Check out this stunning picture capturing one of my dreams!
Isn’t it beautiful? Doesn’t it inspire you? Doesn’t it invoke emotion?
You can almost FEEL yourself there as you gaze into the landscape.
You can feel the colors and the vibrancy take you in and stimulate your senses.
THAT is the power of pictures.
Let me be clear… (and I will say it again and again until you we get it!)
… The Universe is designed FOR you to manifest your desires.
Contrary to popular to belief, it doesn’t have to be a struggle.
You don’t have to battle upstream.
You don’t have to remain in a helpless or resentful state of longing as you lament about how far away your dreams are.
One of the *tricks* to get out of struggle and into the stream of manifestation is to USE THE POWER OF IMAGES.
See, I’m all about working smarter, not harder. (More like playing smarter.)
One way to do that is to let proven strategies work FOR you.
Even more specifically, let your subconscious and the POWER OF SUGGESTION work for you.
Here are a few things to know about this:
1) We are highly visual beings
2) The subsconscious creates the majority of your reality and results
3) You have the power to use your subconscious
4) Visuals are one of the fastest ways to create deliberate impressions on your subconscious
With this in mind, as you future gaze and play with the desires dancing in your spirit… USE IMAGES.
Name what you want.
Give yourself permission to have it.
Gather images and post in multiple places.
Spend time every day looking at them.
It’s so EASY to manifest!
I trust this *trick* will accelerate your progress, freeing you from constant “efforting” …
…and put you in close relations with that which makes your soul sing.