She’s the one!
You know the one.
THE one you secretly aspire to be. Or to love.
She’s the one who is wildly UNTAMED, untouched by the game.
Who doesn’t apologize for taking up the fullness of her space.
She’s the one who DARES to be disliked in service to her truth.
Who disobeys the mainstream “order” when it infringes on her well being.
She’s the one who abandoned the RELIGION OF INSECURITY and returned to herself.
Who claims her worth and value again and again, defying the voices of not enough.
She’s the one who TAKES CHARGE of her destiny, never ceasing her quest for the highest most juiciest expression of purpose.
Who bravely says no to lack and yes to abundance.
She’s the one who ROARS for all that is good and sacred.
Who fiercely stands for causes that elevate life.
She OWNS her freedom.
She’s the one.
The one who lives in you… Calling you home to yourself.
With all that I am,
Kendra E Thornbury, MA
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