There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid.” ~Gandhi
“The FEAR Factor: How Fear Sabotages Your
Aliveness & What You Can Do About It” seminar ROCKED!
I know there were a lot of you that weren’t able to make it LIVE, so the recording will be available tomorrow. That way, you can tune in at your convenience. (You have to be signed up to receive the recording ==>
In the meantime, here’s a tidbit of what I shared….
What is the #1 BIG mistake most women make when it comes to fear??
And it’s not.
Fear is just energy. It’s just information.
YOU get to decide what to do with it.
It’s not an automatic “destiny stamp”.
You give it meaning.
So, instead of giving it meaning that prevents you from feeling good and alive, choose meaning so it does.
YOU have the power.
To your aliveness,
Kendra 🙂
ps. I shared an invitation to join Be Alive 2010 on the seminar. There’s a special offer at the end worth up to $1,000 for those who tune in.