I’m basking in the final days of my 3 week adventure in glorious Kauai.
The Wealthy Goddess Mastery Retreat was a huge success. Women received “over and above” what they expected.
My VIP days were all the rave, with breakthroughs galore.
And I’ve taken personal time to receive the beauty and spirit this island has to offer.
The joy, abundance and fulfillment you see here in my being and within my clients is possible for you, too.
To achieve it, you MUST do this thing…. read on to discover what it is.
HINT: The greater risk in life is to NOT risk. Oh…and, you’ll get to enjoy fun pics that took me and a client to our EDGE!
“’Come to the edge.’ ‘We can’t. We’re afraid.’ ‘Come to the edge.’ ‘We can’t. We will fall!’ ‘Come to the edge.’ And they came. And he pushed them. And they flew. ~Guillaume Apollinaire
There’s just no way you can move into the next glorious version of your purpose and prosperity without taking risks and going to “the edge”.
When it comes to being fully alive and operating at our highest potential, seeking out the experiences that expand you is a must.
Otherwise you become stuck in the same ole’, same ole’. Your habits, patterns, thinking and choices become a ritual of familiarity.
Mixing it up with new experiences, new perspectives and new ways of being keeps you fresh and clear to receive new life and new abundance.
It ensures that you are growing into the consciousness necessary and equal to the manifestations you desire to call in.
It’s been reported in interviews with people who are 40 + that as they look back in life, they wish they’d have taken more risks and settled less.
- Are you settling?
- Are you playing it safe?
- Are you going along with the status quo?
- Are you spending more time preserving your safety and soothing your fears than you are seeking out the aliveness your soul desires?
Here’s the deal.
When you pursue the YES of your spirit, when you put yourself out there in some meaningful way, you are VERY likely to experience some version of fear (if not terror).
The KEY is to not stop because of this. No way!
You need to understand that that “OH SHIT” factor is actually an indication you are doing something right.
Point in case.
My fabulous client Megan Walrod.
I just had a VIP Personal Retreat with her in Kauai.
Prior to her day with me, she sent me a brave request to experience her edge.
(I personalize my clients’ VIP days to ensure the best.)
Her message included this:
“I want to experience a physical adventure that takes me beyond my comfort zone. I want to have an experience of me that surprises me and shows me what else is possible. I want to have one of those HOLY SHIT experiences that wakes me up to greater power.”
So what did we do? ZIP LINING!
It was a thrill for both of us. Not only did it take her to new places, it challenged me as well. See, I have a “thing” about heights and it felt vulnerable to traverse my edges with a client present.
Through out the day, we wove in intentionality, creating an experience that not only helped her play in the edgy spaces necessary to grow… but drew in specific understandings of how what was unfolding directly will help her business and financial success.
To me Megan is a shining example of how to actively seek out the edges and take risks in service to being full-on-purpose and abundantly alive!
One of the intriguing aspects of this whole thing is that innately, there is part of you that is risk averse. A part of you fears the vulnerability of putting yourself on the line. In fact, advances in brain imaging technology can now verify that we human beings are wired to be risk averse.
The status quo, while not the most satisfying or fulfilling route, becomes the default in service to safety.
But…. do you REALLY want to lead a life that’s about self-preservation?
I think in these times, as we evolve from survival consciousness to what I call THRIVAL consciousness, part of what we need is to recognize is that old defense mechanisms are no longer necessary. We can get beyond the survival mentality, take down the guards and welcome the joy and abundance that is our true nature.
So, my challenge to you = Go to your edge and risk!
Here are some tips to help you:
1) Identify what you are scared of and objectively evaluate (not emotionally) if they are really true. What are you afraid of? Rejection? Failure? Ridicule? Losing security?
2) Recognize that most likely, you are exaggerating the consequences of taking a risk. You are projecting your fears and expecting a catastrophe that is highly unlikely to happen.
3) Seriously evaluate the consequences of NOT going to your edge and taking the risk. Like really, honestly. Be real with yourself, are you willing to live with those?
4) Get out of denial about the costs of not taking risks. Honestly identify, what are the costs of NOT risking? How is playing it safe effecting your health, your relationships, your finances? Over time, how will that impact your quality of life?
5) Expand your capacity to be uncomfortable. Growth can be terrifying, the unknown can illicit insecurity and breakthroughs can be messy. Strengthen your ability to BE in these uncertain and messy places. They are normal and necessary.
6) Embrace the greater truth that the Universe never gives you more than you can handle and that you are actually a powerful being always equipped to navigate the terrain of expansion.
7) Get the right support. Having a mentor, coach and/or circle of trusted advisers is instrumental to feeling held through the process.
8) Build and sustain your sense of security from something bigger than circumstances. When you have the strength, courage and faith that arises from connecting with Source/Spirit, you are less likely to be thrown off your center and more able to feel the “Divine at your back”.
9) Adopt a spirit of adventure and curiosity.
10) Throw caution to the wind, lighten up and take the leap!
Megan taking a leap at a waterfall during our day.
And here’s my leap!
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~Anaïs Nin