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	Comments on: THIS Sabotages Your Attraction Success &#038; 5 Solutions	</title>
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	<description>Wealth From Within</description>
	<lastBuildDate>Wed, 26 Aug 2009 06:46:54 +0000</lastBuildDate>
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		By: The Barking Unicorn		</title>

		<dc:creator><![CDATA[The Barking Unicorn]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Wed, 26 Aug 2009 06:46:54 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.kendrathornbury.com/?p=678#comment-1068</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Kendra, look at what you&#039;re telling people:

1. You&#039;re doing it wrong.
2. There&#039;s something in you that&#039;s wrong.
3. Keep trying until you get rid of what&#039;s wrong.

But bad things will still happen to good people; always will. Look at Jesus. 

If bad things keep happening, then there must still be bad stuff in me. I keep trying and trying to get rid of it and I keep failing, obviously, because bad things still happen to me. I&#039;m a failure. I&#039;m no good. But that&#039;s not true. 

The &quot;law&quot; of attraction is what&#039;s false. It&#039;s only half of the truth and that leaves it a half-lie. The full truth is this:

From every single cause arise *multiple* effects of *both* Yin and Yang, &quot;good&quot; and &quot;bad&quot; natures.

People have known this forever. It&#039;s enshrined in platitudes, and only the most real, universal, truest things survive long enough to become platitudes.

&quot;You can&#039;t make an omelet without breaking eggs.&quot;
&quot;The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.&quot;
&quot;Every silver lining is cast by a cloud.&quot; 
&quot;You have to take the bad with the good.&quot;

This LOA denies half of reality, one side of every coin that we mint with every action. People who believe this &quot;law&quot; is the whole law blame themselves when it just doesn&#039;t work.

Intent doesn&#039;t make any difference. A child beaten vindictively may grow up to be a great philanthropist. A child beaten with &quot;love&quot;, &quot;for his own good&quot;, may grow  up to be a serial killer. Intent does not shape effects. There is no predicting the effects of our actions, except that there always will be both &quot;good&quot; and &quot;bad&quot; effects. 

Karma is Chaos; karma is not Law. There is no law, no order to the Universe. The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.

That&#039;s very hard for people to accept, but it is the theory that best predicts what&#039;s really going to happen:  

No matter what you do, with what intent, both bad and good are going to come of it.

So these five &quot;solutions&quot; of yours to what I&#039;m &quot;doing wrong&quot; are complete wastes of time, energy, worry, and guilt.

Be glad because feeling glad feels better than feeling sad.

Be kind because being kind feels good. Don&#039;t sweat the possibility that the bum may spend your buck on booze instead of food. You were kind to him; feel good and enjoy it.

Expect good things to happen because optimism feels better than fear, not because there&#039;s any possibility of expectations creating good things. Actions create things, and things always come in good and bad multiples.

If you&#039;re glad and kind and optimistic all the time, don&#039;t be surprised when things go wrong anyway. Be prepared.

&quot;Optimism  is believing that things will work out for the best. Confidence is knowing what you&#039;ll do when they don&#039;t.&quot; ~ Max Gunther in &quot;The Zurich Axioms&quot;

Be confident. That feels good too. 

Max also said,

&quot;Chaos is not dangerous until it begins to look orderly.&quot;

The &quot;law&quot; of attraction is a dangerous delusion of order.

Every honest, true thing is simple. The more complex a thing is, the less likely it is to be honest or true. LOA is so complex people need books and DVDS and weekend-long seminars to figure it out. And it still doesn&#039;t work.

Do what makes you feel good, and don&#039;t do what makes you feel bad, inadequate, worried, guilty, frustrated, powerless, etc.

			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Kendra, look at what you&#8217;re telling people:</p>
<p>1. You&#8217;re doing it wrong.<br />
2. There&#8217;s something in you that&#8217;s wrong.<br />
3. Keep trying until you get rid of what&#8217;s wrong.</p>
<p>But bad things will still happen to good people; always will. Look at Jesus. </p>
<p>If bad things keep happening, then there must still be bad stuff in me. I keep trying and trying to get rid of it and I keep failing, obviously, because bad things still happen to me. I&#8217;m a failure. I&#8217;m no good. But that&#8217;s not true. </p>
<p>The &#8220;law&#8221; of attraction is what&#8217;s false. It&#8217;s only half of the truth and that leaves it a half-lie. The full truth is this:</p>
<p>From every single cause arise *multiple* effects of *both* Yin and Yang, &#8220;good&#8221; and &#8220;bad&#8221; natures.</p>
<p>People have known this forever. It&#8217;s enshrined in platitudes, and only the most real, universal, truest things survive long enough to become platitudes.</p>
<p>&#8220;You can&#8217;t make an omelet without breaking eggs.&#8221;<br />
&#8220;The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.&#8221;<br />
&#8220;Every silver lining is cast by a cloud.&#8221;<br />
&#8220;You have to take the bad with the good.&#8221;</p>
<p>This LOA denies half of reality, one side of every coin that we mint with every action. People who believe this &#8220;law&#8221; is the whole law blame themselves when it just doesn&#8217;t work.</p>
<p>Intent doesn&#8217;t make any difference. A child beaten vindictively may grow up to be a great philanthropist. A child beaten with &#8220;love&#8221;, &#8220;for his own good&#8221;, may grow  up to be a serial killer. Intent does not shape effects. There is no predicting the effects of our actions, except that there always will be both &#8220;good&#8221; and &#8220;bad&#8221; effects. </p>
<p>Karma is Chaos; karma is not Law. There is no law, no order to the Universe. The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.</p>
<p>That&#8217;s very hard for people to accept, but it is the theory that best predicts what&#8217;s really going to happen:  </p>
<p>No matter what you do, with what intent, both bad and good are going to come of it.</p>
<p>So these five &#8220;solutions&#8221; of yours to what I&#8217;m &#8220;doing wrong&#8221; are complete wastes of time, energy, worry, and guilt.</p>
<p>Be glad because feeling glad feels better than feeling sad.</p>
<p>Be kind because being kind feels good. Don&#8217;t sweat the possibility that the bum may spend your buck on booze instead of food. You were kind to him; feel good and enjoy it.</p>
<p>Expect good things to happen because optimism feels better than fear, not because there&#8217;s any possibility of expectations creating good things. Actions create things, and things always come in good and bad multiples.</p>
<p>If you&#8217;re glad and kind and optimistic all the time, don&#8217;t be surprised when things go wrong anyway. Be prepared.</p>
<p>&#8220;Optimism  is believing that things will work out for the best. Confidence is knowing what you&#8217;ll do when they don&#8217;t.&#8221; ~ Max Gunther in &#8220;The Zurich Axioms&#8221;</p>
<p>Be confident. That feels good too. </p>
<p>Max also said,</p>
<p>&#8220;Chaos is not dangerous until it begins to look orderly.&#8221;</p>
<p>The &#8220;law&#8221; of attraction is a dangerous delusion of order.</p>
<p>Every honest, true thing is simple. The more complex a thing is, the less likely it is to be honest or true. LOA is so complex people need books and DVDS and weekend-long seminars to figure it out. And it still doesn&#8217;t work.</p>
<p>Do what makes you feel good, and don&#8217;t do what makes you feel bad, inadequate, worried, guilty, frustrated, powerless, etc.</p>