could have something I truly wanted because it felt good and alive.
Clearly I got over THAT craziness!
But have you?
….Do you still buy into the nutty belief that you can’t really have what you want?
….That you can’t be jumping for joy every day from the goodness in your life?
Well, I’m here to remind you that you CAN have what you truly want!
So, what’s my secret sauce that saved me from feeling down and outdismissing my dreams to saying YES to my bliss and prosperity??
When you start loving yourself, everything changes.
You don’t put up with what you’ve put up with.
Toleration becomes intolerable.
You know you are worthy and deserving.
The idea of not being worthy or deserving becomes a joke.
Your standards for life increase.
Anything less than health and wealth is not suited for your magnificence.
Declare right now that you will love yourself from this moment forward.
- Love yourself enough to say yes to what is alive for you.
- Love yourself enough to let feeling good be your dominant experience.
- Love yourself enough to pursue your dreams.
- Love yourself enough to leap into the unknown as your soul cries “go here”, “try this!”.
- Love yourself enough to prosper.
I’m loving you fiercely so you remember to love yourself!
ps. If your mind chatter is clamoring on with, “yeah, but _____________
(fill in the blank with whatever ugly wart you think makes you unlovable),” just notice it, give thanks and choose to love yourself anyway.
